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State News - September 2023

Palaszczuk’s Hydro Hoax remains one year on

29th September 2023

Today marks one year since the Palaszczuk Labor Government announced the Energy and Jobs Plan and one year since Labor's Great Hydro Hoax began.

​The Pioneer-Burdekin Dam project was promised to make Queensland a “renewable energy powerhouse” but it was quickly exposed as another Labor thought bubble.

​We are now one year on from the ‘major announcement’ and nothing has happened.

​There is no funding.

​There is no business case.

​There is no environmental impact statement.

​There is no investment decision.

​Residents impacted remain in limbo over the future of their homes.

​It’s a blatant example of the chaos and crisis of the Palaszczuk Labor Government.

​It’s clear Labor is divided over this project, with Opposition questioning during Estimates as to whether the project will go ahead exposing key conflicts within Cabinet.

​How can Queenslanders trust anything the Palaszczuk Government says?

400 DAYS: Biloela mothers still waiting for answers on bypassed maternity

29th September 2023

Minister must commit to a reopening date for Biloela full maternity services

Today marks 400 days since the Labor Government slammed the doors shut on maternity services in Biloela, forcing mothers in labour to travel two hours to deliver their babies.

Despite more than a year passing, the Health Minister is refusing to reveal when, or even if, full maternity services will be restored to Biloela.

Today the LNP is calling on the Minister to reveal a reopening date for full maternity services at Biloela Hospital.

Shadow Health Minister and Registered Nurse Ros Bates said Labor couldn’t be trusted on delivering the world-class health services Queenslanders deserve and need. 

“Labor’s Maternity Crisis runs far deeper than they admit and they’ve stopped listening to the families pleading for their local maternity services to reopen,” Ms Bates said.

“Labor has already closed 37 maternity services and others are hanging on by a thread, this is far from the world-class health system regional Queenslanders deserve.

“Such is the chaos and crisis of this Government mothers in Biloela are still waiting for answers 400 days after their local maternity service was bypassed.”

Member for Callide, Bryson Head, said the Biloela community was demanding action and had a strong message the Government must listen to.

“We’ve seen over 3,200 people sign the petition to bring maternity services back to Biloela, and yet there has been no action from the Palaszczuk Labor Government,” Mr Head said.

“From listening to mothers and expectant mothers’ stories, there’s no denying the importance of maternity services in our rural towns.

“To know that it’s been 400 days since the Biloela maternity ward was put on bypass is devastating. The Labor Government has been ignoring cries for change since the bypass began and those cries have only grown stronger.

“This bypass is a risk to mothers, a risk to babies and a blow to young couples who want to call this community home.

“Bring back our local maternity services and put an end to more atrocious bypass milestones by signing the petition.”


25th September 2023

A shocking development in the Queensland Health Crisis has emerged with revelations May 2023 was the worst month for ambulance ramping in recorded history.

More than 16,000 hours were lost across Queensland in May, which meant ambulances spent 517 hours on ramps each day.

​The latest data from the Palaszczuk Labor Government also revealed:

  •       June 2023 is the second worst month ever recorded at 15,679 hours lost
  •       Jan - Jun 2023 is the worst six months to start a year in Queensland
  •       Metro South is the first HHS to lose more than 5,000 hours in a month
  •       For the first time Metro North lost more than 3,000 hours in a month
  •       West Moreton broke its record with 2,194 hours lost in June
  •       In the first six months of 2023, ambulances spent more time ramped than the entire 2020 calendar year

Leader of the Opposition David Crisafulli said the Palaszczuk Labor Government was in denial as they continued to ignore the seriousness of the Queensland Health Crisis.

“For the State Government to refuse to admit Queensland Health is in crisis shows they will never be able to heal a sick system,” Mr Crisafulli said.

“Patients know it, families know it and frontline staff know it, but the Health Minister refuses to accept it.

“Queensland Health is on life support and these catastrophic statistics prove the State Government can’t be trusted to heal the health crisis.

“Paramedics didn’t sign up to this vocation to spend an entire shift stuck on a ramp, while other calls go unanswered from Queenslanders in their hour of need.

“The Opposition will continue to fight for our solutions to be adopted to heal the health crisis; better resources, better triaging, sharing data in real-time and putting doctors and nurses back in charge to improve patient care.”

Shadow Health Minister Ros Bates said Shannon Fentiman was the latest Labor Health Minister who was losing control of the Queensland Health Crisis.

​“Shannon Fentiman is more interested in a PR blitz to fix the Labor Government’s crisis than accepting responsibility to fix the Queensland Health crisis,” Ms Bates said.

“Shannon Fentiman’s claim that a record number of people went through Emergency departments last year was completely untrue and there is no denying these new ramping numbers because they came directly from her department.

“These aren’t just numbers on a spreadsheet, these are Queenslanders stuck in the back of an ambulance because of the poor planning by the Palaszczuk Labor Government.

“As a nurse and former hospital administrator, I know how stressful it is for patients and paramedics.

“I want to thank my frontline colleagues who are working double shifts to keep the health system on the rails.

“Shannon Fentiman is more focused on fudging the figures, instead of fixing the health system.

“Under Labor, Queensland has the worst ambulance ramping in the country, record lost ambulance hours, 37 maternity wards have shut, bed block is back, elective surgeries aren’t being completed within the clinically recommended time and more than 17,000 patients have spent more than 24 hours in emergency departments despite a 5.3% drop in the number of ED presentations last financial year.

