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State News - May 2024


31st May 2024

New data reveals building approvals have slumped again under the Palaszczuk-Miles Labor Government, putting more pressure on the Queensland Housing Crisis.

New figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics show 2470 total dwellings were approved in April across Queensland, 20 per cent below the monthly 40-year average, and 25 per cent below the 10-year average.

With fewer building approvals, fewer homes are being built, sending rents skyrocketing and leaving Queensland’s growing population fighting just to keep a roof over their head.

Shadow Housing Minister Tim Mander said Labor’s chaos and crisis has resulted in their failure to plan for our growing population.

“Fewer homes are being approved under the Palaszczuk-Miles Government and as a result housing costs and rents have gone through the roof,” Mr Mander said.

"Building approvals are 25% below the 10-year average on this Government’s watch and the outlook is grim for renters and those trying to enter the market. 

"Queenslanders are paying a high price for this Government’s long-term failure to plan and deliver the housing we need for our growing population.

"Steven Miles can try to shift the blame but Queenslanders know the Queensland Housing Crisis is getting worse under Labor.

"Our priority is helping Queenslanders realise their dream of owning their own home by improving housing affordability with more land and building supply and planning for the infrastructure and services to accommodate our growing population.

"The LNP will secure our housing foundations."

Labor continues to dodge questions on falling police numbers

30th May 2024

Today the Police Minister must explain how far police numbers have fallen on his watch.

Under Mark Ryan’s leadership, police are leaving faster than they can be replaced.

When it comes to police numbers, Mark Ryan cannot be trusted.

The Palaszczuk-Miles Labor Government continues to dodge questions about police numbers.

​The latest publicly released figures show police on the beat fell by 322 in 18 months, despite Labor promising 1450 additional police at the last election.

​The thin blue line is becoming thinner, because weaker laws are resulting in police leaving quicker than Labor is replacing them, because Labor doesn't value them and hasn't given them the laws they need.

Mark Ryan was one of Labor’s architects of the Queensland Youth Crime Crisis.

He watered-down youth crime laws in 2016.

His weak laws tied the hands of police behind their backs in their fight against youth crime.

Now police are leaving in record numbers.

The LNP will support our police and the Making Queensland Safer Laws will give them the strong laws they need to do their jobs.

Only the LNP has the Right Priorities for Queensland's Future, including increasing the number of police on the beat through retention and attraction.

NO BARK OR BITE: Labor muzzles integrity watchdog

30th May 2024

Queenslanders won’t see critical Crime and Corruption reports under Labor’s plan

​When governments give up on integrity, they give up on governing for Queenslanders.

Today, Queenslanders have seen Labor’s plan to muzzle the integrity watchdog, by refusing to restore the full powers of the Crime and Corruption Commission.

The LNP wants to give the integrity watchdog its bite back, Labor wants to muzzle it.

Under Labor’s plan, scathing full and unredacted reports into integrity issues such as the “mangocube” cover-up, the Jackie Trad saga, and local government corruption, would never see the light of day.

The only reports the CCC could deliver would be heavily sanitised to remove all criticism of politicians and all recommendations based on their conduct.

Under Labor, politicians, public servants and leaders of the State will not be kept accountable and transparent.

Queenslanders won’t cop that.

The response to Labor’s integrity crisis were designed to let the sun shine in, but instead, Labor is closing the curtains again to put Queenslanders in the dark.

Under Labor, Fitzgerald would never have been able to apply his learned critical eye.  We would never have seen the Fitzgerald Report.

Queenslanders deserve the truth before the election.  They deserve to know what’s happening in the corridors of power.

Labor wants to continue governing in the shadows and have no intention of letting the sun shine in.

Only the LNP will restore integrity to government in Queensland.

The legislation is currently before the Parliament, Labor just needs to back it.

If Labor doesn’t back the LNP’s CCC laws, Queenslanders will know they can’t trust Labor and they’ll say and do anything to cling to power.

Labor’s secret Callide Report must be released

27th May 2024

Brady Report cover-up another Labor integrity failure

​Queenslanders are still waiting to see Labor’s secret report into the Callide C power plant, more than three years after a catastrophic explosion turned off the lights for thousands of households.

