The LNP has today announced a Public Child Sex Offender Register will be introduced under a Crisafulli LNP Government, to ensure the safety of our State’s children.
The laws have been driven by child safety advocates Bruce and Denise Morcombe and will be known as “Daniel’s Law” with a three-tiered system:
Importantly, new offences will be created to prevent the misuse of any information from the register.
Any actions against someone on the register should only ever be handled by police, for the safety of everyone.
The Register follows the LNP’s major $383 million Safer Children, Safer Communities policy which will reform the broken Child Safety system and protect our State’s most vulnerable children.
Labor has failed to keep kids safe in Queensland – that’s why an LNP Government will take real action against perpetrators.
LNP Leader David Crisafulli said Daniel’s Law would protect children and put the rights of children, victims and parents ahead of the rights of dangerous predators.
“My LNP team and I are focused on reducing the number of crime victims in Queensland and if this register protects just one child from becoming a victim, it is a decision we must make,” Mr Crisafulli said.
“The LNP’s Public Child Sex Offender Register will protect our state’s children and create a stronger system to restore safety where you live.
“Government must create the legal and administrative framework in which reform can occur and the safety of children can be promoted.
“Our objective is to keep our community safe – particularly for our children who often don’t have the ability to protect themselves.
“It’s part of our plan to put the rights of victims ahead of the rights of perpetrators and restore safety where you live.
“I’d also like to acknowledge the advocacy of the Morcombe family who through unimaginable tragedy have fought to keep children safe.
“These law changes will be attributed to an innocent young boy from the Sunshine Coast and forever known as Daniel’s Law.”
The three-tiered system has been supported and implemented in other Australian States.
Shadow Minister for Child Protection, Amanda Camm said Labor’s actions proved Child Safety reform was not a priority after failing to act to keep kids safe for the past decade.
“We need to do all we can to keep our children safe and Daniel’s Law is a great step towards a safer community,” Ms Camm said.
“Only the LNP has the Right Plan for Queensland’s Future, which includes providing parents the critical resources needed to keep their children safe.”
Shadow Minister for Police and Community Safety Dan Purdie said the Register was a necessary step towards better community safety, which Labor has neglected for a decade.
“Every parent has the right to know if their children are at risk from a high-risk child sex offender,” Mr Purdie said.
“Queensland is the crime capital of the country because of Labor’s watered-down laws.
“The LNP has a plan to restore safety where you live, which includes protecting our most vulnerable Queenslanders and preventing crime.
“We know there are thousands of registered sex offenders across Queensland and only a small number of police are assigned to monitor them because our police are under-resourced.
“We will give police the laws and resources they need to do their job, including the Making Queensland Safer Laws.”
New data analysis spells F-A-I-L for Labor
The Palaszczuk-Miles Government has failed teachers across our State.
Shocking new data analysis by the LNP Opposition has revealed WorkCover claims submitted by Queensland teachers have exploded under Labor.
Shockingly, teacher WorkCover claims have soared by an eye-watering 135% under the Palaszczuk-Miles Labor Government.
Queensland teachers have never been less safe in our schools with the cost of these claims skyrocketing by $46.88 million over the past decade.
The latest data shows as of March this year, the total cost of WorkCover Claims reached almost $72 million with the state on track to record one of our worst years on record.
These alarming figures expose the growing Education Crisis that is harming hardworking Queenslanders.
Shadow Education Minister Dr Christian Rowan said if teachers can’t even feel safe at work, is it any wonder they’re frustrated and leaving in droves?
“Our State’s education system is in chaos and crisis under Labor,” Dr Rowan said.
“All teachers, students, parents and school staff should feel safe in schools, and feel safe in their workplace.
“There must be a zero-tolerance approach to violence in our schools.
“Labor has simply stopped listening to frontline teachers and staff who are being subjected to significant physical and psychological safety concerns, including from increasing rates of online abuse.
“Students, parents, teachers and school staff deserve so much better.
“We will continue to raise the alarm on Queensland’s education crisis until change occurs, but the only way for that to happen is if Queenslanders show Labor the door in 2024.
