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Parliament railroaded

25th August 2023

Palaszczuk’s shameful affront to democracy

What Queenslanders have witnessed today under the Palaszczuk Government is an affront to democracy.

Parliament has been railroaded by the Government’s dirty political plan and Westminster tradition has been trashed.

It’s clear the Premier and her Government believe they no longer need the scrutiny of Parliament.

This egregious breach of Parliamentary process cannot go unchecked, which is why the LNP Opposition cannot support this amended Bill.

To be clear, the LNP Opposition supports the Child Protection Bill in its original form and today voted to support the unamended Bill during the Second Reading stage.

However, the LNP Opposition does not support the blatant railroading of the Committee review stage of major legislation.

That’s why we sought to move a Reasoned Amendment, to allow the original Bill to progress through while the amendments were scrutinised in a Committee process.

However, the Government refused to allow Committee scrutiny, voting instead to ram these changes through unchecked.

This is why we will not vote to support the amended Bill during the Third Reading stage.

Today, the Palaszczuk Government have shown Queenslanders they’re a Government in utter chaos and crisis.

They’re out of genuine ideas to help Queensland, and instead have taken the low road, choosing to play pure politics.

Ramming major, unrelated legislation through as an amendment, is nothing more than a dirty political plan. 

We have no doubt this arrogant Government will attempt to use this as political weapon in the weeks and months ahead.

Queenslanders will see straight through any disingenuous attempts to do so.

This is exactly the type of integrity crisis Professor Coaldrake tried to let the sun shine in on.

Today, the Premier has shown her true colours. She has turned her back on the integrity she once claimed she believed in.

Queenslanders believe in integrity and are demanding it.

We will continue to champion integrity for Queenslanders, because they deserve better than the chaos and crisis of the Palaszczuk Government.