Media | State News

Vaping fail - New plan won’t tackle vaping in Queensland Primary Schools

24th August 2023

Vaping is a serious public health issue in Queensland schools that warrants the full attention and action of the Palaszczuk Labor Government.

Today’s announcement fails to address the growing scourge of vaping in Queensland primary schools.

In the chaos and crisis of this Government, either the Minister doesn’t understand or doesn’t want to stop vaping in Primary Schools.

The significant gaps in the State Government’s announced strategy must be urgently addressed.

Queensland parents can’t afford for this to be another example of the Government being focused more on an announcement, rather than delivering the solutions Queenslanders need.

Since the Palaszczuk Government came to power, suspensions for Primary School Students for substance misconduct including vaping and drug use have exploded by 800%.

During Estimates it was uncovered the Government is trying to sweep the issue under the carpet by failing to have our schools record instances of vaping.

Queenslanders will not accept the Minister attempting to hide the true extent of the problem by refusing to properly record how often and what types of substance abuse is occurring in our Primary Schools.

You can’t fix what you don’t measure.

Queensland parents deserve to know how many kids are caught vaping.

Queensland parents need confidence schools will take a zero-tolerance approach to vaping and other illegal drug use across all Primary and Secondary schools.

Queensland parents need their Government to get serious on tackling the scourge of vaping in Queensland Primary schools.