Labor’s Callide crisis explodes
Execs paid $300,000 in bonuses while Queenslanders pay more for their power bills
Queenslanders paid nearly $50 million for a report into the Callide power plant explosion and CS Energy’s legal fees, Budget Estimates exposed today.
That was $10 million for a report Labor tried to keep secret from Queenslanders, and another $38 million in legal fees – including attempts to keep the report secret.
At the same time, CS Energy executives were paid a staggering $300,000 in bonuses, while Queenslanders paid more for their power.
Shockingly, Estimates today revealed CS Energy had the draft Brady report since December 2023, despite later drafts released to Queenslanders dated "March", “April” and “June”.
Incredulously, Minister Mick de Brenni today claimed he had no knowledge of the damning content of the report, despite repeated meetings with CS Energy during that time.
Additionally, the Government couldn’t explain why damning findings in the Brady Report about maintenance backlogs and workplace safety issues were erased from the final report.
It’s more Labor chaos and crisis and shows they’ll do and say anything to cling to power.
The jaw-dropping revelations follow Queenslanders copping a 19.9% increase in their power bills last year, as a result of Callide being offline.
After Estimates today, Minister de Brenni has more questions to answer about what he knew and when about the Brady Report.
Only the LNP has the Right Plan for Queensland’s Future, including a maintenance guarantee on our power plants.