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LNP calls for Callide Report expert to appear at Budget Estimates

2nd July 2024

The LNP has today formally requested Dr Sean Brady appear before Budget Estimates so Queenslanders can finally get the answers they deserve about the Callide Cover-Up.

The explosion at Callide sent Queenslanders’ power bills soaring and they continue to pay more, three years on.

Minister de Brenni, as Leader of the House, can call Dr Brady to appear before Budget Estimates and that’s what the LNP is calling on him to do.

The Callide Cover-Up is one of the biggest Ministerial cover-ups in Queensland’s history.

First Labor refused to fund the maintenance required for the power plant.

Then they lied about why it exploded.

They did everything in their power to bury the independent expert report so Queenslanders would never know the truth.

Queenslanders deserve the truth, the Callide Cover-Up must end.

Labor must allow Sean Brady to appear before Budget Estimates.