“Under Labor, this is the new normal.

“Queenslanders deserve better.”

Fentiman caught fudging the figures again

21st September 2023

Labor’s elective surgery shame
Health Minister Shannon Fentiman has blatantly misled Queenslanders this morning, which is the second time she has done so this week.

Despite Shannon Fenitman’s claims, Queensland Health data clearly shows there were fewer elective surgeries completed in the 2023 June Quarter than the same quarter two years ago, in the middle of the Pandemic.

The number of surgeries performed dropped from 37,187 in the 2nd quarter of 2021 to 36,321 in the 2nd quarter of 2023, a clear decrease of 2.3%.

It is extraordinary that under Labor, fewer surgeries are being performed than during the Pandemic.  

There should be more elective surgeries happening across Queensland – not less.

But that is actually what has transpired under Shannon Fentiman.

There is nothing ‘pre-COVID’ about the figures released by Shannon Fentiman today.

More than one in five of all patients waiting for elective surgery will wait longer than clinically recommended for their elective surgery.

When the Palaszczuk Labor Government came to office, that number was just 2%.

In December 2019, just before the onset of COVID-19, that number had risen to 4.4%.

It is now 21.5%.

I am also appalled that Shannon Fentiman says she is “thrilled” when tens of thousands of Queenslanders have waited far too long for their surgeries.

For Shannon Fentiman to try and claim that there has been some form of marked improvement in elective surgery, shows how far removed she is from the realities of the Queensland Health Crisis.

Earlier this week the Shannon Fenitman said, “We have seen a record number of people through our EDs in the last year - 2.2 million which is the highest on record.”

In the last year 2,285,320 people did present to a Queensland Emergency Department, but that is a 5.3% decrease on the year before when Queensland Health figures show 2,412,732 arrived at an ED for help.

Photo-op Fentiman needs to start telling the truth about the Queensland Health Crisis instead of being more focused on fixing the numbers to make herself look good because she’s desperate to be Premier.

GP visits to be more expensive under Labor’s backflip tax plan

21st September 2023

Labor has finally released the framework for its controversial Patients’ Tax and as feared it means Queenslanders will pay more to visit their GP.  

The LNP Opposition and doctors warned that Labor’s ill-conceived and illogical Patients’ Tax would drive up the cost of seeing the family doctor, drive more people into emergency departments and drive down bulk-billing rates.

We knew the devil would be in the detail and after the Palaszczuk Labor Government quietly released their tax plan, it’s been revealed those concerns were well founded.

Rather than fix the problem he created, Treasurer Dick has only made it more complicated and more expensive.

During this saga, the question being asked the entire time was under Labor’s Patients’ Tax plan would Queenslanders end up paying more to see a GP?

The framework is in, and the answer is ‘yes.’

Labor’s tax plan is this:

Either medical practices will now be forced to pay Labor’s Patients’ Tax or they must restructure their business model which means higher ongoing administrative costs.

​Both scenarios mean patients will pay more to see the GP and that’s bad news for everyone.

This is more a belly flop by Labor than another chaotic policy backflip.

A health system in crisis needs certainty and stability - not a confused policy framework from a government in chaos and crisis desperately trying to fix the problems it has created.

Unfortunately, today’s ruling only adds to the uncertainty and instability. 

It is no way to govern.

Doctors remain concerned about how Labor’s tax plan will be practically applied and the costs they will face in complying with their obligations.

For doctors providing life-saving care to families, the elderly and the vulnerable to operate their practice with confidence, they need clarity on how they should structure their arrangements. 

During Question Time in November last year we first asked about the impact Labor’s Patients’ Tax would have on bulk-billing and emergency departments.

At the time, the Treasurer said:

“I will not be acting because it is not proper for me to do so.”

Since that statement, there have been two new complicated rulings. 

Is it any wonder Cameron Dick planned to be out of the country when this latest backflip ruling came down? He knew he was giving patients false hope.

Queenslanders deserve better.

Patients spending 24+ hours in ED soars 375% while presentations fall 

21st September 2023

Health Minister caught misleading Queenslanders

​New Queensland Health figures show the number of patients staying longer than 24 hours in Emergency Departments across Queensland has skyrocketed by 375% since 2015.

​The stats reveal over the past year 17,930 people spent more than 24 hours in a Queensland ED, up from 3772 in 2015, the same year Annastacia Palaszczuk first became Premier.

​The extraordinary increase requires urgent explanation given it dwarfs the significantly smaller 59% rise in the number of Queenslanders presenting to EDs over the same period of time.

​The figures also shows the number of Queenslanders presenting to EDs actually fell in the past year compared to the year before, despite Health Minister Fenitman falsely claiming this week a record number of people were turning up at EDs.

This week the Health Minister said, “We have seen a record number of people through our EDs in the last year - 2.2 million which is the highest on record.”

In the last year 2,285,320 people did present to a Queensland Emergency Department, but that is a 5.3% decrease on the year before when Queensland Health figures show 2,412,732 arrived at an ED for help.

The Opposition has demanded Shannon Fentiman correct the record for her misleading statements.

West Moreton Health and Hospital Service (HHS) recorded the highest increase of people spending more than 24 hours in an ED from 16 patients in 2015/2016 to 1560 patients last financial year – a breathtaking rise of 9650%.

