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State News - August 2023

A statement from the Shadow Energy Minister - Power Supply

31st August 2023

Queenslanders are facing the sharpest increase in power prices in the country thanks to the chaos and crisis of the Palaszczuk Labor Government.  

The Palaszczuk Labor Government’s utter failure to manage power plants in Queensland is coming home to roost and their lies are being exposed.

The Palaszczuk Labor Government repeatedly said the failure at the Callide power plant wouldn’t impact supply and power prices.

Now we know they have.

Labor didn’t properly maintain the State’s power plants and now Queenslanders are paying higher power prices.

This whole mess falls squarely at the feet of the chaos and crisis of the Labor Government.

Blue Card questions remain unanswered

30th August 2023

The Palaszczuk Labor Government has still not answered questions about the failures of their Blue Card system, one month after revelations they’d failed to strengthen and streamline the system.

In 2017, the Queensland Family and Child Commission’s damning report into the Blue Card system made 81 recommendations to bolster Queensland’s Blue Card system.

Today, six years later, 53 of those critical recommendations still haven’t been implemented.

This includes expanding the scope of information used to assess and disqualify Blue Cards, such as police investigations.

In Estimates, Queenslanders witnessed a parade of Ministers passing the buck on responsibility for these changes.

Shannon Fentiman and Yvette D'Ath have both overseen this six-year failure as Attorney-General and can't explain why.

It’s clear this is another victim of the all-consuming chaos and crisis of this Labor Government.

Queensland parents deserve to know why these recommendations weren’t implemented and deserve to know when they finally will be.

As the heinous allegations of a Childcare worker assaulting children come to light, questions also remain unanswered about why there was seemingly no notification to Blue Card Services of allegations made to police.

Ministers Shannon Fentiman and Yvette D'Ath need to explain why Queensland’s Working with Children system is not a priority for this Government.

Queenslanders deserve to know the Government has done everything they can to keep children safe when they entrust them to childcare centres and Blue Card holders.

EXPOSED: Labor's Olympic-sized cover-up

29th August 2023

Government hides former Labor Minister’s involvement in key Olympics report

The Palaszczuk Labor Government has been caught-out in another scandalous cover-up, with their so-called “independent” Olympics report exposed as being co-authored by a former Cabinet colleague of the Premier.

A $780,000 report was commissioned by the Labor Government to justify scrapping an Olympics’ Independent Infrastructure Delivery Authority and moving control of the Olympics and Paralympics into the Premier’s own department.

Despite confirmations from Deloitte that former Labor Minister Rachel Nolan was involved with the drafting of the report, an RTI released to the LNP either deliberately redacted her name with claims it was “contrary to the public interest” or she was not mentioned at all, which raises further questions.

Deputy Leader of the Opposition Jarrod Bleijie said the Palaszczuk Labor Government had been caught out in another cover-up and were now desperately attempting to cover their tracks.

“Labor’s dirty political tricks are now catching up with them, they’re being exposed on every front and can’t escape the chaos and crisis of their Government,” Mr Bleijie said.

“If they have nothing to hide, what are they hiding in this document?

“This Deloitte report was used to justify sucking-up all power for the Games into the Premier’s own department. 

“It has been used to avoid all scrutiny of costs and decisions for Olympic infrastructure including rebuilding the Gabba with a whopping $1.7 billion blowout on the original cost.

“It was bad enough that Queenslanders were being kept in the dark about the content of the report itself, given we paid $44,000 for every one of the 18 pages.

“But now to learn their Labor mate’s fingerprints were all over the report shows this is nothing more than a callous political scheme, designed to feed this power-hungry government. 

“A report which involved a former Labor Government Minister is anything but ‘independent’, every one of the 18 pages fulfilled a clear political agenda. 

“This is another example of a Government more focused on what’s in their political interest than in the interest of Queensland.”

QUEENSLAND HOUSING CRISIS: land sits idle on Government’s watch

QUEENSLAND HOUSING CRISIS: land sits idle on Government’s watch

28th August 2023

879 blocks left vacant during Housing Crisis

The Palaszczuk Labor Government has been caught-out sitting on nearly 900 vacant blocks of land in the middle of Queensland’s worst-ever Housing Crisis.

The eye-watering number of vacant lots was revealed in a Parliamentary Question on Notice and shows the Palaszczuk Labor Government still has no plans to deliver the social homes needed to house 40,000 Queenslanders on the waitlist.

The revelation follows the Palaszczuk Government being caught-out removing more people from the waiting list than moving into homes.

It also follows years of inaction from the State Government, which has also allowed residential building approvals to slump by one-third since they first came to power, helping create the Queensland Housing Crisis.

Shadow Minister for Housing Tim Mander said Queenslanders without a roof over their head had already waited too long for action and couldn’t afford the disgraceful lack of action from the Palaszczuk Government.

“As the Queensland Housing Crisis deepens, we now know the Palaszczuk Government has been sitting on 879 vacant blocks,” Mr Mander said.

“Instead of land-banking, if this Government had delivered the social housing it promised to, many Queenslanders wouldn’t be facing another night without a roof over their head.

“Queenslanders living in tents and cars will find it inconceivable the Palaszczuk Government has done nothing with this idle land when they’ve had every opportunity.

“The Minister’s blasé response to how long some of the blocks have been vacant for is alarming.

“Queenslanders have grown tired of the lack of urgency and action from this Government, when it comes to providing the social homes we need.

“Their announcements made on a grand scale amount to little, promises aren’t being delivered because they’re engulfed by chaos and crisis.

“The thousands of Queenslanders without a roof over their head deserve better than the false hope and broken promises they’re getting from the Palaszczuk Government.”

Failures put safety of rural firies at risk

25th August 2023

The safety of Queensland’s brave Rural Fire Service volunteers has been disgracefully ignored by the Palaszczuk Labor Government, on the eve of a bushfire season forecasted to be extreme.

In stark contrast to other States, the Queensland Government has failed to install radiant heat shield curtains in vehicles delivered to Rural Fire Service volunteers in the 2022-23 financial year.

Shadow Minister for Fire and Emergency Services, Dale Last said the failure was putting the lives of our volunteers at risk.

“Queenslanders rely on the brave volunteers of the Rural Fire Service but this Government’s carelessness and incompetence is putting them at needless risk,” Mr Last said.

“What we now know is that those brave volunteers cannot rely on Labor to provide them with lifesaving equipment.

“Radiant heat shield curtains save lives and reduce injuries to volunteers in the event they are caught in a bushfire. 

​"The South Australian government values their volunteers and have funded the equipment for 390 vehicles.