In another sign Labor has turned its back on integrity to cling to power, the independent expert Brady Report into what went wrong at Callide has been kept secret.

Saturday marked three years since the explosion and Labor still hasn’t provided answers about why this serious incident occurred.

It’s clear Labor will do and say anything to cling to power, including fighting to keep the Brady Report secret.

Despite a Federal Court order to hand over the report last week, Labor continues to hide behind lawyers’ robes to block its release.

Whistleblowers have told the LNP a lack of maintenance caused the explosion which has driven-up power prices for Queenslanders.

Even the union has spoken out that there are major maintenance issues at Callide on this Government’s watch which are putting workers at risk.

Queenslanders deserve the truth about what happened.

The Brady Report must be publicly released today.

Steven Miles fails key integrity test

27th May 2024

Integrity Taskforce wound-up without delivering key integrity measure

The Premier has wound-up a taskforce responsible for delivering critical integrity reforms brought to light by the Coaldrake Let the Sunshine In report, despite failing to deliver a complaints clearing house.

A complaints clearing house was designed to ensure all complaints about this Government are properly investigated, not buried by Labor’s chaos and crisis.

Instead, Cabinet approved the taskforce being quietly disbanded, and has marked a measure “complete”, despite it still not being delivered.

Nearly two years on from the integrity recommendation has been relegated to Labor’s integrity scrap heap.

When it comes to integrity, this government’s heart has never been in it - they’re just not up to it.

Queenslanders now know Labor will do and say anything to cling to power, including secretly breaking their promises to avoid scrutiny ahead of an election.

Three years on and zero answers on Callide explosion

24th May 2024

Labor must release Brady Report

Three years on from the catastrophic explosion of the Callide C power plant, Queenslanders are still waiting for answers on how and why this major incident occurred.

In the aftermath of the extraordinary explosion, Minister de Brenni called on forensic engineer Dr Sean Brady to investigate what happened at Callide C, yet three years on, this report still has not been released.

Queenslanders are in the dark on what happened at Callide.

Labor has fought to keep the Callide report secret and is now attempting to hide behind lawyers’ robes to stop the truth getting out.

It has taken a Federal Court order to force the Palaszczuk-Miles Government to release their secret Callide report.

Whistleblowers have told the LNP a lack of maintenance caused the explosion which has driven-up power prices for Queenslanders.

Even the union is speaking out that there are major maintenance issues at Callide on this Government’s watch which are putting workers at risk.

Labor doesn’t want Queenslanders to know the truth.

Labor will do and say anything to cling to power, including fighting to keep the Brady Report secret.

Queenslanders deserve answers so we don’t have another power plant explode.

In 2023, Queenslanders had the highest power bill increases in the nation, 19.9%, three times the national average – all because Callide power plant was offline.

Queenslanders deserve the truth about what happened.

The Brady Report must be publicly released.


22nd May 2024


Bombshell revelations have exposed the Queensland Maternity Crisis is deepening under the Palaszczuk-Miles Labor Government.

Shockingly, in Question Time today, the Health Minister confirmed multiple maternity services have been placed on bypass or had their services downgraded in the past year, including:

  • ​Beaudesert Hospital bypassed almost every week across December, January and February.
  • Ingham Hospital bypassed for two weeks in September, again three times in October and a further three times in February.
  • Ayr Hospital bypassed on three occasions between September and February.
  • Gold Coast University Hospital maternity services were downgraded on four occasions in January and February, with complex births sent to other hospitals.

Additionally, the Health Minister confirmed Biloela Hospital’s surgical theatres are not up to current safety standards and would not be able to deliver complex births even if staffed, despite being on “bypass” since August 2022.

​Shadow Health Minister Ros Bates said Queensland families were paying the price of a decade of Labor’s chaos and crisis.

“Queensland women should be able to give birth when, where and how they want, but haven’t been able to do that on Labor’s watch,” Ms Bates said.

“Today Queenslanders have discovered the Queensland Maternity Crisis is much deeper than Shannon Fentiman has ever told us.

“Why is it so difficult for the Health Minister to be up-front with Queenslanders?

“The Queensland Maternity Crisis will only get worse, the longer Labor is in power.

“Shannon Fentiman has let down Queensland women and families for too long.

