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TIRED OF THE HEALTH CRISIS - Record-breaking overtime for Queensland paramedics 

27th November 2023

Nearly 1.3 million hours recorded last financial year
132% increase since Labor took office

Queensland paramedics have recorded nearly 1.3 million overtime hours, in another sign the Queensland Health Crisis has taken a major toll on ambulance officers across the state.

It was the most overtime hours on record for a financial year in Queensland.

The new health data was released by the State Government in a Question on Notice asked by the Opposition and it also revealed a staggering increase of 132% in overtime hours since the Palaszczuk Labor Government took office in 2015.

Leader of the Opposition David Crisafulli said our hardworking paramedics were physically, mentally and emotionally tired.

“We’ve listened to paramedics who’ve told us they’ve worked to the brink of exhaustion to keep the health system on the rails,” Mr Crisafulli said.

“The amount of overtime paramedics put in last financial year is a testament to their dedication, determination and work ethic.

“It also shows Queenslanders how demanding their job has become after eight years of poor planning from the Palaszczuk Labor Government.

“Queensland has the worst ambulance ramping in the country and that’s not the fault of our paramedics. They didn’t sign up to this vocation to spend an entire shift ramped while other calls from Queenslanders go unanswered.

“Only the LNP has the right priorities for Queensland's future and that includes easier access to health services. We've also put solutions on the table to heal the Queensland Health Crisis including better resources, better triaging, sharing data in real-time and putting doctors and nurses back in charge to improve patient care.

“Queenslanders have recently seen the heartbreaking and fatal consequences of ambulance ramping and until the Palaszczuk Labor Government accepts the Queensland Health Crisis is real, more families will fall victim of a system under immense pressure.”

Shadow Minister for Health and Ambulance Services Ros Bates said there were 1.3 million reasons why our paramedics deserved more resources and respect.

“This is a staggering amount of overtime, but as a registered nurse and former Hospital administrator, I know these dedicated men and women are passionate about patients,” Ms Bates said.

“Paramedics are the first people we see when an ambulance arrives and we can’t have them stressed and exhausted during a potentially life threatening situation.

“Health Minister Shannon Fentiman has done more apologising than planning during the Queensland Health Crisis.

“After eight years and four Health Ministers, Queenslanders can no longer trust the Palaszczuk Labor Government to fix the health crisis they created.

“This State Labor Government is in chaos and crisis and paramedics and their patients are caught in the middle.

“My message to our hardworking paramedics, doctors, nurses and allied health professionals is simple.

“We thank you, we respect you and we value you what you do.”