“Only the LNP has the Right Plan for Queensland’s future, including boosting student-to-teacher ratios in schools and cracking-down on inexcusable violence.”
The LNP has today announced a major plan and critical funding package to ensure the ongoing future of the Mossman Mill that underpins this proud sugar community.
A Crisafulli LNP Government would make a historic $12.5 million investment to deliver immediate support for next year’s crop while planning for the long-term success of Mossman’s sugar industry.
Labor has made it clear they plan to abandon Mossman’s cane industry in the hope of finding another untested option.
The LNP’s plan includes a commitment to work with growers, the industry and the community to ensure a long-term future for the Mill and town.
The LNP’s plan will protect local jobs.
Under the plan, a Crisafulli LNP Government would redirect money allocated by Labor for the shutdown of the cane industry to assist the viability of the Mill to improve productivity, transport efficiency or retrofit the Mill for future uses.
A guarantee will also be put in place to ensure next year’s crop can be transported to and harvested at Gordonvale, and failing a new investor coming forth this year, will provide certainty for growers to plan and invest in next year’s crop.
A $500,000 funding package will also be allocated to Canegrowers Queensland to lead new industry development, expansion and increase grower profitability and productivity, bolstering the long-term viability of the local industry.
LNP Leader David Crisafulli said he would not allow over 100 years of cane growing history in Mossman to be erased by Labor without a fight.
“My team will not give up on the Mossman Mill that underpins this proud community,” Mr Crisafulli said.
“Our team’s historic investment will give growers the certainty they need to fertilise and to plan next year’s harvest.
“It also gives potential buyers of the Mossman Mill confidence that they will have product to crush come the 2026 season and beyond.
“Labor may want to give up on an industry that has employed thousands of locals over many generations that still has so much to give the local economy in the coming decades, but I won’t.
“It is paramount this proud sugar town can continue its farming tradition into the future.
“The LNP’s commitment today is a flag in the ground demonstrating we care about Mossman and we want to secure its future as a cane growing hub for North Queensland.
“We will also partner with Canegrowers Queensland to develop an industry led FNQ Cane Expansion Plan.
“This plan will integrate industry knowledge around farming systems and grower engagement to re-build productivity in Far North Queensland and safeguard the industry for years to come.
“This plan will drive research and development, on farm best practice adoption and grower leadership, to improve crop performance and develop a regional strategy for productivity growth in Far North Queensland.”
The LNP’s $12.5 million commitment includes the remainder of the almost $6 million of funding Labor wants to use for its ‘transition plan’ to wind down the Mill and find a yet to be proven new industry for the town.
Mr Crisafulli said the choice for the Mossman community at the upcoming election was stark.
“The choice in the upcoming election is clear. It’s a choice between a Labor Party which thinks the Mossman cane industry is dead, or an LNP which thinks the industry’s best days are ahead of it.”
LNP Candidate for Cook David Kempton said the LNP’s commitment provided a lifeline to the Mossman Community at a time growers were uncertain about what their futures would hold.
“I have heard from so many local growers worried that under Labor their kids will not have the same opportunities they had working on the family cane farm,” Mr Kempton said.
“The LNP’s commitment today is a clear vote of confidence in the Mossman Community, we believe in sugar communities like Mossman, and we want to see its economy sustained for years to come.”
The LNP has today announced a major $383 million Safer Children, Safer Communities policy, with a plan to reform the broken Residential Care system and protect our State’s most vulnerable children.
Labor has failed to keep our most vulnerable kids safe and without guidance, discipline and support, an increasing number of children have fallen into Queensland’s Youth Crime Crisis.
Currently, 11,810 children are living away from home under the care of Child Safety with 1,955 children in Residential Care, including 358 under 10 years of age.
As part of Child Safety Week, the LNP has announced the significant Safer Children, Safer Communities plan to repair the broken system and stop Residential Care being a halfway house for kids cycling through detention.
By restoring and significantly strengthening support and parental care, the plan ensures children who first come into contact with the Child Safety system receive the critical support and intervention they need to turn their lives around, before they head down a path of youth crime.
