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LNP scores grassroots sports legacy for 2032 and beyond

8th October 2024
  • $250 million will be invested into community sports infrastructure across Queensland in the leadup to 2032.
  • Major investment in grassroots sports delivering on LNP’s commitment to ensure all Queenslanders benefit from the Olympics and Paralympics.
  • Local clubs to benefit from clubhouse or canteen upgrades, new changeroom facilities, lighting or new fields and courts, as part of the Right Plan for Queensland’s Future.

The LNP has today announced its Games On! program, a community Olympic and Paralympic legacy fund to boost participation in grassroots sport across Queensland in the leadup to 2032 and beyond.

An LNP Government would inject $250 million into local clubs across the state for the sports infrastructure needed to inspire our future gold medal winners in Brisbane 2032 and many more Olympics and Paralympics to come.

LNP Leader David Crisafulli said Games On! would deliver new or upgraded fields and courts, clubhouses, changerooms, or lighting – all designed to expand the capacity of local clubs and get more Queenslanders on the field.

“The LNP will deliver a legacy across Queensland ahead of 2032, to encourage more kids into sport and train our next generation of Olympians and Paralympians,” Mr Crisafulli said.

“Queensland’s grassroots sporting and recreation clubs are the backbone of local communities and Games On! will get more Queenslanders on the field.

“We must deliver a legacy for all of Queensland, the Games must benefit our entire state and that means more local sports in more local communities.”

Shadow Minister for Olympic and Paralympic Infrastructure Jarrod Bleijie said Labor had failed to identify any meaningful legacy for Queensland, particularly regional Queensland as the host state for the 2032 Games.

“Labor have bungled the 2032 Games every step of the way, including failing to provide any lasting benefit for Queenslanders hosting a once in a generation event,” Mr Bleijie said.

“Only the LNP will end Labor’s 1,100 days of Games chaos, which is why we will task the Independent Infrastructure Coordination Authority with a 100-day review of infrastructure needed for the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

“We’re asking Queenslanders for 100 days to end Labor’s Games mess and ensure this isn’t an embarrassment on the world stage.

“Queenslanders know nothing will change unless we change the government, under Labor we’ll get more Games chaos and no benefits for regional Queensland.

“Queensland needs a fresh start and only the LNP has the Right Plan for Queensland’s Future.”

LNP Candidate for Pine Rivers Dean Clements said the Pine Rivers Football Club would be one of many clubs to benefit under Games On!

“The LNP will deliver a $3.8 million upgrade to the Pine Rivers Football Club, to replace the ageing changerooms,” Mr Clements said.

“Pine Rivers Football Club has thousands of players from juniors through to masters who all use the changerooms here at Wendy Allison Park, our commitment will give them modern new changerooms for both men’s and women’s teams.”