Other significant increases were recorded in:

  • Gold Coast 1840%
  • Mater 938%
  • Wide Bay 727%
  • North West 691%
  • Central Queensland 653%
  • Mackay 605%
  • Darling Downs 353%
  • Sunshine Coast 309%
  • Metro South 225%
  • Townsville 176%
  • Metro North 109%

Shadow Health Minister Ros Bates said the alarming rise at a time ED presentations were falling is more proof of the chaos and crisis that has engulfed the Palaszczuk Labor Government.

“There was a time when a patient spending an entire day in the Emergency Department was a cause for alarm, but now under Labor it has become the new normal in Queensland,” Ms Bates said.

“The increase in patients who’ve spent more than a day in the ED completely erodes the excuse of the Minister who claims the problem is due to more presentations.

​“It is clear Shannon Fentiman does not understand the depths of the Queensland Health Crisis, because the Labor Government is in chaos and crisis.

“Shannon Fentiman’ s claim that a record number of people went through Emergency Departments last year was an epic lie.

“Queensland Health data shows there was a 5.3% decline in the number of ED presentations last financial year, compared to the previous 12 months.

​“Her own statistics even show that statement was blatantly misleading.

“Shannon Fentiman is using the same excuses from the Yvette D’Ath playbook, despite promising she would do things differently.

“After eight years, three terms and four Health Ministers, the Queensland Health Crisis has only deteriorated, and patients are paying the price.

​“Photo-op Fentiman needs to admit there is a health crisis and be upfront and honest with Queenslanders.”


19th September 2023

Statement by the Shadow Minister for Integrity in Government, Fiona Simpson.

Bundaberg’s crime, health and housing issues a ‘distortion’

Labor MP Tom Smith must apologise to Bundaberg locals for his outrageous comments about how the Queensland crime crisis, health crisis and housing crisis are just distortions of “reality”.

​These issues are real. They’re not a media beat-up.

The chaos and crisis that has engulfed the Palaszczuk Labor Government is affecting more Queenslanders every day.

Does Tom Smith stand by his comments?

Does Tom Smith acknowledge there is a Queensland Housing Crisis or is it a “distortion of reality” that thousands of Wide Bay locals are on the social housing waitlist?

Does Tom Smith acknowledge the Queensland Health Crisis or is a “distortion of reality” that a level 5 hospital hasn’t been built in Bundaberg despite a promise at the last State Election?

​Does Tom Smith acknowledge the Queensland Youth Crime Crisis or is it a “distortion of reality” that Wide Bay business owners and residents are sick of living in fear?

If Tom Smith now wants to backflip and say he doesn’t stand by his comments then he must admit his Government failings are to blame for the chaos and crisis affecting Queenslanders.

Will Tom Smith choose to support the people of Bundaberg or his political mates in Brisbane?

What Tom Smith says in Bundaberg is completely different to what he says in Brisbane.

After eight years in office, the Palaszczuk Labor Government has stopped listening to Queenslanders.

The Premier has checked-out.

Her heart is no longer in the job.

Tom Smith is arrogant and out of touch if he believes the issues affecting Queenslanders are a “distortion of reality.”

​Bundaberg residents deserve better.

DNA Debacle Deepens

19th September 2023

The Health Minister today confirmed there have already been 218 cases found where DNA samples hadn't previously been identified.

That’s 218 cases where victims may not have received justice, had this Government got their way.

While the Government had to be dragged kicking and screaming to hold a Commission of Inquiry, even attacking the LNP for ‘politicking’ we are only just beginning to see the real depths of the DNA debacle unfold.  

The release of the first progress report of the Delivery of Recommendations for the Commission of Inquiry into Forensic DNA Testing in Queensland has confirmed only 27% of recommendations have been completed to date.

Concerningly, the critical Y-STR testing for rape cases appears to still be in progress.

Victims will only get justice with a government who is able to deliver. They will only get justice when a government can provide competent oversight.

The Palaszczuk Labor Government is in chaos and crisis and has failed victims and failed our communities.

WHAT IS GOING ON? Labor adopts “impossible” LNP Policy

19th September 2023

The Palaszczuk Labor Government’s about-face on establishing a complaints Clearing House is extraordinary and stinks of a Government in chaos and crisis.

This is another example of the Palaszczuk Labor Government adopting the policies of the LNP.

This is also another example of why you just can’t trust a thing Labor says.

When Labor said it was impossible and “unviable, both financially and technologically” to set up a Clearing House, the LNP committed to implementing it “lock, stock and barrel.”

A Clearing House is an accountability measure that would streamline complaints to Government to ensure they are handled by the proper body and not buried in bureaucratic runaround.   

Just over a week ago, Leader of the Opposition David Crisafulli met with Public Service Commissioner David Mackie to better understand how a Clearing House could be established under an LNP Government and reverse the Premier’s decision.  

Tellingly, last week the LNP also submitted a Question on Notice to Parliament about Labor’s decision to ditch the Clearing House which can be found here.

Curiously, just days later the Labor Government now believes it can be done.

Suddenly, what was seemingly impossible is possible again.  

How is it Labor spent a year not implementing a Clearing House, decided it wasn’t possible and now suddenly it’s happening again?

Having wasted so much time, it is now vital the Government sets a clear timeline for when the Clearing House will actually be implemented.

This latest about-face has once again exposed Labor’s chaos and crisis and reveals the Palaszczuk Government have forgotten they govern for Queenslanders, not themselves.