“In stark contrast, during the last financial year not one vehicle delivered to Queensland’s Rural Fire Service was fitted with radiant heat shield curtains. 

​"We have seen huge delays in the delivery of these vehicles and, even with the extra time, Minister Ryan has failed these brave volunteers.

Mr Last said the forecast of a worse than normal bushfire season made the Minister’s inaction even more alarming.

“The first priority of a government should be protecting Queenslanders including the people who put themselves in harm’s way to protect others,” he said. 

“This Government is in a constant state of chaos and crisis and is more concerned about protecting their own political skin than protecting the lives of volunteer firies.

“For Minister Ryan to express concern about increased danger but fail to address the dangers that our volunteers face is simply hypocritical.

“Under Minister Ryan’s watch, Queensland has seen a reduction in the number of Rural Fire Service volunteers keeping Queenslanders safe. 

“Is it any wonder volunteers are walking away when this Minister, as proven by his inaction, fails to make the safety of those volunteers a priority.”

Parliament railroaded

25th August 2023

Palaszczuk’s shameful affront to democracy

What Queenslanders have witnessed today under the Palaszczuk Government is an affront to democracy.

Parliament has been railroaded by the Government’s dirty political plan and Westminster tradition has been trashed.

It’s clear the Premier and her Government believe they no longer need the scrutiny of Parliament.

This egregious breach of Parliamentary process cannot go unchecked, which is why the LNP Opposition cannot support this amended Bill.

To be clear, the LNP Opposition supports the Child Protection Bill in its original form and today voted to support the unamended Bill during the Second Reading stage.

However, the LNP Opposition does not support the blatant railroading of the Committee review stage of major legislation.

That’s why we sought to move a Reasoned Amendment, to allow the original Bill to progress through while the amendments were scrutinised in a Committee process.

However, the Government refused to allow Committee scrutiny, voting instead to ram these changes through unchecked.

This is why we will not vote to support the amended Bill during the Third Reading stage.

Today, the Palaszczuk Government have shown Queenslanders they’re a Government in utter chaos and crisis.

They’re out of genuine ideas to help Queensland, and instead have taken the low road, choosing to play pure politics.

Ramming major, unrelated legislation through as an amendment, is nothing more than a dirty political plan. 

We have no doubt this arrogant Government will attempt to use this as political weapon in the weeks and months ahead.

Queenslanders will see straight through any disingenuous attempts to do so.

This is exactly the type of integrity crisis Professor Coaldrake tried to let the sun shine in on.

Today, the Premier has shown her true colours. She has turned her back on the integrity she once claimed she believed in.

Queenslanders believe in integrity and are demanding it.

We will continue to champion integrity for Queenslanders, because they deserve better than the chaos and crisis of the Palaszczuk Government.


24th August 2023

Bombshell RTI documents reveal 20 maternity bypasses across regional Queensland in one year
“Unknown” end date for Weipa and Cooktown bypasses

Maternity services have been secretly bypassed 20 times at 5 regional hospitals, bombshell Queensland Health documents have revealed.

Right to Information documents released to the LNP have exposed Labor's Maternity Crisis is far worse than the Palaszczuk Labor Government has admitted to Queenslanders, with staff “rostering” and “leave” enough to tip hospitals onto maternity bypass.

The alarming revelations will strike fear into the hearts of expectant mothers across Queensland, who are left without safe local birthing options every time a hospital bypasses services.

The RTI reveals between May 2022 and May 2023:

  • ​Innisfail Hospital maternity services were bypassed 7 times.
  • Mareeba Hospital maternity services were bypassed 9 times.
  • Ingham Hospital maternity services were bypassed twice.
  • Dalby Hospital maternity services were bypassed once.
  • Ayr Health Service maternity services were bypassed once.
  • Tara Hospital Emergency Department was downgraded for 4 days due to “medical leave”.
  • Bypasses at Weipa and Cooktown Hospitals have an “unknown anticipated end date”.

Leader of the Opposition David Crisafulli said the Queensland Maternity Crisis was born from the chaos and crisis of the Palaszczuk Labor Government.

“Expectant mums deserve certainty, they don’t expect to be turned away from a hospital secretly bypassing maternity services,” Mr Crisafulli said.

“To learn hospitals are now so stretched they’re bypassing maternity services when one person calls in sick, will strike fear into the hearts of Queensland mothers.

“Labor’s Maternity Crisis is far deeper than they’ve ever admitted to Queenslanders, with regional maternity services on the brink.”

Shadow Minister for Health Ros Bates said the documents revealed more of the chaos and crisis of Queensland Health under the Palaszczuk Labor Government.

“These documents also show maternity services are operating on a knife’s edge across the State, leaving Queenslanders guessing about which services will be next to close under Labor,” Ms Bates said.

“This Government’s failure to resource and run Queensland Health is denying Queensland women the right to have their babies where, when and how they want.

“When regional maternity services are closed, it leaves mothers without safe options to birth locally, and left to travel hundreds of kilometres to access care.

“Queenslanders now know the Palaszczuk Government never planned to restore maternity services to Weipa and Cooktown, despite repeated promises to do so.

“Labor has closed 37 maternity services, leaving just 37 operating across the State, with many of these now regularly on bypass.

“This is not the world-class health system Queenslanders have been promised and deserve.”

Vaping fail - New plan won’t tackle vaping in Queensland Primary Schools

24th August 2023

Vaping is a serious public health issue in Queensland schools that warrants the full attention and action of the Palaszczuk Labor Government.

Today’s announcement fails to address the growing scourge of vaping in Queensland primary schools.

In the chaos and crisis of this Government, either the Minister doesn’t understand or doesn’t want to stop vaping in Primary Schools.

The significant gaps in the State Government’s announced strategy must be urgently addressed.

Queensland parents can’t afford for this to be another example of the Government being focused more on an announcement, rather than delivering the solutions Queenslanders need.

Since the Palaszczuk Government came to power, suspensions for Primary School Students for substance misconduct including vaping and drug use have exploded by 800%.

During Estimates it was uncovered the Government is trying to sweep the issue under the carpet by failing to have our schools record instances of vaping.

Queenslanders will not accept the Minister attempting to hide the true extent of the problem by refusing to properly record how often and what types of substance abuse is occurring in our Primary Schools.

You can’t fix what you don’t measure.

Queensland parents deserve to know how many kids are caught vaping.

Queensland parents need confidence schools will take a zero-tolerance approach to vaping and other illegal drug use across all Primary and Secondary schools.

Queensland parents need their Government to get serious on tackling the scourge of vaping in Queensland Primary schools.

