The incompetence of Labor’s Agriculture and Fisheries Minister Mark Furner to lead Queensland’s agricultural industry has again been exposed following his latest backflip around farmers having access to weapons and armourers during the COVID-19 health crisis.
LNP Shadow Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries Tony Perrett said the anxiety caused by Minister Furner’s inability to do his job and stop the closure of weapon armourers was proof that the Premier should sack him.
“Farmers are needed now more than ever to produce food and fibre and they rely on firearms in the management of their land, but Minister Furner repeatedly forgets this,” Mr Perrett said.
“This shows how out of touch the Palaszczuk Labor Government is with regional Queensland.
“Earlier this month Minister Furner was caught-out allowing funds for the Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority (QRIDA) administered sustainability and first-start loans to dry up, well before the start of the new financial year.
“The LNP was able to apply parliamentary and political pressure which ensured additional funds were made available to support Queensland farmers during this difficult time.
“For 134 days, Minister Furner attacked the LNP’s plan to put smart drumlines into the marine park area, played politics with swimmers’ safety and put tourism jobs at risk, but thankfully common sense prevailed as a result of political pressure by the LNP.
“This is the same Palaszczuk Minister who committed $5 million of state funding to match the federal government’s commitment to tackle the spread of prickly acacia, and then failed to provide the funding when it came time for the State Government to pay up.
“The same Minister who is cutting $50 million in drought support right in the middle of a drought from 1 July 2020.
“Queensland’s Agriculture training colleges too have been closed under Minister Furner’s watch without a proper plan to restore skills and training back into our states vital agricultural sector.
“Bungle after bungle and repeated tone-deaf decisions should be enough to see Furner sacked.
“How many times does this incompetent Minister have to stuff up before he is sacked.
“Surely there is someone else who can at least be across their brief and stand up for Queensland farmers.
“Annastacia Palaszczuk is the weakest Premier in Queensland history.
“It’s time for Furner to go for good.
“Only the LNP understands the value of agriculture, creating jobs and the essential services that are needed to keep food on the table of Queensland families.”
Queensland is missing out on crucial legislation to combat coronavirus and make communities safer through Labor’s refusal to hold Parliament.
LNP Leader Deb Frecklington said Queensland Parliament was meant to sit today but Labor had handed the Speaker of Parliament – appointed by Labor – the sole power to close down Parliament.
“Parliament should have been sitting today with appropriate precautions so we can fix Labor’s soft youth crime laws,” Ms Frecklington said.
“Crime doesn’t stop because of coronavirus and neither should the Parliament.
“Crucial laws to prevent tenants from being evicted for the next six months should also have been on the table in Parliament this week.
“Queenslanders must be able to keep a roof over their heads during this health crisis.
“Retirement village operators have also been loud and clear on the need for changes to legislation to be able to respond to the coronavirus and enforce social distancing to protect the health and wellbeing of their residents.
“These measures could be in place today but the Palaszczuk Labor Government is missing in action.”
Ms Frecklington said sending Queenslanders to the polls on Saturday but calling off Parliament today was a double standard and anti-democratic.
“The Premier needs to open Parliament and let us fix Labor’s youth crime crisis, protect tenants from being evicted and improve the health and safety of the elderly,” Ms Frecklington said
“The LNP is ready to do whatever it takes to ensure the government can continue to sit with appropriate precautions to pass the laws Queensland needs right now.”
The Palaszczuk Labor Government has used the cover of coronavirus to release a damning report showing shocking escalations of crime across almost every category.
LNP Shadow Minister for Police Trevor Watts said the 2018-19 Crime Report, Queensland showed increases in homicides, assaults, robbery, drug offences, unlawful entry, breaches of domestic violence orders and unlawful use of a motor vehicle*.
“These damning statistics don’t lie – Labor has lost control of law and order in Queensland and it started the day Annastacia Palaszczuk became Premier,” Mr Watts said.
“Increasing crime means our communities are becoming less safe to live in and raise a family under Labor.
“Labor is soft on crime and more people are becoming victims of robbery, assault and sexual violence.
“Communities across Queensland are living in fear because criminal activity is seeping into everyday life under Labor.
