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Labor must act against animal extremists

26th March 2019

The news of a Darling Downs feedlot which was invaded by more than one hundred animal rights activists has created a serious biosecurity breach, which has sent shockwaves through Queensland’s agricultural community.

LNP Shadow Minister for Agriculture Tony Perrett slammed the Labor Palaszczuk Government for its continued inaction and inability to protect Queensland farmers from extremists.

Mr. Perrett said, under Annastacia Palaszczuk’s Government, we are seeing activists going well beyond protests to active criminal activity.

“They’re trespassing and terrorising farmers, their families and their animals,” Mr. Perrett said.

“We can’t allow this extreme minority to hold our hard-working Queensland farmers to ransom.

“While Minister Mark Furner can come out and criticise the activists, he continues to do nothing to strengthen or increase penalties for those who blatantly break the law.

“Nothing is being done to protect these lawful and legitimate Queensland farms from these activists who are willing to terrorise, in the face of this soft on crime Labor Government.

“Queensland farmers deserve a Minister ready to go in to bat for them, not just someone who will kowtow to Labor’s inner-city Brisbane animal activists.

“It’s time to strengthen our biosecurity regulations to protect our farmers and their businesses from malicious animal extremists.

“Labor must fix trespass laws to ensure they work and offer a deterrent to these thugs.

“Only Deb Frecklington and the Liberal National Party will stand up for Queensland farmers and deliver laws that protect them from lawless animal activists.”

LNP Member for Southern Downs James Lister also condemned the action.

“It makes me angry that these irresponsible green terrorists trespassed and terrorised the McNamee Family and their farm workers,” Mr. Lister said.

“Queenslanders everywhere stand with our farmers like the McNamee’s.”