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Labor’s Callide Cover-Up continues

17th July 2024

Labor attempts to rewrite history to cast-off blame for maintenance failures

Shocking new revelations have further laid bare Labor’s maintenance failures were to blame not only for the Callide explosion but also for the collapse of the cooling tower.

Responsibility for the Callide failure lays at the feet of the Labor Government.

Labor appointed the Board.

​Labor held the purse strings.

Labor ripped-out dividends out that prevented the maintenance being done.

When CS Energy asked for the money for maintenance they were denied.

Then, after the catastrophic failure at Callide, Labor attempted to hide the truth about maintenance being the cause.

They buried the independent report that exposed their failures.

Now, they’ve attempted to strip the truth out of that report.

Queenslanders know the truth, they have paid more for power every day since the Callide explosion more than three years ago.

Today’s attempt by Labor to rewrite history holds zero credibility.

Labor’s chaos and crisis must end.

Only the LNP has the Right Plan for Queensland’s future, including a maintenance guarantee on our power plants.