“The report is a shocking indictment of the Palaszczuk Government and their failure to maintain community safety.”
Mr Watts said the statistics showed robbery, other offences against the person, offences against property, and unlawful use of a motor vehicle fell under the previous LNP Governemnt before increasing since 2014-15.
“Labor can’t fix the crime problem because Labor is the problem,” Mr Watts said.
“Labor have watered down laws and stretched Queensland’s thin blue line to breaking point.
“Our police do incredible work but they are being let down by a Labor Government that is failing to back them up with the laws and resources they need to do their job and keep the community safe.
“The LNP will shut the revolving door of justice by giving our police tough new laws and resources they need to protect Queenslanders and their property.
“The Queensland Parliament should have been sitting this week and fixing Labor’s catch and release youth bail laws, but tackling youth crime clearly isn’t a priority for Labor.
“It’s clear the only way to fix Labor’s crime crisis is to change the government.”
Flaws in the Palaszczuk Labor Government’s COVID-19 package for business must be urgently fixed to allow recently-founded firms to apply for interest-free loans.
Shadow Small Business Minister Fiona Simpson said many firms had been shocked to discover that they can only access the loans if they were founded before July 2017.
“These loans are meant to help businesses facing bankruptcy, but many employers are now discovering the loans are a cruel hoax,” Ms Simpson said.
“One business with 13 employees has been told they don’t qualify because they were established after July 2017.
“The rule is wrong and denies these small businesses the help they say they need.
“Businesses and their employees should not be denied help because of Jackie Trad’s ridiculous rule.
“Jackie Trad’s economic response package was late in being released and is light-on in real help to many businesses.
“The Treasurer could easily fix this blatantly unfair rule but it seems she doesn’t value anyone who started a business after July 2017 or anyone who works for one.”
Ms Simpson said the date should be changed to offer the loans to any Queensland businesses founded before January 31 this year.
“It’s heartbreaking when people who think they have help find out they’re denied on a flawed rule,” Ms Simpson said.
Queenslanders are being ripped off at the bowser by petrol companies and it must end immediately, LNP Leader Deb Frecklington said today.
Ms Frecklington said Australian Competition and Consumer Commission chairman Rod Sims had reported the price of petrol must fall to below $1.20 a litre as world oil prices fall.
“Petrol giants gouging the public during this health emergency is corporate greed at its worst,” Ms Frecklington said.
“Many Queensland petrol stations are charging more than $1.30 per litre and ripping people off.
“If petrol companies had a shred of decency, they would drop their prices to the level they ought to be.
“Cost of living is a huge issue for Queenslanders right now with and every dollar counts when families are just trying to put food on their table.
“I call on the petrol companies to immediately slash their prices and stop the petrol rip-off.
“If the petrol companies don’t budge and their found to be gouging consumers, then the ACCC should come down on them like a tonne of bricks.”
The March 31 deadline for 8000 Rural Fire Brigade volunteers to apply for a Blue Card or face the sack under the Labor Government’s new rules has arrived.
LNP Shadow Minister for Fire and Emergency Services Lachlan Millar said he was concerned fire brigades across the state could have their numbers depleted and capacity to defend their local communities drastically reduced from tomorrow.
“A mass exodus of thousands of Rural Fire Brigade volunteers over paperwork mustn’t be allowed to happen,” Mr Millar said.
“Community safety must always come first, especially when it comes to children, but the Blue Card requirement process by Labor has been bungled from day one.
“Queensland can’t afford to have thousands of rural firies walk away from the job.”
Mr Millar said that Labor Minister Craig Crawford needed to work with rural firies to ensure they could continue to provide their incredible volunteer service to their communities.
“The LNP don’t want to see yet another extension to the deadline, but this time a workable solution to the crisis facing our rural fire brigades,” he said.
“Labor needs to urgently put in place a better process to ensure the Blue Card requirement is appropriately rolled out.
“It’s time for Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and Minister Craig Crawford to fix this mess before it’s too late.”
“The LNP will never unfairly sack our valuable and hardworking rural firefighters.”
LNP Leader Deb Frecklington today said Annastacia Palaszczuk’s request for the Speaker to cancel Queensland parliament is inconsistent with the health advice and a devastating blow to democracy.
