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Queensland critical skills shortage of Labor’s own creation

21st May 2024

Labor’s missing 16,000 tradies show they can’t be trusted

Labor has missed their apprenticeship completion targets by 16,000 over the last eight years.

In the middle of a critical skills shortage, all Labor has delivered is failed announcements and broken promises.

Queensland now has 16,000 fewer tradies and skilled workers than it should to support industries and small business.

More than half of all students who commence vocational training aren't completing it.

The Palaszczuk-Miles Government still hasn’t delivered a review which would expose why completions are so low, which was due more than a year ago.

This gaping skills shortage is more evidence Steven Miles and Labor just aren’t up to it. 

They’ve had nearly a decade to fix the skilled workers shortage and haven’t, now with an election looming, they’ll say and do anything to cling to power.

Incompletions won’t help address the skills shortage.

Only trained tradies will ease the pressure on industry and business.

Labor’s wrong priorities and chaos and crisis is costing Queensland businesses.

Addressing the Queensland skilled worker shortage to support Queensland businesses is a priority for the LNP.

Only the LNP has the right priorities for Queensland’s Future, including saving you paying for Labor’s failures.