REVEALED: Labor’s secret community infrastructure cuts list

23rd August 2023

Cabinet secretly scraps projects to pay for Bailey’s blowouts
At least $782m in local roads and transport projects axed

A bombshell leaked Government document reveals the Palaszczuk Labor Government has secretly scrapped at least $782 million of projects to pay for Mark Bailey’s budget blowouts.

The secret Ministerial document has exposed the under-handed plan to claw-back millions in cost overruns accrued by Minister Bailey, despite admitting the “optics risk” it presented.

Some of the revelations in the document include:

  • ​The Government has identified and delayed at least $782 million of projects previously scheduled in the Budget.
  • New budget blowouts for Logan and Gold Coast Faster Rail and the Pacific Motorway upgrade at Daisy Hill.
  • Additional project blowouts are anticipated for existing projects.
  • Project cuts were limited to State-only funded projects, to avoid scrutiny.
  • A number of transport and road projects jointly-funded with the Australian government are currently under review.

Deputy Leader of the Opposition and Shadow Minister for Infrastructure Jarrod Bleijie said Queenslanders were again paying for the chaos and crisis of the Palaszczuk Labor Government.

“Minister Bailey’s budget blowouts are now costing Queenslanders a very high price,” Mr Bleijie said.

“This compulsive blowout artist has proven time and again he can’t deliver on-time and on-budget and now Cabinet has clipped his wings to claw-back cash.

“What’s worse is that they knew scrapping the projects was an ‘optics risk’ which is why they’ve kept the cuts list secret from Queenslanders.”

Shadow Minister for Transport and Main Roads Steve Minnikin said Mark Bailey could no longer hide behind the veil of secrecy because Queenslanders deserved the truth.

“Today, Labor has been caught-out shamelessly cutting community infrastructure,” Mr Minnikin said.

“Queenslanders deserve to see Labor’s cuts list, and they deserve to know why their local road and rail projects are no longer a priority for this Government.

“Every one of these projects had been prioritised because they delivered critical infrastructure needed for growing Queensland communities.

“This is another snub for Queensland, which has already had road and rail upgrades put on the go-slow by a government more interested on red-carpets and glossy announcements than delivering infrastructure.

“Today’s shocking revelations will be another slap in the face to Queenslanders who trusted their Government to deliver for them.”

Queensland Youth Crime Crisis worsens under Labor

Queensland Youth Crime Crisis worsens under Labor

23rd August 2023

Victim numbers soaring

The facts are the facts.

The Queensland Youth Crime Crisis is getting worse under Labor.

You are now far more likely to have your car stolen, your house broken into or be a victim of robbery in Queensland than any other state in Australia.

Shockingly, 200,000 Queenslanders were victims of thefts, robberies and break-ins in Queensland last year alone:

  • ​18,195 Queenslanders had their car stolen, up 25% in one year.
  • 47,277 Queenslanders had their home or business broken into, up 21.5% in one year.
  • 126,394 Queenslanders were the victim of theft, up 12.5% in one year.

The Queensland Youth Crime Crisis falls directly at the feet of the Palaszczuk Labor Government.

Labor’s weak laws and falling police numbers have created the Queensland Youth Crime Crisis.

The Palaszczuk Labor Government’s failure to roll-out the real reforms Queenslanders are crying out for, has left Queenslanders paying a high price.

Police numbers are going backwards under Labor with 202 fewer police than 12 months ago.

Despite all of this, I was appalled by Premier Palaszczuk’s refusal in Parliament today to take accountability and responsibility for her Government’s failures to keep Queenslanders safe.

She refused to apologise to victims.

The facts are the facts.

The Queensland Youth Crime Crisis is getting worse under Labor.

They are so besieged by chaos and crisis, they don’t have the solutions Queensland needs.

​The LNP has put solutions on the table to start tackling Queensland’s Youth Crime Crisis, including creating consequences for actions, unshackling the judiciary by removing detention as a last resort and delivering gold standard early intervention.

​While Labor refuses to listen to the voices of victims, the LNP will give Queenslanders a voice.

We won’t stop fighting for Queenslanders, because they deserve better.

NAPLAN dis-Grace

23rd August 2023

Today’s abysmal NAPLAN results are a “fail” for Minister Grace and the Palaszczuk Labor Government.

Alarmingly, Queensland is lagging behind New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia and South Australia on multiple educational measures across all year levels.

These results are just the latest in a long list showing declining outcomes.

They are an outcome of the Palaszczuk Government’s long-term failure to plan and resource our education system.

The Palaszczuk Labor Government is in chaos and crisis and doesn’t have the solutions needed to turn around these embarrassing results.

It’s clear they have no plan to turn around literacy and numeracy results.

They have no plan to deliver the teachers they promised or address skyrocketing substance misconduct and truancy in schools.

Their only plan is to “fix” the way education results are measured, not fix the results themselves.

Our students deserve a world-class education and the best head-start possible, not more chaos and crisis.

Our hardworking teachers are doing their best with the challenging conditions the State Government forces them to work with.

Queenslanders can’t trust this Government to deliver a world class education system that our students deserve.

Trouble-prone Satellite ‘hospitals’

22nd August 2023

Long waits, confused patients at trouble-prone facilities

I am deeply concerned about the reported troubles at the State Government’s so-called “Satellite Hospitals”.

Despite the multiple warnings, the Palaszczuk Labor Government failed to listen to advice not to call them “hospitals”.

Now, we are seeing the expected confusion as wait times blow-out and facilities are not staffed as promised by the Health Minister.

Queensland Health warned calling them hospitals would create confusion and safety concerns.

The LNP warned calling them hospitals would mislead Queenslanders and could cost precious time in an emergency.

The only people refusing to admit calling multi-purpose health centres “hospitals” was not only misleading, but dangerous, is this Government.

I remain deeply concerned that Labor’s refusal to listen to the warnings will lead to more serious situations at the trouble-prone facilities.

The Palaszczuk Labor Government needs to be honest with Queenslanders and call these facilities what they are: health centres.

The facilities will serve an important purpose for the community but should called what they are.

Queensland’s hospitals are flat-lining and urgently need life-support but unfortunately Labor is out of answers for the crisis they’ve created.

The amazing, hardworking staff at these facilities will do the best with what they’ve been given.

​It’s not their fault the Palaszczuk Government ignored the advice of health experts in setting up these facilities.

The LNP has put health solutions on the table to heal the Queensland Health Crisis including more resources, better triaging, releasing data in real-time and putting doctors and nurses back in charge to improve patient care.

