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DNA Lab failures must be brought into the light

4th October 2023

LNP reiterates call for Commission of Inquiry to be reopened to examine failures

The LNP is today reiterating its call for the Health Minister and the Palaszczuk Labor Government to immediately reopen the Commission of Inquiry into the failings of the DNA Laboratory.

For Queenslanders to have faith in our justice system, they need to know the catastrophic failures of the DNA Lab have been addressed.

New revelations of the failings of Project 13 are grounds for the Inquiry to re-open.

This is too important to be ignored or swept under the carpet.

One week has passed since the LNP stood beside Vicki Blackburn calling for the Inquiry to be reopened and the Labor Government has remained silent.

It was only in the glare of intense media and public pressure did the Labor Government finally agree to the Commission of Inquiry.

Now, we cannot allow these concerning revelations to languish, we must bring this investigation into the light.

The chaos and crisis of this Government must not stand in the way of the truth.

The Commission of Inquiry must be reopened. 

Today, the Minister must also confirm if any additional cases have been compromised by Project 13’s failures. 

Last week the Government said no cases above and beyond the 30,000 had been identified as compromised by the failings of the DNA Lab.

Today the Minister must confirm if this is still the case?

Even if one additional case has been impacted, Queenslanders need to know.

The rebuilding of trust in the DNA Lab is so critical and the impact to the Justice system is so great, this must be brought into the light.