Patients worse off in Labor’s chaos and crisis

Patients worse off in Labor’s chaos and crisis

19th September 2023

Emergency departments across Queensland are at breaking point, as damning new statistics show the Queensland Health Crisis is worsening on the Palaszczuk Labor Government’s watch.

More than half of all patients at Redcliffe Hospital aren’t seen within the clinically recommended time, 49% at Ipswich Hospital and 47% at the Bundaberg Hospital.

While more than a third of all patients at Rockhampton, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Atherton, Kingaroy, Toowoomba, Mater Adult Public Hospital, Prince Charles, Warwick, Dalby, RBWH, Caboolture, Caloundra, Logan, Emerald , QEII, Hervey Bay, Innisfail, Maryborough, Gympie and Mossman aren’t seen on time.

Leader of the Opposition David Crisafulli said the Palaszczuk Labor Government needed to immediately introduce the LNP Opposition’s solutions to heal the Queensland Health Crisis.

“The LNP has put health solutions on the table to heal the Queensland Health Crisis including better resources, better triaging, sharing data in real-time and putting doctors and nurses back in charge to improve patient care,” Mr Crisafulli said.

“The chaos and crisis that has engulfed the Palaszczuk Labor Government is affecting Queenslanders every day.

“The State Government has failed to properly plan, resource and run our health system since they took power eight years ago.

“The Health Minister continues to downplay the Queensland Health Crisis, but these figures show how dire the situation in our emergency departments has become.”

Shadow Health Minister Ros Bates said our dedicated frontline health staff were working double shifts to hold the health system together under the pressures being placed on them by Labor. 

“Doctors, nurses, paramedics and allied health professionals across Queensland are working themselves to the brink of exhaustion,” Ms Bates said.

“As a nurse and former hospital administrator, I know how stressful it is for patients and staff when emergency departments are at breaking point.

“Health Minister Shannon Fentiman doesn’t have a plan to fix the Queensland Health Crisis.

“After eight years, three terms and four Health Ministers, the Queensland Health Crisis is only getting worse.

“All Queenslanders deserve a world class health system no matter where they live.”

QUEENSLAND HOUSING CRISIS: House block approvals at historic low

19th September 2023

New data reveals house block approvals have slumped to an historic low under the Palaszczuk Labor Government, building more pressure on the Queensland Housing Crisis.

The figures from the Queensland Statisticians Office shows approvals have plummeted 30 per cent under the Palaszczuk Government and are now at the lowest since records began 20 years ago, except for at the height of the global pandemic.

With fewer house block approvals, fewer homes are built, sending rents skyrocketing and leaving Queensland’s growing population fighting just to keep a roof over their head.

The numbers expose the long-running, systemic failure of the Palaszczuk Labor Government to plan for Queensland’s growth, delivering the land and infrastructure needed to house our growing population.

This downward spiral of house block approvals is because the Palaszczuk Labor Government is in a constant state of chaos and crisis, unable to plan the housing needed for Queensland’s future.

Shadow Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning Jarrod Bleijie said these results sounded the alarm on a housing crisis that was set to worsen, not improve.

“What Queenslanders are witnessing is the Palaszczuk Labor Government’s lack of long-term planning to accommodate our growing population,” Mr Bleijie said.

“Fewer house blocks are being approved than a decade ago, despite our population continuing to balloon.

“We should be seeing more house blocks approved to ensure the homes are being built to ease the Queensland Housing Crisis.

“Instead, we have limited land supply and the cost of existing homes to buy or rent continues to be pushed through the roof.”

Shadow Housing Minister Tim Mander said the housing crisis Queenslanders were enduring had been eight years in the making under the Palaszczuk Labor Government.

“New house building approvals have shrunk by a whopping 30 per cent on this Government’s watch and the outlook is grim,” Mr Mander said.

“Queenslanders are paying a high price for this Government’s long-term failure to plan and deliver the housing we need for our growing population.

“The LNP has put solutions on the table to ease the Queensland Housing Crisis, including infrastructure partnerships with local government to deliver more land for housing, empowering the community housing sector and building government social housing projects on-time and on-budget.”

Child Safety staff shortfalls exposed

15th September 2023

Vulnerable Queensland children are being placed at greater risk by the Palaszczuk Labor Government following revelations ballooning caseloads of Child Safety Officers are reaching alarming new heights. 

Remarkably, the Labor Government has been exposed as leaving 207 vacant Child Safety Officer positions on their watch, raising serious questions about case management.

There are 1315 funded full time equivalent staff across Queensland, but only 1108 are employed, leaving a shortfall of 207 Child Safety Officers.

The Government reports the average caseload per Child Safety Officer is now 15.8 cases, based on funded positions.

With a shortage of 207 positions, according to the Government’s own case load numbers, the cases of up to 3278 children are being “managed” by vacant positions.

The State Government statistics show the Far North Queensland region has the highest vacancy rate of Child Safety Officers at 28.3%, followed by the Southwest region and North Queensland region.

Shadow Minister for Child Protection Amanda Camm said the chaos and crisis within the Palaszczuk Labor Government is why Child Safety Officers are walking away in droves.

“Child Safety Officers are over-worked and under-resourced, struggling with overwhelming case loads and little support under this Government,” Ms Camm said.

“Keeping children safe must be the top priority.

“An empty position can’t make a home visit.

“An empty position can’t listen to a child or report any alleged harm.

​“It’s not good enough that vulnerable children’s cases are sitting on desks for months on end while this Government is engulfed in chaos and crisis.