“Throughout this crisis, the LNP has tried to be constructive but Labor’s decision to cancel Parliament must be called out,” Ms Frecklington said.
“If it is good enough for Labor to expect people to vote this weekend and send their kids to attend school, it should be good enough for Parliament to sit and lead by example.
“There is no consistency by the Premier and people are getting frustrated.
“Shutting down the Parliament means crucial laws to manage Covid-19, measures to protect jobs and changes to the Youth Justice Act to crackdown on youth crime are still not in place.
Leader of Opposition Business Jarrod Bleijie said the LNP wasn’t consulted and the move by Labor was an afront to democracy.
“The LNP was happy to sit down with the government to make the Parliament workable. Other workplaces are making arrangements to keep working, so should Queensland’s Parliament. If that means significantly reducing numbers, we were happy to do that,” Mr Bleijie said.
“The LNP firmly believes the Queensland Parliament should continue to sit with the appropriate precautions in order to pass legislation required to deal with the coronavirus health emergency and other important business of state.
“We need cool heads in this crisis but the Labor Government’s dysfunction is now on full display and the people of Queensland deserve better.
“Parliament is a fundamental instrument to our democracy and Labor cancelling it sends the wrong message to the community.
“The emergency services aren’t shutting down, but the Palaszczuk Labor Government is.”
LNP Leader Deb Frecklington today called on the Palaszczuk Labor Government to deliver much-needed economic stimulus as the coronavirus health crisis fast becomes a jobs crisis.
Ms Frecklington said thousands of people were losing their jobs today across Queensland while the Labor Government failed to deliver meaningful action on a significant economic stimulus package.
“Queensland had the worst unemployment rate in the nation before the coronavirus outbreak and thousands of jobs are now on the line,” Ms Frecklington said.
“This isn’t just a health crisis, it is a jobs crisis as well and Labor isn’t acting.
“The LNP has been calling for the freezing of car rego, water and electricity prices, fast-tracked funding for road upgrades and immediate payroll tax relief for around 15,000 businesses.
“Every day that passes without more economic stimulus from Jackie Trad and Annastacia Palaszczuk threatens to destroy jobs and businesses.
“From tradies to small business owners and farmers, Queenslanders are in desperate need of an economic booster shot.
“An immediate economic stimulus package must be delivered by Labor to save jobs, improve job security and help businesses keep their doors open.”
As a proportion of this financial year’s general government revenue, Labor is spending just 0.05% on Queensland’s coronavirus stimulus package. The measures announced by Annastacia Palaszczuk amounts to 1 per cent of the $2.3 billion assistant package provided by the New South Wales Government.
At $420 million, the Tasmanian government have committed more than 6.3% of their general government revenue to fighting the virus’ fallout while the South Australian government has committed $350 million - more than 1.6% of their general government revenue.
“Our state is more exposed to the impact of coronavirus than any other because Jackie Trad and Annastacia Palaszczuk can’t manage the economy,” Ms Frecklington said.
“While every other state has powered ahead with significant assistance packages, Queensland is missing out on much-needed stimulus under Labor.
“What the Palaszczuk Labor Government has delivered is five years of higher taxes, more debt and less jobs.
“Now more than ever, Queensland needs an LNP Government to build a stronger economy and secure jobs.”
Using the cover of the coronavirus crisis to close State Parliament for up to six months would be the biggest abuse of political power in Queensland’s history, the LNP said tonight.
Labor tonight voted to hand the Speaker of Parliament ¬– appointed by Labor – the sole power to close down Parliament and prevent democratic scrutiny of the Palaszczuk Government.
No other state or territory government has adopted such a measure and nor has the Federal Government.
The move could prevent regular questioning of the Palaszczuk Labor Government and allow Treasurer Jackie Trad to avoid presenting a Budget before the October 31 state election.
“Labor is paving the way for the suspension of democratic government in Queensland,” Ms Frecklington said.
“No one disputes the seriousness of the coronavirus crisis, but Labor’s plan is an extreme and anti-democratic over-reaction.
“In a crisis like this, it is more important than ever that governments remain transparent and accountable.
