Media | State News

NOT A LOT - Approvals slump after a decade of Labor

14th August 2024

New shocking data has revealed the Queensland Housing Crisis has deepened even further after the Palaszczuk-Miles Labor Government were caught approving fewer housing lots than 10 years ago, despite a growing population.

​From the Far North to the South East corner, the official figures have exposed Labor approved 2117 fewer housing lots from the 12 months to March 2014 compared to the 12 month to March 2024. 

Labor’s failure to deliver housing lots has created the Queensland Housing Crisis. 

Deputy Leader of the Opposition and Shadow Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning Jarrod Bleijie said it’s further proof Labor has failed Queenslanders.

“It’s unforgivable that this Labor Government has failed to meet the needs of a growing state,” Mr Bleijie said.

“Labor’s chaos and crisis has ensured a decline in housing lot approvals despite all their round-tables, summits and media announcements.

“Queenslanders no longer trust Labor to tackle the housing crisis.

“Only the LNP has the right plan for Queensland’s future and that includes securing our housing foundations.

“We will also unlock the homes needed for our growing State, by delivering one million homes by 2044, and a clear plan for where they can sustainably go.

​“The LNP will also bring accountability and transparency back to social housing delivery, with clear KPIs, and direct every dollar of the $2 billion Housing Investment Fund into building new homes. 

“Only by harnessing the power of our community housing sector and delivering social housing on-time and on-budget, will we be able to finally end Labor’s downward spiral of false hope and broken housing promises.

​“The LNP’s housing plan will chart a course to building these homes, with new regional plans to cover every corner of this State and by fast-tracking approvals to see these homes built with the infrastructure to protect our lifestyle. 

“Under Labor, the great Australian dream of owning your home has become a nightmare and aspiration is nothing more than a pipedream.”

The LNP’s Securing our Housing Foundations plan consists of six key policy areas:

  • Big Boost into Home Ownership
    a. Abolish stamp duty for all new homes, for first home buyers. 
    b. Raise the Stamp Duty concession threshold in full for existing homes, up to $700,000 and partially up to $800,000, for first home buyers.
  • Boost to Buy with a new shared equity home ownership program designed to close the deposit gap for buyers without access to the bank of mum and dad.
  • Unlock the Homes for Queensland’s Future with a plan for one million extra homes by 2044, new Regional Plans for every corner of Queensland and fast-tracked approvals.
  • Open the Door to housing by removing restrictions preventing first home buyer grant recipients from renting-out rooms and opening-up rental supply.
  • Homes with Purpose, with 10,000 new social and community homes on church and charity-owned land, unleashing the community housing sector and clear targets to ramp-up social housing.
  • Breaking Down the Barriers to Building, by fast-tracking development approvals and building new homes quicker, safeguarding the materials and tradies needed to build the homes for Queensland’s future.