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Landmark domestic violence reforms stalled

14th November 2023

Palaszczuk Labor Government falls further behind critical reform milestones

One year on from a landmark report into domestic and family violence, critical reform has stalled, with the Palaszczuk Labor Government missing key deadlines.

The A Call for Change report outlined clear deadlines for the Government to implement changes across Departments and agencies, including 38 actions due at 12-months.

​Today marks exactly one year since Labor first received the A Call for Change report. 

Not only has the Government admitted they’ve failed to meet the deadline, they can’t say when they will be able to implement the changes.

Shadow Minister for the Prevention of Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence, Amanda Camm said there should be no excuses for failing to meet promised reform milestones.

“Alarmingly, the Palaszczuk Labor Government is falling further behind its own targets to deliver the landmark action they promised against domestic and family violence,” Ms Camm said.

“Not a single woman or child will be kept safer in Queensland by an announcement.

“This can’t become another example of Labor failing to deliver, this is too important, lives are at stake.

“The courage of brave victims and whistleblowers must result in genuine reform, not be left behind in Labor’s chaos and crisis. Queenslanders deserve to know everything is being done to keep victims safe.

“After the second progress report, 41% of recommendations were incomplete and now they’re falling even further behind.

“Queenslanders deserve the genuine reform on domestic and family violence they were promised, not more of Labor’s chaos and crisis.”