The LNP’s Safer Children, Safer Communities plan will boost child safety officers by 20% to end skyrocketing caseloads and ensure safety tip-offs about kids at risk are investigated on-time to keep them safe.
Currently under Labor, many Residential Care facilities only have one worker at any time, with little oversight and inability to provide focused care for children.
A Crisafulli LNP Government would deliver a new dual carer model with two carers working at Residential Care facilities 24hrs a day, providing safety, restoring behavioural consequences for children and ensuring they are attending school.
To put an end to Residential Care being a funnel into a life of crime, all Residential Care facilities would be working with the new dual carer model by end of 2030.
The LNP will deliver a Queensland-first SecureCare facility by 2028 to provide safe care to children who are a danger to themselves and others, and a new $27 million professional foster care pilot for children whose complex needs can’t be met in Residential Care.
An additional $1500 will be provided for every child in out-of-home care for sports, music, tutoring or other educational and extracurricular activities to keep them connected with communities and build the skills for life.
A new independent complaints review process will be established to escalate serious concerns about complex cases and restore critical support for families and carers.
LNP Leader David Crisafulli said for too long out-of-home care had failed to provide vulnerable Queensland children with the parental care and support they needed, which was driving up youth crime.
“The LNP’s Safer Children, Safer Communities plan will protect our state’s most vulnerable children and repair the broken system that’s putting communities at risk,” Mr Crisafulli said.
“The LNP will reform Child Safety with an emphasis on personal responsibility, attending school and extracurricular activities, access to employment and training opportunities for older children, and a focus on transitioning to foster care so residential care isn’t an end destination.
“With 58% of children under youth justice supervision having contact with Child Safety in the previous five years, it’s clear the broken system is acting as a youth crime pipeline.
“Child Safety staff are increasingly stretched beyond capacity, unable to deliver the focus and attention needed to keep children in their care safe.
“What’s worse, supervision and discipline haven’t been a priority, many kids aren’t attending school regularly and there’s no consequences for this behaviour.
“The LNP will restore safety by returning discipline, consequences and supervision to the heart of government care and end the pipeline into crime to give every child the chance for a bright future.”
Shadow Minister for Child Protection, Amanda Camm said Labor had shown Child Safety reform was not a priority for the decade old Government after failing to act on the Residential Care Review they only commissioned after intense pressure from the LNP.
“The LNP is committed to providing the tools for a brighter future for all young people, no matter their background,” Ms Camm said.
“Shockingly, Labor admitted during Budget Estimates they don’t know when kids in their care go missing or how regularly they’re attending school.
“Child Safety should be an opportunity to provide kids the care and opportunities they need, engaging them with the education and skills to live productive lives in our communities, which is what the LNP will do.
“Only the LNP has the Right Plan for Queensland’s Future, which includes fixing the broken Child Safety system to prevent vulnerable kids heading down a path of crime.”
PeakCare’s Chief Executive Tom Allsop said the LNP’s commitment to reform the child protection system directly showed the LNP had listened and was acting on what frontline workers, children, and families say is needed to create a better system.
“PeakCare has long called for these commitments and the opportunities they will bring for reforming Queensland’s child protection system, today’s announcement is an important step,” Mr Allsop said.
“Time and time again frontline workers across Queensland have said having effective SecureCare services with appropriate safeguards will save lives.
“Investing in the frontline workers who turn up every day for children and families in need is how we are going to make a real difference now and in the future.
“It is how we are going to help keep more children safe and put more Queensland families back on a pathway to prosperity.
“At a time in Queensland when there are almost 2,000 children in residential care, of which a third are under 12 years, and alarming reductions in the capacity of foster carers right across the state, PeakCare calls on all parties to match these historic commitments and publicly announce what they intend to do to reform Queensland’s current child protection system.”
The LNP will fund a major expansion of a successful pathways program for resources and STEM, to secure valuable skilled workers for regional Queensland.
The Queensland Minerals and Energy Academy, already operating at 100 schools, will expand to a further 50 schools under the LNP’s pledge, providing better pathways into tertiary education and vocational training for young Queenslanders.