“The only way to heal the health system is to change the government, because only the LNP has the Right Priorities for Queensland’s Future, including easier access to health services.

“Another priority for the LNP will be reopening maternity services across Queensland.”

Queensland critical skills shortage of Labor’s own creation

21st May 2024

Labor’s missing 16,000 tradies show they can’t be trusted

Labor has missed their apprenticeship completion targets by 16,000 over the last eight years.

In the middle of a critical skills shortage, all Labor has delivered is failed announcements and broken promises.

Queensland now has 16,000 fewer tradies and skilled workers than it should to support industries and small business.

More than half of all students who commence vocational training aren't completing it.

The Palaszczuk-Miles Government still hasn’t delivered a review which would expose why completions are so low, which was due more than a year ago.

This gaping skills shortage is more evidence Steven Miles and Labor just aren’t up to it. 

They’ve had nearly a decade to fix the skilled workers shortage and haven’t, now with an election looming, they’ll say and do anything to cling to power.

Incompletions won’t help address the skills shortage.

Only trained tradies will ease the pressure on industry and business.

Labor’s wrong priorities and chaos and crisis is costing Queensland businesses.

Addressing the Queensland skilled worker shortage to support Queensland businesses is a priority for the LNP.

Only the LNP has the right priorities for Queensland’s Future, including saving you paying for Labor’s failures.

Shannon Fentiman can no longer be trusted to fix the Queensland Health Crisis

20th May 2024

Shannon Fentiman must go

Steven Miles must sack Shannon Fentiman today.

​Yesterday’s disgraceful performance by the Health Minister was straight out of the Fentiman playbook.

Make commitments, break commitments; failing to protect those under her care; concoct a data scam to protect herself.

She did the same thing when she was Child Safety Minister when she oversaw horrific outcomes for Queensland children.

Instead of protecting those kids, she decided to "wash the data".

​As Health Minister, Shannon Fentiman has been blatantly misleading Queenslanders about the true state of the Health Crisis.

She pretended and claimed things were getting better, when we now know that's not true.

​She claimed she would get ambulance ramping down to pre-pandemic levels, instead, it has soared to the worst it’s ever been in history.

The people she promised to protect are now worse off than ever before.

​At least Yvette D'Ath was upfront about the state of the health system as it declined.

In fact, when Yvette D’Ath was sacked, ambulance ramping was 43%.

​Now it’s 45.5% under Fentiman.

​When Yvette D’Ath was sacked, 58,446 patients were waiting on the elective surgery waitlist, now there’s 60,038 patients under Fentiman.

When Yvette D’Ath was sacked, 281,697 patients were languishing on the specialist waitlist, now it’s 289,960 patients under Fentiman.

Her response has been to, "change the narrative" and once again concoct a data scam to protect herself.

Shannon Fentiman can invent new metrics, wash the data and change the narrative - but that won't change the fact ambulance ramping in Queensland is the worst in the nation and under Fentiman it is now the worst in history.

She promised Queenslanders bringing down ramping was her number one focus.

These results, the worst in Queensland history, show one of two things.

She’s either incompetent at her job or her focus isn’t on improving the health system at all, her focus is snatching the Premier’s job.

Fentiman’s wrong priorities is to the detriment of every Queenslander who should be able to rely on the state’s public health system.

What we have seen from Shannon Fentiman is deceit and maladministration that is putting the lives of Queenslanders at risk. 

It’s clear, Fentiman must go and she must go now.

It’s clear the only way to heal the health system is to change the government, because only the LNP has the Right Priorities for Queensland’s Future, including easier access to health services.


20th May 2024

Queensland has recorded its worst ambulance ramping rate in history at 45.5%, in a shocking new development in the Queensland Health Crisis.

The unprecedented figure was revealed in the March 2024 quarterly data, which was finally released by embattled Health Minister Shannon Fentiman following a significant campaign by the LNP.

Shadow Minister for Health and Ambulance Services Ros Bates said the Palaszczuk-Miles Labor Government was in chaos and crisis.

“Make no mistake how serious this is. Queenslanders have died on the ambulance ramp because this government has failed to properly resource the health system.

“How many times did Shannon Fenitman tell a Queensland patient she’d improve ambulance ramping?

