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SOCIAL HOUSING DATA HIDDEN - Minister breaks her own promise

19th July 2024

Housing Minister Meaghan Scanlon has failed to keep her own promise and is refusing to release the latest social housing waitlist figures.

Queenslanders were promised the data would be released quarterly, but more than seven months into 2024 and in the middle of the Housing Crisis, Queenslanders are yet to see the numbers. 

Shadow Minister for Housing Tim Mander said the Minister had been caught out and the Government must immediately release the data.

“Meaghan Scanlon promised to be open and transparent with Queenslanders, but she has failed her own test,” Mr Mander said.

“Under Labor, the number of Queenslanders waiting for a roof over their head continues to rise, while Labor fails to deliver the social housing our state needs.

“Clearly, the Minister is hiding the data because it will expose her own failings.

“The most recent data from December 2023 showed 43,782 Queenslanders were waiting for social housing, a rise of 48% since 2017.

“Labor will say and do anything to cling to power, including hiding the social housing wait list numbers.

“Nothing will change until the government changes in October, Queenslanders are sick of the secrecy, chaos and crisis.

“Queenslanders know time’s up for Labor because they’ve got no solutions to the Housing Crisis they created.

“Only the LNP has the right plan for Queensland’s future and that includes securing our housing foundations.

Homes with Purpose will unlock unused charity and church-owned land for social and community housing for our most vulnerable Queenslanders and it will deliver up to 500 homes within the first two-years, expanding to a potential 10,000 homes by 2044.

“Queenslanders can show Labor the door in October 2024.”