“These empty chairs mean more kids are likely to be put in harm’s way because the Palaszczuk Labor Government can’t keep Child Safety Officers to keep our kids safe.

“The LNP Opposition has been inundated by whistleblowers about the treatment of staff, intimidation and the poor culture within the department.

“This is the result of the chaos and crisis that has engulfed the Palaszczuk Labor Government.

“While Labor MPs are fighting among themselves, we’re fighting for vulnerable kids.

“After eight years in office, the Palaszczuk Labor Government has stopped listening to Queenslanders.

“Vulnerable Queensland children are paying a high price for the Government’s failures and the Palaszczuk Government needs to outline how it will fix the Child Safety Crisis it created.

“I urge the Premier and her Ministers to put forward solutions to address the shocking staff shortfall.”

Children languishing in Residential Care for years on end 

14th September 2023

Shocking report lays bare Child Safety Residential Care crisis

Children are spending four years in short-term Residential Care arrangements on average, a bombshell progress report into Queensland’s Residential Care system has revealed.

Some of the shocking findings of the report include that the broken Residential Care system is designed around “funding buckets” and “services delivered” not the “child’s actual needs”.

The progress report is part of the Government’s internal Residential Care review, announced after the LNP put the spotlight on major issues within the residential care system, as revealed by whistleblowers.

Other alarming comments from Residential Care providers interviewed as part of the review include:

  • ​“Kids in residential care need more attention and connection but our model gives them less.”
  • “The methods of operating are destabilising for young people.”
  • “I have to defend the cost of driving kids to school – rather than it just being expected and accepted.”

Shadow Child Safety Minister Amanda Camm said Queensland’s Residential Care system was in crisis under the Palaszczuk Labor Government.

“Residential Care should be an intervention, not a destination and it’s shocking to learn children are spending four years in what should be a temporary arrangement, on this Government’s watch,” Ms Camm said.

“Residential Care should be resourced and managed to provide for the needs of children in care.

“These are critical years of a child’s life and they need stability, support, structure and safety in Residential Care, but they’re being let down by a Government in chaos and crisis.

“Children’s needs must be put back at the heart of Residential Care, with the role of the Department and out-of-home care overhauled and resourced adequately.

“Children are being let down by a broken system, in the chaos and crisis of the Palaszczuk Labor Government.

“What’s clear from this report is we have a sector eager to support the intervention children need but is hamstrung by a system lacking the resources and flexibility required, under this Government.

“It’s little wonder Residential Care homes are becoming training grounds for youth crime, when it is fundamentally broken.”

Ms Camm said the Opposition had announced an LNP Government would reform the Child Safety out-of-home care program by putting guidance, opportunity and discipline at the heart of the system.

Under the plan, five KPIs would be set for the reform of Residential Care:

  1. An emphasis on personal responsibility
  2. Insistence on attending school
  3. Insistence on an extra-curricular activity
  4. Opportunity for employment training for the older kids
  5. Focus on transition to foster care. 

“Ultimately Residential Care should only ever be a last resort and an intervention, it should not be used in place of foster care.”


13th September 2023

156 Tier 3 emergencies at hospitals in three short months

The highest level of capacity emergency, Tier 3, was declared at Queensland Hospitals more than 150 times in just three months, new Queensland Health data has revealed.

In a clear sign the Queensland Health Crisis continues to deepen, from April to June this year 22 hospitals reached “maximum capacity” on 156 occasions.  

That’s 12 Tier 3 declarations every week.

When a hospital is escalated to Tier 3, nearly every bed is occupied and the hospital struggles to admit any new patients, leaving Queenslanders ramped in ambulances or left to be transferred to other hospitals.

On average, hospitals spent 38 hours at capacity each time a Tier 3 declaration was made in the June quarter this year.

Shadow Minister for Health and Registered Nurse Ros Bates said every Tier 3 Escalation was a may-day call from a hospital on red-alert, struggling from Labor’s bed shortages. 

“Tier 3 declarations are a damning indictment of the Palaszczuk Labor Government’s long-term failure to resource and manage our Hospitals,” Ms Bates said.

“To discover Queensland Hospitals are operating at emergency levels so frequently will send shivers down the spine of every Queenslander.

“These numbers are scary for anyone who relies on the public health system.

“Queenslanders deserve to know when they need medical treatment they can access it at their local hospital and won’t be delayed or turned away because every bed is full.

“Labor’s failure to plan for enough beds ahead of population growth has delivered us the Queensland Health Crisis.

“It’s time the Health Minister and her chaotic Labor Government take responsibility and finally heal the Queensland Health Crisis.

​"Today the LNP is calling on Minister Fentiman to release the number of 'Code Yellow' Tier 2 escalations as well as the complete detail for every Tier 3 escalation, as was previously the case.

​“For all her faults, Queenslanders used to get more open and detailed information from Yvette D’Ath, Shannon Fentiman has put a stop to that.

“Now all Queenslanders get are headline numbers because Fentiman only cares about how she looks in the media instead of actually healing the Queensland Health Crisis.

“For too long the chaos and crisis of this Labor Government has stood in the way of Queenslanders receiving the world-class healthcare they deserve.

“This is not the fault of our hardworking doctors, nurses and allied health professionals, they are doing the best they can with a system broken by this Labor Government.

“Queensland’s hospitals are flat-lining and urgently need life-support but unfortunately Labor is out of answers for the crisis they’ve created.

