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Gabba: $2.7 billion and no business case

4th August 2023

The Palaszczuk Government has been forced into a shock confession that a business case still hasn’t been completed for the redevelopment of the Gabba stadium.

Without a business case, the Palaszczuk Government can’t promise it won’t cost more.

Without a business case, $2.7 billion is a stab in the dark.

Today the Government admitted to dreaming-up $1 billion for a media announcement and then dreaming-up a $1.7 billion blowout. 

The chaos and crisis of this Government is on full display.

The Premier and her Government are acting like they’re playing with Monopoly money rather than hard-earned taxpayer dollars in the middle of Queensland's cost-of-living crisis.

Queenslanders know this Government can’t be trusted to deliver projects on-time or on-budget.

Labor doesn’t respect Queenslanders’ money and they don’t respect Queenslanders.

A business case needs to be completed and needs to be released so Queenslanders know the truth about the Gabba redevelopment and its cost.