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43,439 hours lost on ambulance ramps

3rd July 2024

Worst Q1 results on record for ambulance lost hours
8% increase on the same time last year

The Queensland Health Crisis continues to get worse under Labor, with alarming new revelations paramedics lost more than 43,000 hours between January and March this year, waiting on ambulance ramps.

The data, revealed in a Question on Notice, exposes how much time paramedics are stuck waiting with patients to be admitted to backlogged Emergency Departments.

The numbers equate to 47 ambulances and their crews off the road every single day.

Queensland’s health system is crumbling under a 45.5% ambulance ramping rate, which is not only the worst in the nation, but it also is the worst it has ever been in Queensland.

Ambulance ramping lost hours across the State from January to March included:

  • ​13,985 hours across Metro North
  • 2,699 hours across Metro South
  • 6,623 hours across West Moreton
  • 3,960 hours across the Gold Coast
  • 2,297 hours across the Sunshine Coast
  • 1,479 hours across Cairns and Hinterland
  • 1,402 hours across the Wide Bay
  • 1,373 hours across the Darling Downs
  • 1,146 hours across Central Queensland
  • 881 hours in Mackay
  • 458 hours in Townsville

Shadow Minister for Health and Ambulance Services Ros Bates said every time an ambulance was ramped it was unable to help another Queenslander in need.

“Queenslanders deserve to know when they call for an ambulance they answer and can help in their time of need,” Ms Bates said.

“Under Labor our paramedics are stuck waiting on ambulance ramps instead of responding to urgent calls for help.

“It means Queenslanders are left waiting for ambulances for hours and hours, sometimes with deadly consequences.

“Ambulances are stuck at hospitals longer than ever before and now we know paramedics have lost more than 43,000 hours in just a few months, because of Labor’s health failures.

“This is the worst start to a year Queensland has ever seen for ambulance ramping and 47 crews have been kept off the road every single day because of a health system under pressure and under-resourced.

“Labor promised record help, instead we’ve got record high ambulance ramping.

“Labor are the only ones refusing to admit our health system is in crisis and after a decade, they just can’t be trusted to heal it.

“This isn’t the fault of our hardworking paramedics, doctors, nurses, our world class clinicians are being let down by a second rate, decade old Labor Government.

“Only the LNP has the Right Priorities for Queensland’s Future, including easier access to health services.

“Our ailing health system is getting chronically worse under Labor, it’s clear that because of their chaos and crisis they don’t have the solutions needed to heal the Health Crisis.

“Only the LNP has a plan to heal the Health Crisis and that starts with more resources, better triaging, releasing data in real-time and putting doctors and nurses back in charge to improve patient care.”