The commitment is part of the LNP’s Right Plan for Queensland’s Future and will deliver a $2 million boost to the Academy, as well as a $500,000 injection to boost the number of women in operating and technical roles.
LNP Leader David Crisafulli said the Queensland Minerals and Energy Academy played a critical role in developing a secure pipeline of skilled workers for the resources sector, which employs more than 50,000 Queenslanders.
“The LNP is committed to securing and skilling the workforce of the future, with the Queensland Minerals and Energy Academy, to protect jobs in our regional economic centres like Mackay and across the State,” Mr Crisafulli said.
“This program opens the eyes of young Queenslanders to the opportunities in science, technology, engineering and maths – right here on our own soil.
“Not only does it provide a clear pathway into STEM and resources employment, it also provides the training needed to put more tradies into work sooner.
“The investment and hubs will support local educators to be embedded in the community, instead of relying on the fly in, fly out model.
“That means local educators, teaching local students to protect and create local jobs in their local communities.
“The LNP’s commitment will reduce reliance on hiring from overseas or interstate, instead we’ll develop our own home-grown talent.
“More than one in five Queenslanders who participate in the Academy go on to study engineering or in technology-related fields, with many others opting to progress into vocational training.
“We will help empower the next generation of workers and bolster the critical minerals industry with the employees to shoulder the growing mountain of opportunity in our State.”
Shadow Minister for Natural Resources and Mines Dale Last said the Queensland Minerals and Energy Academy was part of the Right Plan for regional Queensland’s Future.
“Queensland businesses are hungry for more skilled workers and locking-in a reliable pipeline of minerals and energy workers secures economic prosperity for regional Queensland,” Mr Last said.
“More than 15,000 Queensland businesses rely on skilled young Queensland workers and the Academy will be just one of the opportunities to help secure this pipeline.
“This is key to helping regional Queensland realise its full economic potential in the decade ahead.
“The mining and energy sector will continue to be pivotal to Queensland’s prosperity and success, this will help ensure we have the jobs to match the opportunities.
“The Queensland Minerals and Energy Academy will provide a pathway for traditional sectors including coal and gas, as well as the emerging critical minerals and energy jobs of the future.
“While Labor has failed to understand the importance of growing a skilled workforce for our future, the LNP will invest to grow regional Queensland’s opportunities.
“Only the LNP has the Right Plan for Queensland’s Future, including working harder for Queenslanders.”
One year ago today, Senior Labor MP Don Brown angered Queenslanders after he described Labor’s Crime Crisis as “a media beat up.”
Deputy Leader of the Opposition Jarrod Bleijie said the comments have come back to haunt the Labor Government, after the latest police statistics revealed the full extent of Labor’s Crime Crisis.
Shockingly, since Don Brown made the comments, other Labor MPs have repeated the claims.
“Does Premier Steven Miles agree with Don Brown’s comments?” Mr Bleijie said.
“Don Brown’s comments were offensive, arrogant, pig-headed and a smear against every victim of crime.
“The LNP has been inundated with horror stories from victims across Queensland.
“Labor watered-down laws ten years ago and created a generation of untouchables and Labor is refusing to acknowledge they created the Crime Crisis."
Across Queensland, since the Palaszczuk-Miles Government came to power:
“In Don Brown’s own region in the Redlands, assaults, stolen cars and robbery have soared at an alarming rate", Mr Bleijie said.
“Labor is in chaos and crisis and Queenslanders no longer trust Labor to fix the Queensland Youth Crime Crisis.
“Only the LNP has the Right Plan for Queensland’s Future and that includes making our community safer.
“The Making Queensland Safer Laws will be law by the end of the year if Queenslanders vote for change at the October election.
“Our Adult Crime, Adult Time policy will restore consequences for actions with youth offenders held accountable for their crimes, with the ability to receive the same sentences as adults committing the same crimes.
“Only the LNP will makes changes to the Youth Justice Act including, removing detention as a last resort and enshrining in legislation the rights of victims ahead of those of offenders.
“The LNP will restore consequences for actions to our youth crime laws and send a strong message that if you commit a serious crime you will pay with adult time.
“Queenslanders deserve better.
“Nothing will change unless the government changes in October.”