“Both sides of politics should co-operate to ensure that a slimmed-down Parliament continues to sit ¬¬– as happened this week.
“Instead, Labor is using this crisis to shutdown Parliament for its own advantage.
“This is a desperate act from a Premier who is desperate to avoid scrutiny.
“This isn’t calm leadership, this is unbridled panic.
“Closing Parliament would help Labor close down discussion of its dire record - including the nation’s worst unemployment, soaring crime, falling education results and longer waiting times for patients – until just weeks before the next election.
“The Parliament must continue to work to ensure the economic response is suitable to keep Queenslanders in work.
“Schools and workplaces are open. Parliament must stay open too,” Ms Frecklington said.
The LNP has called on the Palaszczuk Labor Government to support casual workers who are losing work in the COVID-19 pandemic to reskill into demand areas, such as the health and wellbeing of elderly Queenslanders.
LNP Shadow Minister for Employment, Small Business, Training and Skills Development Fiona Simpson raised the issue in Queensland Parliament today and said the pandemic was putting pressure on people’s health and their jobs.
“By helping casual workers who are potentially losing work, particularly in the hospitality sector, to re-train into other areas of need, such as personal care in aged care, we can support the vulnerable in our community and also provide an economic lifeline for these workers,” Ms Simpson said.
“More than 61% of accommodation and food service workers and more than 40% of retail workers were casual.
“Not everyone is suited for aged care support but whatever the areas that are still in demand, we need to make it easier to support people in upskilling and changing to areas with jobs.
“I’ve already spoken with hospitality workers who would love help to retrain into aged care.
“We urgently need enhanced pathways funded and rolled-out to recruit appropriately and make it easier to access this training and traineeships.”
An unprecedent decline in Queensland infrastructure investment has occurred under the Palaszczuk Labor Government, according to the latest Queensland Major Projects Pipeline report.
The value of funded infrastructure projects in Queensland has fallen from more than $18 billion under the pervious LNP Government to less than $8 billion in this financial year.
LNP Shadow Infrastructure Minister Andrew Powell slammed the government for closing Queensland off from job-creating infrastructure investment.
“Queensland was once the economic powerhouse of Australia with major infrastructure projects being built across the state from resources to roads and everything in-between,” Mr Powell said.
“Now after five years of Labor, infrastructure investment has halved while Queensland’s unemployment rate has risen to become the highest in the nation.
“With Labor’s nine new taxes ripping $3.5 billion from the state’s economy and a Treasurer who has told resource communities to re-skill, it’s little wonder why businesses are refusing to invest in Queensland’
“Fewer infrastructure projects funded under Labor mean fewer Queensland jobs.
“The LNP will reignite infrastructure investment and create jobs by building the New Bradfield Scheme, new roads and dams, cutting red-tape and guaranteeing no new taxes.”
The Palaszczuk Labor Government has used the cover of the coronavirus crisis to announce a stunning back-flip on its youth crime laws.
LNP Leader Deb Frecklington said Labor’s announcement in Parliament today that it would amend the Youth Justice Act was an admission that its reforms had fuelled Queensland’s crimewave.
“Labor has finally admitted what everyone else knows,” Ms Frecklington.
“The justice system in Queensland is broken and it was broken by Labor.
“The crime crisis was made by the Palaszczuk Labor Government.
“Five years ago youth crime was falling, thanks to the LNP.
“The LNP brought crime down because we put communities first – not criminals.
“But under Labor, the rights of criminals matter more than the rights of victims.
“Labor removed breach of bail from the criminal code for juveniles and then introduced ‘catch and release’ laws to keep offenders on the streets.
“Labor removed the consequences for crime and gave the green light for a juvenile crimewave across the entire state.”
Ms Frecklington said that the LNP had opposed Labor’s soft youth justice reforms in Parliament.
Last Thursday Ms Frecklington wrote to the Premier, calling for Parliament to scrap the catch and release laws and re-instate breach of bail as an offence for juveniles (letter attached).
“Labor ministers should hang their heads in shame and apologise to all of Queensland’s victims of crime,” Ms Frecklington said.