“The LNP has put health solutions on the table to heal the Queensland Health Crisis including more resources, better triaging, releasing data in real-time and putting doctors and nurses back in charge to improve patient care.”

Water security trickles through Queensland’s fingers

12th September 2023

Statement by Deb Frecklington, Shadow Minister for Water and the Construction of Dams.

After nearly a decade, Queensland is still waiting for a water security plan from the Palaszczuk Labor Government

South East Queensland is again looking down the barrel of water restrictions, with no plan to ensure water security for Queensland’s growing population, on the Palaszczuk Labor Government’s watch.

Reports today that Wivenhoe dam has fallen to 70% of capacity and is on-track to fall to just 50% next year, are deeply concerning.

After nearly a decade in Government, Labor still has not consulted Queenslanders or developed a plan to address water security across our State.

Today, the LNP has renewed its call for the Palaszczuk Labor Government to deliver a Water Security Plan. 

Every year we wait for this Government to develop a water plan, South East Queensland is placed in even graver danger of water insecurity.

Without a plan, Labor is paralysed by inaction and can’t kick into first gear.

Studies and business cases into potential projects are piling up, but never see the light of day.This is Labor Government too consumed by its own chaos and crisis, to plan, fund and build the water infrastructure Queensland needs.

Meanwhile, our population continues to grow, putting more pressure on our precious limited water supply.

This Government must deliver a Water Security Plan for our growing region.

We cannot let water security trickle through our fingers until it’s too late.

Ombudsman’s findings must be released fully and publicly

12th September 2023

Inquiry must lead to serious and systemic reform

The Opposition welcomes news the Palaszczuk Government has finally caved to LNP calls for an Independent Inquiry into the shocking case of abuse of two Queensland boys, exposed during the Disability Royal Commission.

After repeated calls from the LNP, the Palaszczuk Labor Government has been forced to reluctantly agree to an Inquiry into the alarming case. 

The Disability Royal Commission found the Labor Government repeatedly failed in their responsibilities to prevent and stop the neglect and abuse of Kaleb and Jonathon, and then attempted to cover-up their failures.

This abhorrent cover-up is exactly why an Inquiry into this case must be truly independent.

The Ombudsman must get to the bottom of this harrowing case and weed-out the serious and systemic failures and repeated cover-ups.

The horrific failures of this case cannot be allowed to happen again.

For three years this Government has refused to launch an Inquiry.

For three years they’ve attempted to deflect and distract from their failures.

First Attorney-General Yvette D’Ath tried to avoid scrutiny by knowingly tasking the Queensland Family and Child Commission with a review that could not access relevant information. 

Later, in the shadow of an election, she chose not to refer the matter to the Child Death Review Board for investigation. 

Then Attorney-General Shannon Fentiman tried to avoid scrutiny by withholding critical documents from the Royal Commission.

At every step this Government has failed Kaleb and Jonathon in their cover-up.

Today, the Palaszczuk Labor Government must commit to publicly releasing the Ombudsman’s findings in full.

Kaleb and Jonathon have paid a high price for the chaos and crisis of this Government.

They, and all Queenslanders, deserve better. 

Labor’s Olympic-sized cover up exposed 

8th September 2023

This afternoon, the integrity of the Palaszczuk Labor Government lays in ruin.

I’m am deeply concerned by revelations from today’s Senate Committee hearing regarding the Palaszczuk Labor Government’s handling of the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

This is an Olympic-sized cover up by a Labor Party in chaos and crisis hellbent on making the 2032 Games all about them.  

The extreme lengths the Labor Party has gone to in order to deny openness and transparency around the Games is deplorable and should disturb every Queenslander.

Having already made the decision to hoover up complete control of Games infrastructure into the office of Premier Palaszczuk, the Labor Party proceeded to spend hundreds of thousands of taxpayers’ dollars on a report to subsequently justify that decision.

Worse, the report that cost $44,000 a page was authored by former Labor Minister Rachel Nolan.

This report was never going to be independent, it was only ever designed to be a Labor charade for the Premier.

If that wasn’t enough, orchestrated steps were taken to ensure Ms Nolan’s involvement in the report was kept out of Right to Information documents.

This sorry saga strikes at the heart of the integrity issues Queenslanders are now seeing every day with this tired third-term Labor Government.

Is it any wonder we have seen the extraordinary and so far unexplained $1.7 billion blowout on the Gabba knock down?

The LNP remains steadfastly committed to establishing an Independent Infrastructure Delivery Authority for the 2032 Games because the Olympics and Paralympics belong to Queenslanders, not the Labor Party.

YOUTH CRIME CRISIS: Lid lifted on thinning blue line

7th September 2023

Revelations today about Queensland Police numbers dropping to their lowest levels in more than a decade will send shivers down the spine of Queenslanders.

​While Queensland communities are under siege from hardcore youth criminals, police numbers continue to fall, leaving stations without the ability to respond to serious crime.

​Just last month the LNP Opposition forced the Palaszczuk Government to admit in Budget Estimates police numbers had fallen by more than 200 in one short year.

In 2020, the Premier promised to deliver an additional 1450 police officers by 2025.

Queenslanders now know this Government has not only failed to deliver on their promise, they have allowed police numbers to reach record lows on their watch.

Such is the chaos and crisis of this Government, police officers are risking their livelihoods by speaking out against the deception and cover-up of this Government.

Minister Ryan is still misleading Queenslanders by counting vacant roles, cleaners and recruits in their official numbers.

