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Polling done in the dark must be brought into the light

15th November 2023

The LNP is today calling on Labor to immediately stop taxpayer-funded secret polling and publicly release all results to date.

The LNP has today taken the fight to the floor of Parliament, demanding action from the Palaszczuk Labor Government.

Taxpayer money is being surreptitiously used to run the Premier’s re-election campaign.

This cannot be allowed to continue.

Executive government should not be the engine room for Labor’s campaign machine.

$400,000 of taxpayers' money is being funnelled into electioneering that’s so secret the Premier is blocking its release.

What could possibly justify information about Queenslanders being too secret to share with the very people it impacts and who have funded it?

Labor treats executive government and the public service like its own political play-thing.

When Queenslanders’ money is being spent, there must be transparency and accountability.

There is simply no justification for this secret polling to continue or to be locked away from public view.

Queenslanders value integrity in government and their priority is a government that works for Queensland’s best interest.

The only interest Labor is working for is their re-election. 

Only the LNP has the Right Priorities for Queensland’s Future and will restore integrity to government.

An LNP Government will always prioritise the needs of Queenslanders.

Queenslanders deserve better than Labor’s chaos and crisis.