“They should also apologise to the judiciary, whom they tried to blame for the crisis.
“The problem was never the courts. The problem is the Palaszczuk Labor Government.
“Being soft on crime is in Labor’s DNA.
“Only an LNP Government will give police the resources and tough laws they need to make Queensland safe again.”
LNP Leader Deb Frecklington has reinforced her plan to save Queensland jobs, during the coronavirus pandemic.
Ms Frecklington said the well-being of all Queenslanders is the top priority but action must be taken to stop a health crisis becoming a jobs crisis.
“The coronavirus health emergency will test our hospitals and our economy,” Ms Frecklington said.
“The LNP is absolutely committed to ensuring we protect businesses from going bust and keeping people in a job.
“In early February, I called for an immediate stimulus package including interest free loans.
“Last week I called on the Labor Government to cut payroll tax for six months, not just defer it.
“The Palaszczuk Government’s decision to defer payroll tax payments is simply postponing the pain for small business. Payroll tax needs to be cut and cut now for the next six months.
“Labor is currently overseeing a $5.3 billion road maintenance backlog to fix potholes, widen roads and other upgrades.
“$500 million of this backlog should be released immediately as part of a regional roads package. This plan would boost the number of jobs across Queensland and improve our roads which are in desperate need of repair.
“The LNP has also asked Labor to slash payment times to small businesses who are contracted by the State Government to 20 days, to improve cash flow and prevent job cuts.
“An unprecedented emergency requires urgent and a smart response.
“In the spirit of bipartisanship, the LNP is prepared to work with the Labor Government to immediately implement these measures.”
The LNP is calling on the Palaszczuk Labor Government to immediately suspend payroll tax for small and medium-sized businesses in Queensland for six months.
LNP Leader Deb Frecklington said lifting the payroll tax threshold from $1.3m to $6.5m would provide instant relief for around 15,000 businesses and save jobs threatened by the economic impact of coronavirus.
“Even before the coronavirus outbreak, Queensland had the worst unemployment rate in the nation,” Ms Frecklington said.
“Queensland is more exposed to the economic impact of coronavirus than any other state.
“We cannot let a health crisis become a jobs crisis.
“I’m calling on the Palaszczuk Labor Government to inoculate Queensland jobs by supporting our vital small and medium-sized employers.
“The LNP’s plan to raise the payroll tax threshold for the next six months will help around 15,000 businesses and protect jobs across Queensland.
“The LNP backs immediate relief because Queensland can’t afford to lose any more jobs.”
Payroll tax is levied on wage bills over $1.3m and varies from 3.75% to 4.95% depending on the size and location of each business.
LNP Deputy Leader and Shadow Treasurer Tim Mander said Labor’s plan to defer payroll tax payments was totally inadequate.
“Labor’s plan to defer payroll tax payments is a cruel hoax,” Mr Mander said.
“Doubling tax bills in six months’ time will only postpone the pain for employers.
“The Commonwealth Government has provided a multi-billion dollar stimulus package and the Palaszczuk Labor Government needs to act as well.”
Mr Mander said the LNP’s proposal would cost less than 10 per cent of the $4.2 billion that the Palaszczuk Labor Government collects each year.
Queensland is leading the nation with the most industrial action under the Palaszczuk Labor Government, according to new data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics today.
Queensland lost over 2,000 working days due to industrial action in the December 2019 quarter alone.
LNP Deputy Leader and Shadow Treasurer Tim Mander said since Annastacia Palaszczuk became Premier, Queensland has suffered more strike action than any other state – accounting for 31.6 per cent of all working days lost nationally.
“With 166,300 working days lost since 2015, Queensland has 20% more strikes than the second highest state of Victoria,” Mr Mander said.
“More strikes and $3.5 billion in new Labor taxes have driven Queensland businesses conditions to their lowest on record.
“Only the LNP will build a strong economy with a job-creating infrastructure plan to get Queensland working again.
“A future LNP Government will create jobs by building the New Bradfield Scheme, new roads and dams, delivering cheaper electricity, cutting red-tape and guaranteeing no new taxes.
“It’s time get Queensland working again and only an LNP Government will deliver.”