A vacant role cannot respond to a business break-in.

A vacant role cannot respond to a stolen car ramming innocent Queenslanders.

A vacant role cannot investigate an assault on a family in their home.

The hardworking men and women in blue are doing the best with their ever-declining numbers, left in the lurch by a Government in chaos and crisis.

Labor’s weak laws and fewer police are directly responsible for the Queensland Youth Crime Crisis. 

In contrast, the LNP has put solutions on the table to start tackling Queensland’s Youth Crime Crisis by creating consequences for actions, unshackling the judiciary by removing detention as a last resort and delivering gold standard early intervention.

Queenslanders deserve the truth on police numbers and action on youth crime, not more chaos and crisis from the Labor Government.

Disability Royal Commission exposes serious and systemic failings

7th September 2023

LNP Opposition calls for Independent Review following shocking findings

The Disability Royal Commission has uncovered serious and systemic failures in the protection of vulnerable children by the Queensland Government and shocking cover-ups by successive Palaszczuk Government Ministers.

It clearly outlines the Palaszczuk Labor Government attempts to prevent a proper investigation of Kaleb and Jonathon’s harrowing case, as well as a deliberate cover-up.

This LNP Opposition is demanding the Government commence a full independent review of the case following the shocking findings.

Some of the shocking findings uncovered this week include:

  • Attorney-General Yvette D’Ath referred Kaleb and Jonathon’s case to the Queensland Family and Child Commission, despite knowing it wouldn’t have the powers to compel Departments for internal briefings for a full review.
  • Despite initially suggesting a referral to the Child Death Review Board, and all preparations underway by the QFCC, just four days prior to an election announcement, Yvette D’Ath scrapped it.
  • Last year, Attorney-General Shannon Fentiman withheld the full QFCC Report from the Royal Commission.

Shadow Attorney General Tim Nicholls said the actions of this Government had been brought into sharp focus by the Royal Commission. 

“The Disability Royal Commission has outlined evidence of this Governments efforts to prevent a proper investigation of Kaleb and Jonathon’s case and now deliberately cover-up their failures,” Mr Nicholls said.

“With such clear evidence of a calculated cover-up, it is critically important an Independent Review is conducted to get to the bottom of this shocking case.

“The Royal Commission has determined an Independent Review should ‘commence at the earliest opportunity’.

“Queenslanders deserve the truth and need to know these serious and systemic failures will never occur again.

“What’s clear is this is a Government more concerned about protecting their own political future than vulnerable children.

“On the eve of an election, Labor did everything they could to avoid scrutiny on Kaleb and Jonathon’s case, because they knew they had failed these boys.

“The findings of the Royal Commission point not only to chaos and crisis in the Government they also point to a cunning cover-up.

“Attorney-General D’Ath knew full-well the case wasn’t being properly investigated and unapologetically shut down future investigations.

“Later, in a calculated attempt to obstruct the truth from being laid bare, Attorney-General Fentiman sanitised the report to such an extent that even the names of the two children were withheld from the Royal Commission.

“Labor Ministers Fentiman and D’Ath have huge questions to answer and should be held to account for their actions.

“Queenslanders should never be left to pay the price of a Government in chaos and crisis.”

Palaszczuk Labor Government’s small business shame

7th September 2023

Small and family businesses are the latest casualty of the chaos and crisis besetting the Palaszczuk Labor Government. 

Reports today Queensland small businesses have the worst survival rate in the nation is deeply concerning and the Palaszczuk Labor Government is directly accountable.

This is a Government that gave up pretending to care about small business long ago. 

Throughout the pandemic, and in the months that have followed, small businesses and their staff were an after-thought.  

Small businesses have heard plenty of empty promises from this Government that continues to make it more expensive to do business in Queensland.

From escalating electricity prices due to power plant outages, to tradie shortages due to TAFE failures and a crippling crime crisis, this Government is failing Queensland small businesses.

Rather than acknowledge these challenges and work to fix them, the disgraceful response from this Labor Government is more deflection and distraction.

Queensland small businesses aren’t distracted by the chaos and crisis of this Government.

Queensland small businesses deserve a government to support them.

Queenslanders have waited nearly a decade for Labor to create a plan for small business, and we’re still waiting for them to deliver it.

Unless the Government starts supporting small business, by better planning and more support, they will make the difficult decision to close for good. 

In contrast, the LNP is the party of small business and we will keep fighting to ensure they get the support they deserve.

Damning Queensland Child Safety failures exposed in Royal Commission

5th September 2023

Change must occur to protect vulnerable children

The Palaszczuk Labor Government’s abject failure to keep vulnerable children safe and their attempts to limit scrutiny on these failures have been sensationally exposed by the Disability Royal Commission.

An official submission from Counsel Assisting the Royal Commission hearings has made alarming findings, including:

  • Queensland boys Kaleb and Jonathon experienced violence, abuse, neglect and deprivation of their human rights on the Queensland Government’s watch.
  • The treatment they suffered was preventable and the Department of Child Safety was aware.
  • Queensland departments should have acted to prevent their deprivation of human rights but failed to do so.
  • The Queensland Government work with Kaleb and Jonathon to determine appropriate redress, including compensation.
  • The Queensland Government deliberately commissioned an investigation that would not have full access to scrutinise the Government’s failures

At the time, the Palaszczuk Labor Government claimed they would “get to the bottom of what happened” and “the public rightly want answers and so do we”, however, it’s now clear the Government deliberately avoided scrutiny by appointing the Queensland Family and Child Commission to review the case.

