On-line Office | How Deb can Support You

How Deb can Support You

As your local State Member, Deb can offer a range of services. Please contact the Nanango Electorate Office on 4190 7100 for assistance with any of the following:

Raise an issue with Deb

If there is a State Government issue you would like to raise with Deb, please phone the Electorate office or email your enquiry to nanango@parliament.qld.gov.au.

As a guide, here are the main areas of responsibility at our State Government level:

Monthly E-Newsletter

You can sign up for my monthly e-newsletter to keep up to date with the latest news for our Community and State Government. Just fill out the subscription box on the home page.


Congratulatory messages

If you, a relative or close friend is celebrating a significant birthday (90 or 100) or wedding anniversary (50, 60, 65 or 70) Deb can arrange for a congratulatory message to be sent. Please visit the Qld Government web portal to download the forms and return it them to our office via our email nanango@parliament.qld.gov.au, or in person.


Queensland flags

Most organisations and not-for-profit or community groups, are eligible for a free Queensland flag. Those eligible include schools, tertiary institutions, Scouts, youth organisations, service associations such as Rotary and Lions, welfare and ethnic organisations, sporting clubs, historical societies, museums, show societies, local fire brigades etc.


Letters of support for grant applications

If you need a letter of support for your funding grant application, please contact the office with the details of your organisation’s application. For more details about Queensland Government Grants, see our page on Grants.


Queensland Parliament House tour bookings

Tours of Parliament House can be fun and informative, not just for school children but adults as well. BBQs and morning teas can be arranged too. If you wish to organise a tour, please contact the Electorate Office. If Deb is in Parliament on the day she may be able to meet your group and make your visit even more informative. If you want to find more information directly from Parliament House please click visit the Queensland Parliament website.


Electoral enrolment

If you need to enrol to vote for the first time or you have changed addresses you will need to fill out an electoral enrolment form. Forms are available at the Nanango Electorate Office or can be downloaded through the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) website (you can also enrol online). The AEC manages enrolments in federal, state and local government elections.


Do you want to be a JP or Commissioner for Declarations?

Justices of the Peace and Commissioners for Declarations are highly-respected members of the community who play an important role in modern society. They are voluntary workers in Queensland’s legal system and perform a range of judicial and administrative functions. In a complex legal environment these people provide a variety of specialised services to the legal system and the Queensland public. Deb is able to nominate community members who wish to become JP's. Just drop your documents into the Electorate Office.

The duties of a JP (Qualified) are more onerous than those of a Commissioners for Declarations. If you would like more information please go to the Attorney-Geneal and Justice website.


How to Find a JP

If you need the services of a JP, the Department of Attorney General and Justice  provides an on-line listing of JP's around Queensland.

JP's in the Community was launched in 2003 for Justices of the Peace (JPs) and Commissioners for Declarations (C.decs) to volunteer their services at community venues across the state.

This program has grown rapidly to more than 160 sites throughout Queensland and around 2200 JPs and C.decs volunteering their services to witness documents. This community service is a convenient way to obtain the signature of a JP or C.dec.

JPs in the Community signing locations can be found at various venues throughout Queensland including: