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Labor ignored satellite ‘Hospital’ advice

13th August 2024

Labor caught prioritising politics and putting Queenslanders at risk

New Queensland Health data has revealed the safety of an increasing numbers of Queenslanders in need of urgent care is being put at risk due to Labor’s desperate decision to mislabel the state’s “satellite hospitals”.

Queenslanders are turning up to the facilities instead of emergency departments due to the confusion caused by the facilities being called ‘hospitals’.

“Satellite Hospitals” were promised to be “new hospitals” at the last election, when in fact they are minor illness clinics, unable to provide emergency health support.

These facilities don’t have emergency departments and they don’t have overnight beds.  They’re not hospitals.

Queensland Health experts lobbied the Labor Government to change the name before they opened, because it was misleading.  

Labor was repeatedly warned this decision would put lives at risk.

The AMAQ and whistleblowers have called for the name to be changed.

Queenslanders’ lives are being put at risk because Labor arrogantly persists in naming the centres “hospitals”.

The Health Minister herself has backed in the name and refused to change it and end the confusion.

The problem is getting worse, not better, the longer Satellite Hospitals are open.

More Queenslanders are being left dangerously at risk because of Labor’s arrogance.

The facilities are important additions to our ailing health system, but they should never have been named “hospitals”, because they’re not.

But Labor is more interested in their political future than the future of Queenslanders.

Labor’s refusal to change the name is more proof they are so desperate they’ll say and do anything to cling to power.

They lied to Queenslanders at the last election, when they promised a new “hospital” for Bribie and have instead delivered a minor illness clinic.

Labor is playing politics when Queenslanders’ lives are at risk.

Labor has become so desperate they are more focused on themselves than what’s best for Queenslanders.

The LNP will rename these facilities to stop Labor’s chaos and crisis putting Queenslanders’ lives at risk.

Only the LNP has the Right Plan for Queensland’s Future, including easier access to health services.