The dubious record of the trouble-prone so-called satellite hospitals includes:

  • Government admits they aren’t setting KPIs or measuring performance, such as how long patients wait for help.
  • Some patients waiting up to four hours for medical help.
  • Facilities are opening without being fully staffed, in a desperate attempt to avoid more scrutiny on delays.
  • Budget blowouts of $110 million.
  • All seven facilities were promised to open in May this year, none met that deadline and some won’t be delivered until well into 2024.
  • The facilities have no overnight beds or emergency departments and aren’t open 24 hours.


21st August 2023

The LNP will implement Complaints Clearing House 
Opposition to repair integrity after Labor walks away

​Today I have written to the Premier, requesting a briefing from the Public Sector Commissioner about the work completed for a Complaints Clearing House.

I have requested Mr David Mackie present his assessment of options to implement a Complaints Clearing House, consistent with the recommendation from Professor Peter Coaldrake’s landmark integrity review, Let the Sunshine In.

We want to understand what work has been done and what still needs to be completed to implement the complaints Clearing House envisaged by Professor Coaldrake.

Today I can announce, an LNP Government will implement a clearing house lock, stock and barrel.

Despite previously making a full commitment to implement the Coaldrake Review, the Premier now claims implementing a clearing house is not possible, she would prefer the integrity inferno of her Government burns on.

Integrity in Government matters to Queenslanders and it matters to me.

While the Premier has walked away from her promise to implement the Coaldrake Review “lock, stock and barrel”, claiming the cost of integrity is too high, the price of an integrity crisis is far higher.

It’s a price Queenslanders cannot afford to pay, when they need a Government to fix the crises impacting their lives every day like housing, health, cost-of-living and crime.

The integrity failings of this Government have been on full display again over the past month, as they’re engulfed by chaos and crisis.

It’s clear this Government no longer values integrity, openness and transparency.

An LNP Government would restore integrity to Government, which includes implementing a Clearing House, lock, stock and barrel.

When the LNP says it, we mean it and will do it.

The Premier and her Labor Government cannot say the same thing.

Labor fails teachers, parents and students  

15th August 2023

The chaotic Palaszczuk Labor Government has broken their election promise to grow the teacher workforce by 7,329 new teachers and teacher aides.

Not only has the Palaszczuk Government failed to ensure Queensland has enough teachers, they are deceptively attempting to cover-up their own failings.

Shockingly, 5,700 teachers and teacher aides have quit in the last 18 months while the Labor Government has no measures in place to understand why Queensland teachers are leaving in droves.

Worryingly, student literacy and numeracy outcomes have been jeopardised due to teacher workforce shortages, poor resourcing and a lack of planning.

The chaos and crisis of the Palaszczuk Labor Government is failing teachers, parents and students.

In Queensland, school attendance rates have fallen and Labor’s student behaviour management framework is broken.

Suspensions for vaping and drug use have exploded under this Labor Government at a time parents expect the Government to take a zero tolerance approach to drug use at school.

The Palaszczuk Government is in chaos and crisis and it is Queensland students who are paying the price.

Substance abuse, staff assault and funding shortfalls

15th August 2023

Spotlight on Queensland’s broken Residential Care system

The alarming impact of the Palaszczuk Government’s failure to resource and run Queensland’s Residential Care system has been exposed by providers, concerned about vulnerable children caught in the crosshairs.

Frequent substance abuse and staff assaults is commonplace according to carers, while the Government’s regulatory model isn’t adequately providing the healthcare, family connection, and basic essentials children need.

The concerns were raised during the LNP’s Residential Care Stakeholder’s Forum held on Friday, when the Opposition met with 50 key stakeholders to hear the challenges facing the broken Residential Care system. 

Other concerns shared by providers include:

  • 11% can’t always cover the food, toiletries and other essentials for children under the current funding model and are funding the additional expenses privately.
  • 78% can’t cover the growing costs of travel for family connection while in care.
  • 63% are unable to cover the cost of mental healthcare
  • 70% are unable to cover the cost of therapeutic care for children with complex needs.
  • 41% are unable to cover the cost of school resources.
  • 72% report staff are assaulted weekly or daily.
  • 80% report children frequently have substance abuse issues.

Shadow Minister for Child Safety Amanda Camm thanked the Residential Care stakeholders for outlining the challenges they faced, which would help inform a path to repair.

“It’s clear the Palaszczuk Labor Government has failed at every stage of the Child Safety system, and the broken Residential Care program is just one example of this failure,” Ms Camm said.

“Residential Care should be an intervention, not a destination, and should provide children with stability, safety, support and structure.

­­“Children in Residential Care deserve boundaries, education, access to extra-curriculars and community for the best chance at a decent life, but it’s clear the Government has dropped the ball.

“To hear from providers that substance abuse and violence toward staff is commonplace among children, should sound alarm bells.

“Children in Residential Care are under the supervision of the State Government and Queenslanders expect the Palaszczuk Government is keeping both them and the community safe.

“What’s now become clear is red-tape and funding constraints under the Palaszczuk Government is standing in the way of helping steer young lives away from a life of crime.

“Providers also revealed children are regularly placed outside their own communities without adequate support to visit their families or transition into foster care arrangements.

“With 1759 children in Residential Care, including 528 under 12 years of age and 31 under 4 years of age, this Government needs to be doing more to support them.

“Residential Care isn’t setup for success, these children and our communities are paying the price of the chaos and crisis of the Palaszczuk Government.”

The LNP has outlined five key goals for Residential Care that it will work toward, including:

  1. An emphasis on personal responsibility
  2. Insistence on attending school
  3. Insistence on an extra-curricular activity
  4. Opportunity for employment training for the older kids
  5. Focus on transition to foster care 


11th August 2023

Housing Minister caught fudging social housing figures
More people culled from waitlist than housed

The Palaszczuk Labor Government has been forced to admit Queensland’s social housing waitlist has increased in real terms. 

Incredibly, the Government has been caught out culling more people from the waitlist than they put into a home.

The Budget Estimates bombshell follows months of delays to the release of the social housing waitlist by the Housing Minister Meaghan Scanlon.

However, today, it has become apparent the Government has been fudging the figures, with revelations in 2022-2023:

  • 6,603 applications were added to the register;
  • 5,000 households were placed in social housing;
  • 7,353 applications were culled from the register.

It was also revealed Minister Scanlon has set no social housing targets for the next 12 months.   

These numbers still pale in comparison to the remaining 41,400 Queenslanders still languishing on the waitlist, waiting for a roof over their head.

Shadow Minister for Housing Tim Mander said today’s revelations were more evidence the Palaszczuk Labor Government is more focused on how things look than how things are.

“The more than 40,000 Queenslanders waiting for a roof over their head during the Queensland Housing Crisis aren’t patting the Government on the back for their abysmal efforts," Mr Mander said.

