Media | State News

Victim numbers surge since Labor came to power

17th September 2024

The number of Queenslanders becoming victims of physical crime has surged by 193% since the Palaszczuk-Miles Government came to power in 2015, according to shocking new analysis of Queensland Police Service statistics.

The bombshell findings revealed the number of crime victims for assault, sexual offences and robbery have increased from 28,369 to 83,276 between the financial year 2015-16 to 2023-24, across the state.

Shockingly, these figures don’t even include offences such as break-ins and stolen cars, as the State Labor Government does not release victim numbers for property offences, despite the fact these traumatic offences have long lasting effects on their victims.

Shadow Minister for Police and Community Safety Dan Purdie said the statistics were confronting and prove Labor has failed communities for a decade.

“Queensland is the crime capital of the country because of Labor’s watered-down laws,” Mr Purdie said.

“There are more victims of crime in Queensland than New South Wales and Victoria.

“The LNP is committed to ensuring there would be fewer victims of crime in Queensland under a future Crisafulli LNP Government and we have a plan to do it.

​“The Making Queensland Safer Laws are the strong laws Queenslanders have been demanding and only the LNP will deliver.

“Labor’s weaker laws created the Queensland Youth Crime Crisis and only the LNP will restore safety where you live.

“The LNP’s plan will restore safety where you live with Adult Crime, Adult Time, as well as gold standard early intervention and proper rehabilitation.

“Only the LNP has the Right Plan for Queensland’s Future and that includes making our community safer.”

Shadow Minister for Youth Justice and Victim Support Laura Gerber said Labor had failed to fix the crime crisis it created.

“A decade ago they loudly and proudly watered-down the youth justice laws and it created a generation of untouchables,” Ms Gerber said.

“This is why we need Adult Crime, Adult Time, if you choose to do the crime – you will do the time.

“Labor is in chaos and crisis and nothing will change unless the government changes next month.

“Queensland communities are sick of living in fear.

“Time’s up for Labor.”