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Dam it Anna – when are you going to put Queensland first?

21st November 2017

"Once again we wake up to another explosive report where Annastacia Palaszczuk has put self-interest ahead of the interests of Queenslanders.

"She has once again been caught red-handed hiding another report - this time showing the Rookwood Weir project would create thousands of jobs.

"The is just the latest in a conga line of secret reports that have exposed Annastacia Palaszczuk as not fit to govern our state.

"First it was the report that highlighted a high-efficiency, low emissions coal-fired power station in North Queensland would lower electricity prices, increase energy security and generate jobs.

"Now it is the Rookwood Weir.

"The report clearly showed that Rockhampton could run out of water and electricity costs will increase – this is what will happen if you vote for Annastacia Palaszczuk and Labor.

"This time Annastacia Palaszczuk has placed Central Queensland water security, local jobs and the region’s future prosperity in jeopardy because she is so addicted to inner-city Green preferences.

"When is this Premier going to stop trying to con Queenslanders? Who will she blame or how will she spin this latest failure?

"The Liberal National Party understands that if you have water, you create jobs and economic prosperity. It’s as simple as that.

"A vote for anyone other than the LNP means no Rookwood Weir.

"Queenslanders can’t afford another three years of Annastacia Palaszczuk and her ministers who moonlight as Green activists.

"Make no mistake about it - the LNP will build the Rookwood Weir."