“Fudging figures doesn’t house Queenslanders, the Minister must explain if she’s using tricky numbers just to make herself look better.

“Queenslanders need assurances this Government is focused on housing Queenslanders not protecting their own jobs at all costs.

“What we learned today was the Minister does not have a target to house every Queenslander waiting for a home.

“This is a slap in the face to those who have trusted their government to deliver in their time of need.

“The Palaszczuk Labor Government has categorically failed to deliver enough homes to keep up with population growth and now it appears they’re trying to cover up their chaos and crisis by fudging figures.”

Mr Mander said the Housing Minister also had serious questions to answer about Indigenous social housing, with new numbers revealing the number of homes had gone backward since 2018.

“The number of Indigenous social and community homes has gone backward by more than 100 homes in five years, despite a growing number of First Nations Queenslanders in need,” he said.

“Queenslanders deserve to know what is happening when some $1.6 billion has been spent on Indigenous social housing and there’s nothing to show for it.

“Queenslanders will not cop more dodgy number tricks from the Palaszczuk Labor Government who cares more about how things look than how things actually are.”

Child Safe Standards royal failure

10th August 2023

97 Royal Commission child safety recommendations incomplete after five years

A damning new progress report for the Royal Commission into Intuitional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has revealed the Palaszczuk Government has failed to implement critical Child Safety recommendations.

Alarmingly, five years after the Royal Commission, 97 recommendations for child safety still haven’t been implemented, with no timeline for completion.

Critical recommendations to strengthen child safety still waiting to be implemented include:

  • Legislating Child Safe Standards for all private organisations working with children.
  • Implementing 10 Child Safe Standards outlined by the Royal Commission across Government bodies.
  • Creating an oversight body for Child Safe Standards.
  • Requiring reportable conduct schemes for institutions with responsibility for children including housing providers, education, health services and disability services.
  • Expanding information sharing of potential compliance and breaches between relevant private and government organisations.
  • Legislating protections for whistleblowers or individuals reporting concerns.
  • Expanding reportable conduct for Working with Children Checks.

Shadow Minister for Child Safety Amanda Camm said the progress report laid bare the comprehensive failure of the Palaszczuk Labor Government to keep Queensland children safe.

“The Palaszczuk Government has royally failed to implement the Royal Commission findings and Queensland children and parents are paying the price,” Ms Camm said.

“After five years, the heart of the issues identified in the Royal Commission still haven’t been addressed by this Government.

“Queensland families trust when major changes are identified to improve child safety their government will follow-through, but once again the Palaszczuk Government has failed in its responsibility.

“Child Safety has become another victim of the Palaszczuk Government’s chaos and crisis, and children are being left to pay the price.

“Five years ago this Government accepted the recommendations, but since then no progress has been made to implement the new national Child Safety Standards.

“Only after the LNP started scrutinising Labor’s child safety failures did they finally cough-up a progress report that is six-months overdue and shows they are years behind.

“These changes outline major expansions to strengthen the Blue Card system and should be a top priority, not an afterthought.

“Queenslanders need to know when these recommendations will be implemented by this Government.”

Budget Estimates police numbers bombshell

9th August 2023

Palaszczuk Government admits to fewer police - Police numbers fall by 202 in one year

In a Budget Estimates bombshell, the Palaszczuk Labor Government has today admitted frontline police numbers are going backwards.

After months of denials, Queenslanders now know police numbers shrunk by 202 officers last financial year.

Today we learn 685 officers left the Queensland Police Service last financial year, and just 483 new officers were sworn-in.

That’s 202 fewer police officers in the middle of the Queensland Youth Crime Crisis.

In 2020, the Premier promised to deliver an additional 1450 police officers by 2024.

That promise is in tatters.

If not a single extra police officer left the Queensland Police Service, they’re still 1200 officers short of their promise.

If attrition continues at the current rate, they’ll need a staggering 2300 new officers to fulfill their promise.

The Palaszczuk Government is in a constant state of chaos and crisis.

Police morale is at an all-time low and getting worse.

The Palaszczuk Government doesn’t value our hardworking men and women in blue.

Whistleblowers are speaking out because of the chaos and crisis of this Government.

Minister Ryan’s bald-faced deceptions about falling police have only made the situation worse.

It’s clear this Government can’t deliver the police they promised.

It’s clear this Government doesn’t have the solutions to the Queensland Youth Crime Crisis.

Blue Card red flags

9th August 2023

All excuses and no answers on Blue Card system overhaul

The Palaszczuk Labor Government can’t explain why 53 of 81 recommendations to overhaul Queensland’s Blue Card system haven’t been implemented after six long years.

Under questioning from the LNP in Budget Estimates today, the Attorney-General could not explain why the implementation was on a go-slow and would not release a copy of the Detailed Implementation Plan with timeframes for each recommendation.

Some of the shocking revelations from Budget Estimates include:

  • After six years, just one-third of recommendations from the QFCC report are complete and there is no timeline to complete the remaining recommendations.
  • A full break-down of which recommendations have been completed and the associated actions, has not been released.
  • Separate Royal Commission recommendations for Child Safe Standards have not been implemented in Queensland.

This failure is despite multiple communiques and reminders from the Queensland Family and Child Commissioner about the lack of progress in implementing recommendations.

Shadow Attorney-General Tim Nicholls said in the chaos and crisis of the Palaszczuk Government, Ministers were too busy passing the buck rather than taking responsibility.

“It’s clear the Minister is unwilling to take accountability or responsibility for implementing these critical changes to the system designed to keep children safe,” Mr Nicholls said.

“The Palaszczuk Government’s failures raise red flags for the Blue Card system.

“After six years, they couldn’t even reveal when they would complete each of the 81 recommendations.

“Queenslanders deserve to know why this is not a priority for the Palaszczuk Labor Government.

“Parents and childcare workers trusted this Government to fix the failings of this system and instead they’ve been fundamentally failed. 

“Parents want to know their children will be safe when they’re entrusted to care and childcare educators want to know the system will catch bad eggs.

“After this morning, neither parents nor educators can be confident about the integrity of the Blue Card system in Queensland.

“Once again, the Palaszczuk Government is more focused on the announcement than delivering and now they’re too busy trying to cover-up their failures than fix them.

“Queenslanders deserve better and won’t accept this disgraceful effort after six years.”

Butcher’s budget blowout a dam disgrace

9th August 2023

Another Palaszczuk Labor Government Minister has been caught up in a major budget blowout, as Queenslanders are set to fork out $201 million more than originally forecast.

