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LNP protects Queensland children

20th February 2017
  • LNP is fighting to ensure that Mason’s Law will come into effect on 1 July 2017
  • Now mandatory for childcare workers to report suspected child abuse under LNP laws
  • LNP calls on Palaszczuk government to ensure training is rolled out to every childcare worker in Queensland

Queensland’s youngest and most vulnerable will be better protected when the LNP’s Mason’s Law comes into effect later this year.

Shadow Minister for Education Tracy Davis said the Child Protection (Mandatory Reporting – Mason’s Law) Amendment Bill 2016 made it mandatory for all childcare workers in Queensland to report suspected cases of child abuse.

“Mason’s Law is about taking every possible step to protect a child’s wellbeing and safety while providing them with the opportunity to receive an education and lead a happy and healthy life,” Ms Davis said.

“These laws will provide our hardworking childcare workers with the processes they require to report suspected violence or abuse against children and that’s why it was so important that we introduced this law into the Queensland parliament.

“By introducing mandatory reporting the LNP has taken crucial steps in detecting serious cases of child abuse that may otherwise go unnoticed.”

Ms Davis said the Palaszczuk Government must not drag its feet.

“We need to make sure that the Labor Government implement these crucial laws and protect the rights of our children,” Ms Davis said.

“We know there has been enormous take up of this training and want to ensure this is rolled out to every childcare worker across the state so that our children remain protected.

“The Palaszczuk Government is often slow on implementation but we are focused on pursuing the issue to make sure Mason’s Law is fully and properly implemented in July.”

Ms Davis said the new laws owed much to the hard work and dedication of John and Sue Sandeman.

“Tragically, John and Sue lost their grandson Mason in 2011 and since then they have been working tirelessly for the introduction of laws to protect children,” she said.

“I am incredibly pleased that the LNP team was able to support John and Sue to strengthen our child protection system.”