A letter written by Attorney-General Yvette D’Ath’s has been published for the first time.

The letter proves the Labor Government knew full well that the Queensland Family and Child Commission did not have the powers to access “confidential information” which “may limit the extent and scope of the QFCC’s review.”

The Government covered-up the ugly truth about how these children had been failed in their time of need.

Shadow Minister for Child Safety Amanda Camm said the findings against the Palaszczuk Labor Government were damning and could not be ignored.

“Now the truth has been laid bare and Queenslanders deserve to know from the Minister and this Government that this broken system will be fixed before more children pay a high price,” Ms Camm said.

“Kaleb and Jonathon should never have been exposed to the violence and neglect they suffered, and Queenslanders will be shocked about the grave findings their human rights were abused.

“This Government never wanted Queenslanders to know how they had failed these two boys, despite their empty promises and hollow apologies.

“Today Minister Crawford needs to explain to Queenslanders what will be done to ensure this never happens again.

“Already we know the Child Safety system is in crisis, with over-worked, under-resourced Child Safety Officers and vulnerable children’s cases being left sitting on a desk.

“The Minister must outline a clear plan to fix the Child Safety Crisis that’s reaching fever-pitch in this State.

“Vulnerable children deserve better than the chaos and crisis they’re getting from this Labor Government.”

CHAOS, CRISIS & CRIME - Queensland crime soars as police numbers fall 

5th September 2023

Damning analysis of Queensland Police Service statistics has revealed the Queensland crime crisis is worsening, while the Palaszczuk Labor Government continues to deny its devastating impact on communities.
In the first seven months of this year:

  • ​Theft is up 24% on 2022
  • Break-ins are up 17% on 2022
  • Stolen cars are up 12% on 2022

Shadow Police Minister Dale Last said the chaos and crisis in the Palaszczuk Labor Government had allowed crime to surge across Queensland.  
“The Palaszczuk Labor Government no longer cares and they're out of ideas to tackle the Queensland Youth Crime Crisis,” Mr Last said.  
“2023 started where 2022 ended and business owners and locals are sick of the false hope and broken promises.  
“The Premier’s heart is no longer in the job and Queenslanders deserve better.  
“She refused to meet with victims of crime when they marched to Parliament House last month, she refuses to introduce tough laws and she no longer listens to Queenslanders.  

“There are 202 fewer police officers in Queensland because the Labor Government can’t follow through on their commitment to hire more police officers.  

“Weaker laws and fewer police, is it any wonder crime has increased?  
“Queenslanders just want to feel safe in their own homes.  
“A generation of untouchables has been created since the Labor Government weakened the youth justice laws in 2015.  
“The LNP has put solutions on the table to start tackling Queensland’s Youth Crime Crisis including creating consequences for actions, unshackling the judiciary by removing detention as a last resort and delivering gold standard early intervention."   

Labor takes the razor to Queensland grassroots sports

4th September 2023

The Palaszczuk Labor Government has been caught-out making savage budget cuts to grassroots sporting organisations in the lead-up to the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

After multi billion-dollar blowouts and wasteful spending on projects like Wellcamp, the Labor Government has now resorted to secretly slashing funding to claw-back cash.

Some of Queensland’s most popular junior sports organisations including Queensland Little Athletics, Queensland Gymnastics and Yachting Queensland have all suffered tens of thousands in funding cuts.

The Labor Cuts come after the Government shifted grassroots sports funding from the Active Industry Fund to the Active Industry Base Fund. 

Under the so-called “Base Fund” the maximum amount available to organisations is $50,000 less than what was previously available under the previous funding program.

Shadow Sports Minister Tim Mander said grassroots sports were paying the price of Labor Cuts due to a wasteful government.

“Our next generation of athletes deserve a government’s full support in the run-up to the 2032 Games, not a razor gang attacking grassroots sports funding,” Mr Mander said.

“These secret and savage Labor Cuts are further proof of their chaos and crisis.

“When a government allows budget blowouts and wasteful spending like Wellcamp, Queenslanders pay the price.

“The very clubs and groups helping develop our next generation of sports superstars are facing the funding guillotine at the time they should be ramping up development.

“This is more evidence Labor only cares about the red carpets and parties during the Games, instead of delivering the generational growth and infrastructure Queenslanders were promised.” 

LNP Shadow Cabinet heading to Rocky

4th September 2023

The LNP will arrive en masse in Central Queensland this week, as the State Team holds its Shadow Cabinet meeting in Rockhampton.

The two-day visit will see MPs arrive in the city on Monday before travelling across the region.

They will be joined by the LNP’s Candidate for Keppel, Nigel Hutton.

Mr Crisafulli said it would be an important opportunity for the LNP to listen and engage with local residents on the issues impacting their community.

“When I became Opposition Leader in 2020, I made a commitment to travel across the State and listen to Queenslanders,” Mr Crisafulli said.

“That’s what we’ll be doing in Rocky. 

“During the visit my team will listen to residents, small business owners, community leaders and victims of crime.

“We will hear about the challenges facing Rockhampton and Central Queensland firsthand.

“I encourage all locals across Central Queensland to speak up and share their experiences with youth crime, hospitals, schools and soaring cost-of-living pressures.

“Chaos and crisis have engulfed the Government and they’ve given up on listening to Queenslanders. 

“I want to thank the Central Queensland community for welcoming us this week.”