Rookwood Weir in Central Queensland is the latest project to run over-budget, in another sign the chaos and crisis in the Palaszczuk Labor Government has affected the construction of dams across Queensland.

Shadow Minister for Water and the Construction of Dams Deb Frecklington grilled Water Minister Glenn Butcher over the 54% budget blowout during Estimates Hearings.

Ms Frecklington said the budget blowout has left Mr Butcher blushing.

“Rookwood Weir is costing Queenslanders $201 million more because for the gross incompetence of the Palaszczuk Labor Government,” Ms Frecklington said.

“When a project runs more than $200 million over budget, other projects are put on the chopping block.

“Because Glenn Butcher can’t balance the budget for Rookwood Weir, other water infrastructure projects like HipCo Irrigation, Urranah Dam and Hells Gates dams proposals are pushed aside.

“Glenn Butcher still hasn’t answered whether he asked his Labor Federal colleagues to contribute 50% towards the blow out amount of $201 million, or whether he was too embarrassed of his own complete mismanagement.

“Water means jobs, but after eight years of the Palaszczuk Labor Government this is fact is yet to sink in.

“Regional Queensland communities are sick of being treated like second-class citizens.

“After eight years and three terms in office, the Palaszczuk Labor Government has stopped listening to Queenslanders.

“Labor’s record on dams is appalling and Queenslanders deserve better.”

$9.5 billion excuses don’t add-up

8th August 2023

Bailey caught out in his deceitful web of lies
Minister’s protection racket blocks answers to key questions in Estimates

A bombshell Budget Estimates session has exposed Minister Bailey’s evolution of excuses about the cover-up of a $2.4 billion blowout on a Palaszczuk Labor Government signature train manufacturing program.

The full picture of the Train Shame Scandal is becoming clearer, with Budget Estimates uncovering the Premier and Minister engaged in a calculated deception of Queenslanders about a $2.4 billion blowout, the day after their government inked the train manufacturing contract.

After weeks of evasive answers and changing stories, under questioning in Budget Estimates today, the Palaszczuk Government has now admitted:

  • The Minister deliberately attempted to cover-up the blowout with his office directing the Department to delete the figure from public communications.
  • The manufacturing contract was signed on 29 June, prior to their 30 June media announcement.
  • The Premier and Minister covered-up the blowout despite the manufacturing contract being signed prior to media announcements.

Questions the Palaszczuk Government still needs to answer include:

  • ​When did the Transport and Main Roads Department first became aware of the new $9.5 billion cost?
  • When did Minister Bailey advise the Premier about the $2.4 billion blowout?
  • When did the Cabinet Budget Review Committee sign-off on the new $9.5 billion project amount?

Deputy Leader of the Opposition and Infrastructure Minister Jarrod Bleijie said the Minister’s weasel words on the Train Shame Scandal had now fallen apart.

“Today Minister Bailey’s evolution of excuses has comprehensively collapsed under questioning, revealing the Palaszczuk Government deliberately hid the truth from Queenslanders,” Mr Bleijie said.

“This is a government that believes it’s justified to lie to Queenslanders instead of being honest about a $2.4 billion blowout they’ll pay because of the Government’s failures.

“Queenslanders are paying a high price for this Government and it isn’t just the $9.5 billion we’re forking out for the Train Shame Scandal, it is the very integrity of Government.

“Under the constant state of chaos and crisis of the Palaszczuk Government, the culture of cover-ups and deceptions go right to the heart.

“Apparently the Premier is so checked-out she believes deliberate deceptions are forgivable and shouldn’t be disclosed to Queenslanders.”

Shadow Minister for Transport Steve Minnikin said the Train Shame Scandal should be the end of the line for Mark Bailey as a Minister in Queensland.

“Today has raised even more questions and the Minister must reveal when he first knew about the $2.4 billion blowout and when the Premier first knew,” Mr Minnikin said.

“Queenslanders deserve the truth today, not more chaos and crisis from a government desperately attempting to cover-up their tracks.”

Train Shame Scandal timeline

19 June – TMR drafts media release stating project costs $9.5 billion. 

June - Minister deletes the cost from the media release. 

June - Premier inserts $7.1 billion incorrect cost, despite knowing it is incorrect.

29 June – Train Manufacturing contract is signed.

30 June – Media conference and media release announced project claiming $7.1 billion cost, despite being after the contract signing and knowing the project actually costs $9.5 billion.

30 June – TMR quietly updates website to include new cost of $9.5 billion.

3 July – Minister Bailey’s office directs TMR to “delete” $9.5 billion from communications.

17 July – Premier refuses to say if she knew about the blowout in June and says she’d “have to check”.

24 July – Premier admits to knowing about the correct cost, before she issued the incorrect cost in media and public communications on 30 June.

24 July – Minister Bailey “apologises” for the incorrect figure being in the 30 June media release and says, “the correct overall figure should have gone in the media release”.  Premier admits the Minister had advised her of the correct figure prior to 30 June but claims the issue had been rectified because the Minister had made a statement.

2 August – Premier blames a “sick” staff member for inserting the incorrect figure in 30 June media release, despite acknowledging she was aware of the correct cost and approving the media release under her name.

3 August – Bailey attempts to “mop-up” the issue, attempting to argue the cost blowout was irrelevant on June 30 because it wasn’t the “theme of the day”.

8 August – In Budget Estimates the TMR Director-General admits the Department received an email from the Minister’s Office directing staff to “delete” the $9.5 billion cost from public communications.

Primary School Substance Suspensions

7th August 2023

The Palaszczuk Labor Government is losing the war on drugs in Queensland schools and has been caught-out trying to cover-up their failure.

Parents will be shocked to learn the number of Primary School Students suspended for substance misconduct including vaping and drug use has exploded by shocking 800% in two years, on this Labor Government’s watch.

You can’t fix properly what you don’t measure and this Government would rather cover-up how rampant vaping has become in Queensland schools than put a stop to it.

It’s more chaos and crisis from a government that cares more about how things look than how things are.

We need to know how many kids are vaping and a promise from the Minister that schools will take a zero-tolerance approach to vaping and other illegal drug use at schools.

Parents expect schools are keeping students safe, which includes a zero tolerance approach to illegal drug use at schools.

SOURCE: School Disciplinary Absences by student demographics

ALL Suspensions - ​SDA Count – Substance Misconduct
2020 - 108
2022 - 955
Percentage Increase - 784%

SHORT Suspensions - SDA Count –Substance Misconduct

​2020 - 104
2022 - 937
Percentage Increase - 801%

20% of youth offenders now hardcore repeat criminals 

7th August 2023


The growing Queensland Youth Crime Crisis has been laid bare, with new figures revealing the cohort of hardcore repeat youth offenders has doubled to 20%. 

