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JOINT STATEMENT: Tim Nicholls, Queensland Leader of the LNP and Gary Spence, Queensland President of the LNP

20th February 2017

On Thursday, the State Executive of the Queensland Liberal National Party unanimously endorsed the following position.

The Liberal National Party will not enter a coalition with One Nation.

We are a party that brings together two proud traditions – Liberal and National. That means voters get the best of both traditions. Our commitment is that we will work for Queenslanders to ensure a better future, now and for their children.

It is clear the Liberal National Party is the only conservative party that can fix Labor’s mess.

Our values are clear – we will put Queensland First, we believe in personal responsibility, freedom of the individual, in small business, a society with loving families at its foundation and a Government that works for Queenslanders, not vested interests, big business or the union movement.

Queenslanders know - that if they vote for a minor party they will return a do nothing Labor Government. After just one week in Parliament One Nation has already voted to support the Labor Government – you can’t get a clearer example than that.

The only way to ensure we don’t have another do-nothing Labor government is to put the LNP first.

Additionally, the matter of preferences will be decided by the State Executive on a seat by seat basis, in close consultation with candidates and members.

A decision on preferences will not be made until we see the full list of candidates in every seat, bearing in mind the names of new seats and their boundaries are still not known.

The Liberal National Party will go through a process of evaluating the candidates seeking election and go from there. We will not preference people who don’t agree with our values.

For instance, the Greens, who want to shut down the coal industry in Queensland – they are against our values. One Nation has already lost four candidates – so we are not even sure who will be standing for them.

Importantly, preferences are not an endorsement – voters will be forced to preference because Annastacia Palaszczuk changed the rules to ensure Labor received Greens preferences.

Together we commit to working diligently every day until the election and beyond to convince Queenslanders that an LNP Government is their best option for a Better Queensland.