Source: Table 3a: Industrial disputes which occurred during the period, Working days lost, States and Territories
"It is clear, the only way to fix the youth justice mess is to change the government.
"Labor's bail houses are another complete failure and I will scrap them.
"Labor can't fix Queensland's crime problem because Labor is the problem.
"Behind every crime statistic is a victim of crime that has had their house broken into and property stolen and those are the people who deserve justice.
"The LNP will shut the revolving door of justice by giving our Police tough new laws and resources they need to protect Queenslanders and their property."
BACKGROUND on Labor's bail house fail:
83% re-offending rate of juveniles
121 of 145 offenders have re-offended at least once.
LNP Leader Deb Frecklington today said one of the first acts of government if elected Premier will be to introduce tough new crime laws and repeal Labor’s soft ‘catch and release’ laws.
“Labor’s soft crime laws got Queensland into this mess, winding back breach of bail for juveniles and Labor’s catch and release laws would have to be two of the worst decisions ever made in Queensland politics,” Ms Frecklington said.
“The LNP will bring consequences back to the youth justice system again.
“If elected, the LNP will immediately make breach of bail for juveniles an offence again and fix section 48 of the Youth Justice Act 1992 better known as Labor’s ‘catch and release’ laws.
“No more cotton gloves, no more slaps on the wrists, there will be jail time and true consequences for criminal activity under the LNP.
“It’s time to take back our streets, keep the community safe and teach these repeat young offenders a lesson – enough is enough.”
LNP Shadow Attorney-General David Janetzki said the revolving door needed to be slammed closed and community safety needs to be the number one priority.
“Blaming the courts and the parents is a cop out and doesn’t solve the problem,” Mr Janetzki said.
“It is clear Labor care more about the rights of criminals than community safety.
“The LNP will give our Police the laws and resources they need to fix this mess but we need a majority LNP Government to do it.”
LNP Shadow Minister for North Queensland Dale Last said the only way to fix Labor’s crime crisis, is to change the government to a majority LNP Government.
“At every turn the Palaszczuk Labor Government has done all it can to soften crime laws and vote against LNP Bills to toughen them up,” Mr Last said.
“Actions speak louder than words and Labor’s record is abysmal.
“When the LNP went to re-introduce breach of bail last year, Labor used their numbers to vote against it. Despite warnings and opposition from the LNP, Annastacia Palaszczuk pushed through with Labor’s ‘catch and release’ laws.
“Labor MPs also voted against the LNP’s plan for a child sex offender register and against our tough new offence for child homicide.”
Background on Labor’s voting record:
Labor’s catch and release laws –
(Page 2434 and 2535)
Labor MP’s who voted against breach of bail as an offence –
Ex Notes to our amendments -
(Page 2533 and 2534)
Labor MP’s who voted for against the LNP’s sex offender register –
(page 792)
Labor MP’s who voted against tough new offence of child homicide –
(page 1388 and 1389)
Labor refuse to debate our tougher gun crime laws and GPS tracking repeat sex offenders until the day they die.
Please note – Crawford, Healy, Stewart, Coralee O’Rourke all sided with their Brisbane masters in the Parliament.
LNP Leader Deb Frecklington today said the case for the New Bradfield Scheme couldn’t be clearer with water enough to fill 14 Sydney Harbours currently forecast to spill over the Burdekin Falls Dam wall.
Data shows the dam is expected to be over capacity for another 90 days, meaning 7000 gigalitres could be wasted out to sea.
“There’s no clearer example of Queensland’s wasted potential than seeing billions of litres of water spilling over the Burdekin Falls Dam wall,” Ms Frecklington said.
“Water is the lifeblood of Queensland communities and we can’t afford to waste it.
“The LNP’s plan for the New Bradfield Scheme will capture water from the Burdekin River to create more local jobs, give farmers water and generate clean energy.
“The LNP will secure Queensland’s water supply, not squander it.
“There is no bigger issue in Queensland than water security and the LNP’s plan for the New Bradfield Scheme is a major step towards drought-proofing the state and building a stronger economy.”
LNP Candidate for Townsville John Hathaway said an investment in water was an investment in jobs.