The Palaszczuk Government has been forced to admit the number of hardcore repeat youth criminals has more than doubled in two years, on their watch. 

That is, 20% of youths committing crime are now repeatedly engaging in criminal activity, up from 10% just two short years ago. 

his is despite the Premier repeatedly claiming her “laws target specifically” repeat youth criminals. 

Leader of the Opposition David Crisafulli said the doubling of hardcore youth criminals was a direct result of the Palaszczuk Government watering-down Queensland’s crime laws. 

“Queenslanders are living in fear of a generation of hardcore repeat youth criminals who are laughing at the State Government’s weak attempts to fix the Youth Crime Crisis they created,” Mr Crisafulli said. 

“The number of untouchables terrorising Queensland streets have doubled in two short years. 

“This generation of untouchables don’t run from the law, they run at the law, and the Premier has shown she doesn’t know how to fix the crime laws to stop them.” 

Shadow Attorney-General Tim Nicholls said Queenslanders had run out of patience for a Government which had run out of ideas to fix the Youth Crime Crisis they created. 

“This startling new figure shows the Government’s last 10-point announcement was only ever about relieving media pressure, not about tackling the Queensland Youth Crime Crisis,” Mr Nicholls said. 

“This is a government in a constant state of chaos and crisis, without the solutions Queenslanders need. 

“The LNP has put solutions on the table to start tackling Queensland’s Youth Crime Crisis and it is time the Palaszczuk Government started listening. 

“We need to create consequences for actions, unshackle the judiciary by removing detention as a last resort and deliver gold standard early intervention.” 

Butcher’s budget blowout a dam disgrace

7th August 2023

Another Palaszczuk Labor Government Minister has been caught up in a major budget blowout, as Queenslanders are set to fork out $201 million more than originally forecast.

Rookwood Weir in Central Queensland is the latest project to run over-budget, in another sign the chaos and crisis in the Palaszczuk Labor Government has affected the construction of dams across Queensland.

Shadow Minister for Water and the Construction of Dams Deb Frecklington grilled Water Minister Glenn Butcher over the 54% budget blowout during Estimates Hearings.

Ms Frecklington said the budget blowout has left Mr Butcher blushing.

“Rookwood Weir is costing Queenslanders $201 million more because for the gross incompetence of the Palaszczuk Labor Government,” Ms Frecklington said.

“When a project runs more than $200 million over budget, other projects are put on the chopping block.

“Because Glenn Butcher can’t balance the budget for Rookwood Weir, other water infrastructure projects like HipCo Irrigation, Urranah Dam and Hells Gates dams proposals are pushed aside.

“Glenn Butcher still hasn’t answered whether he asked his Labor Federal colleagues to contribute 50% towards the blow out amount of $201 million, or whether he was too embarrassed of his own complete mismanagement.

“Water means jobs, but after eight years of the Palaszczuk Labor Government this is fact is yet to sink in.

“Regional Queensland communities are sick of being treated like second-class citizens.

“After eight years and three terms in office, the Palaszczuk Labor Government has stopped listening to Queenslanders.

“Labor’s record on dams is appalling and Queenslanders deserve better.”

Labor grilled on Bundaberg flood levee blowout

4th August 2023

Election Promise Broken
Vital project kicked into 2027 as costs soar 119%

More delays and a major budget blowout for the Bundaberg Flood Levee have been laid bare at Estimates Hearings, as pressure mounts on the Palaszczuk Labor Government to reign in spending.

The LNP Opposition grilled Deputy Premier Steven Miles over the 119% budget blowout and significant delays to construction.

Alarmingly, it also confirms the Member for Bundaberg Tom Smith has blatantly broken his election promise to deliver the levee by 2024.

Shadow Minister for Disaster Recovery Ann Leahy said it’s another broken promise from the Palaszczuk Labor Government.

“The Palaszczuk Labor Government is in chaos and crisis and Queenslanders are paying the price,” Ms Leahy said.

“This is a crucial project but once again Wide Bay residents have fallen victim to the Palaszczuk Labor Government’s inability to deliver projects on time or on budget.

“Before the 2020 State Election, they promised this project would cost Queensland taxpayers $40 million and it would be ready in 2024.

“The Premier and her Ministers are more focused on the announcement rather than following through on their commitments.

“After eight years and three terms in office, the Palaszczuk Labor Government has stopped listening to Queenslanders.

“This out-of-touch Labor Government has racked up more than $10 billion in budget blowouts. 

“This extraordinary amount of money could have funded more hospitals, fixed regional roads, recruit more police and help support our farmers.”

Member for Burnett Stephen Bennett said it’s another insulting blow for Bundaberg.

“The Palaszczuk Labor Government will say and do anything before an election,” Mr Bennett said.

“The number of broken promises, budget blowouts and project delays has spiralled out of control since Annastacia Palaszczuk became Premier in 2015.

“The memories of the Bundaberg floods in 2013 won’t be forgotten and for the Palaszczuk Labor Government to treat this project and this community with contempt is disgraceful.

“Bundaberg MP Tom Smith has broken his election promise to the people of Bundaberg and must take responsibility for that. 

“Bundaberg residents deserve better.

“This is the price you pay when an arrogant government no longer listens to Queenslanders.”

Gabba: $2.7 billion and no business case

4th August 2023

The Palaszczuk Government has been forced into a shock confession that a business case still hasn’t been completed for the redevelopment of the Gabba stadium.

Without a business case, the Palaszczuk Government can’t promise it won’t cost more.

Without a business case, $2.7 billion is a stab in the dark.

Today the Government admitted to dreaming-up $1 billion for a media announcement and then dreaming-up a $1.7 billion blowout. 

The chaos and crisis of this Government is on full display.

The Premier and her Government are acting like they’re playing with Monopoly money rather than hard-earned taxpayer dollars in the middle of Queensland's cost-of-living crisis.

Queenslanders know this Government can’t be trusted to deliver projects on-time or on-budget.

Labor doesn’t respect Queenslanders’ money and they don’t respect Queenslanders.

A business case needs to be completed and needs to be released so Queenslanders know the truth about the Gabba redevelopment and its cost.

Labor Patients’ Tax will hit Queenslanders

4th August 2023

Budget Estimates has confirmed the Palaszczuk Labor Government has plans to introduce a new tax on general practitioners in the middle of the Queensland Health Crisis.

The LNP is once again raising serious concerns that Labor’s Patients’ Tax means Queenslanders will pay more to see the doctor. 

