A Fresh Start for Queensland
The LNP’s campaign has officially launched today, unveiling a plan for a Fresh Start for Queensland to end Labor’s Youth Crime, Health, Housing and Cost of Living Crises.
The LNP has also today announced the final plank in its crime plan, Detention With Purpose, which will reform youth detention by shifting the focus to rehabilitation through more discipline, education and consequences for action.
The LNP’s Right Plan for Queensland’s Future, will deliver our state much-needed change including:
LNP Leader David Crisafulli said next Saturday’s election was a referendum on Queensland’s Youth Crime, Health, Housing and Cost of Living Crises.
“The LNP has the Right Plan and will deliver a Fresh Start for Queensland if voters choose change next Saturday,” Mr Crisafulli.
“After a decade of Labor, time’s up. Queensland needs change. We can’t risk another four years of Labor and more of the same crisis.
“Deals between Labor, the extreme Greens and the minor parties would make Queensland’s problems with youth crime, cost of living, health and housing even worse.
“On Saturday, voters can give Queensland the change it needs by voting 1 LNP. Only the LNP will deliver A Fresh Start for Queensland.”