“North Queensland’s economy will be supercharged by the LNP’s plan to raise the Burdekin Falls Dam and build the New Bradfield Scheme,” Mr Hathaway said.
“Tens of thousands of jobs will be created during the construction and with the expansion of high-value agriculture.”
LNP Candidate for Mundingburra Glenn Doyle said Townsville would also be home of the Queensland Dam Company under an LNP Government.
“The sole purpose of the Queensland Dam Company is to build new dams and upgrade existing dams,” Mr Doyle said.
“Townsville needs jobs and a stronger economy and the only way to deliver that is with the LNP’s plan to build job-creating infrastructure like the New Bradfield Scheme.”
Today Jackie Trad has continued her ideological war against the mining industry by flagging she may raise royalties in the upcoming budget, to plug her budget black hole.
LNP Shadow Minster for Natural Resources and Mines Dale Last questioned the Treasurer’s timing given a recent report from the state’s independent auditor pointing to the Palaszczuk Labor Government’s 11 per cent expense blowouts.
“Clearly dodgy Jackie Trad is desperate to plug her budget black hole and royalties are right in her sights,” Mr Last said.
“We know that when you increase taxes on businesses it directly costs jobs.
“Royalty certainty creates more investment and more local jobs. You can’t tax your way to growth.
“With Queensland’s resources industry employing up to 260,000 indirect jobs or 1 in 8 of the state’s jobs, this news will send a shiver down the spine of resource workers or anyone living in a regional community.
“We have already seen Queensland losing ground in the latest global survey of mining companies and investors, falling two places to number 15 in the world for investment attractiveness.
“Annastacia Palaszczuk needs to show some leadership and guarantee royalties won’t be raised by Labor.
“Labor’s anti-resources, anti-regions and anti-jobs agenda is hurting regional Queensland like never before.
“In contrast, the LNP supports mining and the thousands of local jobs provided by Queensland’s resources industry, which ensures the survival of many regional communities.
“Only a Deb Frecklington LNP Government will encourage more investment and provide royalty certainty for 10 years to secure more local jobs and provide better job security.
“It’s time for Labor to give certainty to rural and regional Queensland by ruling out royalty increases”.
The juvenile crime crisis which is gripping communities across Queensland is the direct result of Labor’s soft-on-crime policies, LNP Leader Deb Frecklington said today.
Ms Frecklington spoke out on the day it was revealed that:
“This shocking crimewave is the direct result of Labor’s soft-on-crime policies,” Ms Frecklington said.
“Juvenile crime fell under the LNP and it has rocketed under Annastacia Palaszczuk.
“That’s not a coincidence.
“Labor rolled back the LNP’s tough laws and decided that breach of bail should no longer be an offence for juveniles.
“Labor’s catch-and-release approach to offenders is causing chaos across the length and breadth of Queensland.
“This crime crisis must be stopped, but it can only be stopped by changing the government.
“It’s clear that the Palaszczuk Labor Government will never put the rights of the community before the rights of offenders.”
Business confidence has plunged to another record low in Queensland as Labor’s taxes and red-tape continue to drag the state’s economy downwards.
The latest Suncorp Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland (CCIQ) Pulse survey has revealed business sentiment is now at its lowest level since 2010.
LNP Shadow Treasurer said the result was another vote of no-confidence in Annastacia Palaszczuk and Treasurer Jackie Trad after Queensland posted the worst unemployment rate in nation last month (6.3%).
“Economic confidence has gone off a cliff since Jackie Trad became Treasurer,” Mr Mander said.
“Jackie Trad has smashed the Queensland economy with nine new taxes and huge cuts to infrastructure spending.
“Labor is driving up unemployment and driving down economic confidence.”
The Suncorp CCIQ Pulse Survey of Business Conditions released today showed:
“The future might be bright for Jackie Trad’s growing property portfolio, but our economy is suffering a crisis of confidence,” Mr Mander said.
“Only the LNP has a plan to create jobs and build a strong Queensland economy.
“The LNP will create jobs by building the New Bradfield Scheme, new roads and dams, delivering cheaper electricity, cutting red-tape and guaranteeing no new taxes.
“It’s time get Queensland working again and only an LNP Government can do it.”