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Five good reasons for change LNP launches ad campaign with five reasons to change the Government in October

8th July 2024

It’s time for change and the LNP has a plan to deliver it



The LNP has today launched a new digital advertising campaign, highlighting five reasons Queenslanders are calling for change at the October Queensland election.

The Five Good Reasons for Change campaign comes as Queensland pre-poll voting opens in less than 100 days, and highlights the real human cost of the Palaszczuk-Miles Government’s failures across housing, youth crime, health, cost of living and infrastructure.

The ad features heart-wrenching stories of five Queensland families who have personally paid the price of Labor’s failures, including Wayne Irving who died ramped at Ipswich Hospital, as well as Matt Field, Kate Leadbetter and their unborn baby Miles who were killed by a youth criminal.

The campaign officially launches the day after the LNP announced a major youth crime policy including, Adult Crime, Adult Time and Staying on Track, which have outlined more of the LNP’s plan to deliver the change Queenslanders are calling for.

LNP Leader David Crisafulli said the stories were five good reasons to change the Government in October.

“Stories like these are the reason we are here, they are the reason we must change the Government in October,” Mr Crisafulli said.

“Queenslanders know they’re paying a high price for a litany of failures across health, housing, cost of living and youth crime.

“Queenslanders know after a decade in power, Labor will desperately say and do anything to cling to power and they don’t have the solutions to end the chaos and crisis.

“It’s time for change and the LNP has a plan to deliver it.”

The LNP has the Right Plan for Queensland’s Future and that includes:

  • Boosting home ownership and abolishing stamp duty on new homes for first buyers, to make the Australian dream a reality again.
  • Driving down ambulance ramping, and surgery waiting lists and sharing real-time health data within 100 days.
  • Taking pressure off rents by delivering one million new homes by 2044 across Queensland.
  • Getting Queensland moving again by ending Labor's project blowouts and delays.
  • Ensuring fewer Queenslanders become victims of crime, by reinstating consequences for actions and delivering the Making Queensland Safer laws by the end of the year.