Crucial mine safety laws currently before the Parliament must be passed this sitting week.
LNP Shadow Minister for Natural Resources and Mines Dale Last called on the Palaszczuk Labor Government to get on with the job and pass these important mine safety amendments within the Resources Safety and Health Queensland Bill 2019.
“Last week the parliament began debating these laws but all of the sudden the Bill was delayed without explanation,” Mr Last said.
“It was extraordinary that on a week where the government released the long-awaited reports into mining fatalities and accidents, that laws to improve mine safety were put on ice.
“The reports highlighted the Palaszczuk Labor Government and the mining industry both need to lift their game when it comes to safety.
“It was made very clear that without a full inquiry into mine safety, Queenslanders will continue to die and be injured in our mines and quarries.
“The LNP will continue its call for a full Parliamentary inquiry.
“If these mine safety laws fail to pass this week, it’s further proof that Labor has its priorities all wrong.
“While resource workers and their families are concerned about the safety regime, Labor are only focused on themselves.”