The AMAQ has said that the targets for this tax are “small suburban and regional clinics, owned by mums and dads” and will “impose an unprecedented extra cost to patients at a time when cost of living pressures are hitting communities hard.”

It means that more Queenslanders will be forced to go to already over-stretched, over-crowded and under-resourced hospital emergency departments.    

Under Estimates questioning yesterday, the Palaszczuk Labor Government has conceded:

  • Treasury has not worked with Queensland Health to determine the impact of this new tax on ambulance call outs at a time of record ramping;
  • No modelling has been undertaken to determine the impact of this new tax on bulk billing rates in Queensland;
  • No modelling has been undertaken to determine the impact of this new tax on the access of residential aged care facility residents to their visiting GP (given a large proportion are currently not charged a gap);
  • There is no idea how many doctors or medical centres will be impacted by this new tax;
  • There is no idea how much additional payroll tax will be raised from a range of health services including dental clinics, physiotherapy practices and radiology centres; and
  • There is no explanation as to why existing medical practices have been granted an amnesty until 2025 while new medical practices are not eligible.
  • Shadow Treasurer David Janetzki said Treasurer Dick’s increasingly unhinged and irrational performances reveal the pressure he is feeling due to the chaos and crisis of his Government.

“Treasurer Dick has broken promises, destroyed investment confidence and handed over billions of taxpayer dollars to bail out the project overruns of his Cabinet colleagues,” Mr Janetzki said.

“As a key member of the Cabinet Budget Review Committee (CBRC) he has lost control of the Government’s spending and the conduct of his Cabinet colleagues, particularly the disgraced Mark Bailey.

“Who will Queenslanders believe – doctors that care for the sick or an increasingly erratic Cameron Dick?

“Queenslanders can’t afford the chaos and crisis of the Palaszczuk Labor Government.”

Comprehensive Blue Card reform failure

4th August 2023

Palaszczuk Labor Government fails to implement 53 critical recommendations
6 years after damning report

The Palaszczuk Labor Government has failed to comprehensively implement a raft of critical changes to Queensland’s Blue Card system, recommended after the tragic death of Tiahleigh Palmer in 2017.

The proposed changes promised to strengthen and streamline Queensland’s Blue Card system which is designed to keep children safe.

Six years after a damning report into the Blue Card system, the LNP Opposition has revealed the Palaszczuk Government has implemented just 28 of the 81 critical recommendations.

In 2017 the Queensland Family and Child Commission recommended “extensive changes to legislation” with 81 specific actions to strengthen Blue Cards, including:

  • Improving information sharing between all areas of government.
  • Expanding the scope of Blue Card applicability to include all services targeting children.
  • Increasing the range of information used for Blue Card assessments.
  • Expanding the range of offences that would disqualify individuals from holding a Blue Card.
  • The failures to implement the majority of critical changes falls directly at the feet of former Attorney-General Shannon Fentiman and current and former Attorney-General Yvette D’Ath.

The revelations of the Palaszczuk Government’s failure to implement changes come after shocking allegations a childcare worker assaulted Queensland children entrusted to his care.

Alarmingly, today in Budget Estimates, the Minister charged with regulating childcare centres has turned her back on all responsibility.

Shadow Attorney General Tim Nicholls said it was unacceptable the Palaszczuk Labor Government had failed to implement the recommended changes after six years.

“We have had three Attorneys-General since these recommendations were made and Minister D’Ath, Minister Fentiman and reheated Minister D’ath, all overseen by the Premier, have failed to fix the Blue Card system,” Mr Nicholls said.

“In the chaos and crisis of the Palaszczuk Labor Government, they’ve failed to strengthen the Blue Card system and Queensland parents will be shocked to hear the promised changes have not been followed through after all this time.

“This is another instance of the Palaszczuk Government making announcements and failing to follow-through.

“Queenslanders will be shocked to hear the Minister responsible for early childhood education and the safety of Queensland children in childcare centres, has wiped her hands and claimed it isn’t her job.

“Queenslanders deserve to know the Government has done everything they can to keep children safe when they entrust them to childcare centres and Blue Card holders.

“We cannot allow more Queensland children to fall victim to the chaos and crisis of the Palaszczuk Labor Government which has failed to deliver on their promises.”

YOUTH CRIME CRISIS: Queenslanders most likely to become crime victims

1st August 2023

Queenslanders twice as likely to be robbed, twice as likely to cop break-ins, compared with NSW

Shocking new ABS data reveals Queenslanders are more likely to be crime victims than any other Australians, with the number of robbery, theft, break-in and stolen car victims growing by 16% in just one year.

Alarmingly, Queenslanders are now twice as likely than residents in New South Wales to be robbed or have their homes broken into and nearly three times as likely to have their car stolen.

The figures show close to 200,000 Queenslanders became victims of thefts, robberies and break-ins last year, with the true impact of the Palaszczuk Government’s weak laws and fewer police laid bare.

The shocking new data exposes the escalating Queensland Youth Crime Crisis:

  • ​18,195 Queenslanders had their car stolen, up 25% in one year.
  • 47,277 Queenslanders had their home or business broken into, up 21.5% in one year.
  • 126,394 Queenslanders were the victim of theft, up 12.5% in one year.

Leader of the Opposition David Crisafulli said the numbers confirmed the Palaszczuk Government’s Crime Crisis was threatening Queensland’s way of life.

“Queenslanders feel less safe today than a year ago and most believe the State Government’s laws just aren’t working,” Mr Crisafulli said. 

“More than ever, Queensland communities are being torn apart by crime and the Palaszczuk Government is still refusing to admit we’re in the grip of a crisis of their own making.

“Weaker laws and fewer police have created a generation of untouchables who know their rights are greater than the rights of their victims.

“The LNP has a plan to raise up the rights of victims, putting them at the centre of a plan to fight youth crime.

“Under the LNP, a Victims’ Commissioner would be appointed to support victims and Queensland Sentencing Advisory Council would include members who are victims of crime.

“The LNP would also provide victims with replacement driver licences and number plates without financial penalty, to help reduce the cost of crime to Queenslanders.”

Shadow Minister for Police Dale Last said Queenslanders shouldn’t need to live in fear of becoming the next victim of the Crime Crisis. 

“Queenslanders are living the reality of these shocking numbers every day because the Palaszczuk Government watered down the laws eight years ago,” Mr Last said.

“Families are worried about where to hide their car keys and how they can keep their children safe because crime is spiralling out of control.

“They know this Government is no longer listening because of their constant state of chaos and crisis, and simply don’t have the solutions Queenslanders need.

“Queenslanders deserve real solutions and until we create consequences for actions, remove detention as a last resort and deliver gold standard early intervention, we won’t break the cycle of crime.”