“It's either a lie or complete incompetence – either way Queenslanders are worse off under Shannon Fentiman.

“Shannon Fentiman has done irreparable damage to Queensland Health,” Ms Bates said.

“Shannon Fentiman is officially the worst Health Minister in Queensland history. No Health Minister has ever recorded a ramping figure this bad.”

When Labor came to office in 2015 ambulance ramping was at 15%.

It’s now more than tripled to a new record high after a decade of Labor.

Shannon Fentiman boasted about her $764m plan to fix ramping a year ago.

“Only a Labor Government and someone like Shannon Fentiman could spend three quarters of a billion dollars and make ramping worse,” Ms Bates said.

​“Queenslanders no longer trust Shannon Fentiman to heal the health crisis.

​“This is a catastrophic figure for Queensland and it’s a shameful new low in our history.

​“This is the result of a decade-old State Labor Government that was no longer listening to Queenslanders and they’re certainly not listening to the staff on the frontline of Queensland’s besieged hospitals.

​“While more patients were ramped than ever before, Shannon Fentiman’s Labor mates in Canberra slashed health funding in Queensland by more than $52 million in the Federal Budget.

​“Labor has given up on Queensland.

​“As a registered nurse and former hospital administrator, I know how frustrating it is for patients and paramedics who are left waiting at the end of a ramp longer than the clinically recommended time of 30 minutes.

​“Labor created the Queensland Health Crisis and Shannon Fentiman promised it would get better, but she’s failed spectacularly.

​“This record ramping rate of 45.5% isn’t the fault of our hard-working doctors, nurses, paramedics and allied health professionals.

​“Queensland has world-class clinicians and paramedics that have been let down by a decade old Palaszczuk-Miles Government that hasn’t properly planned or resourced our hospitals.

​“The LNP has put solutions on the table to help heal the Queensland Health Crisis, including better resources, better triaging, sharing data in real-time and putting doctors and nurses back in charge to improve patient care.

​“Only the LNP has the right priorities for Queensland’s future and that includes easier access to health services.

​“If elected, a Crisafulli LNP Government will release real-time health data within 100 days.

​“My message to my frontline colleagues is simple. We thank you, we respect you and we value what you do.

CRIME CRISIS: Labor’s Cop number cover-up

16th May 2024

LNP commits to releasing police numbers twice a year

The LNP will release police numbers in Queensland twice a year, every year, if elected in October.

The latest publicly available data shows police numbers are falling in Queensland.

The latest numbers show 322 fewer police in 18 short months under Labor.

That’s despite Labor promising to deliver 1450 additional police, over and above attrition, at the last election. 

Police are leaving in droves because of Labor’s weak laws and a government that doesn’t have their backs.

It’s Labor’s weak laws and fewer police that created the Queensland Youth Crime Crisis.

The days of Labor’s chaos and crisis, and attempts to cover-up their incompetence, will end under the LNP.

Only the LNP has the right priorities for Queensland’s future, including delivering more police on the beat through retention and attraction.

Making our community safer is a priority for the LNP because it’s a priority for Queenslanders.

5,000 surgeries axed in a year

15th May 2024

Clogged corridors, bed shortages and ballooning surgical waitlists were behind 5,143 elective surgery cancellations in public hospitals across Queensland last year, in a devastating setback for patients caught up in the Queensland Health Crisis.

The health statistics obtained by the LNP Opposition via a Parliamentary Question on Notice also revealed 705 surgeries were also cancelled in the first two months of this year.

Shadow Minister for Health and Ambulance Services Ros Bates said the Palaszczuk-Miles Government had failed to fix the Queensland Health Crisis they created.

“Queensland Public Hospitals were forced to cancel more than 5,000 surgeries last year because of Labor’s broken system,” Ms Bates said.

“These aren’t just numbers on a spreadsheet, these are Queenslanders desperate for cataracts or knee surgery or a hip replacement.

“After three terms in office, the Palaszczuk-Miles Government has stopped listening to Queenslanders.

“These thousands of cancellations were not the fault of our hardworking doctors and nurses who have worked themselves to the brink of exhaustion.

“As a nurse and former hospital administrator, I know how heartbreaking it is for patients to learn their surgery has been cancelled, often due to chronic bed shortages. It’s frustrating for patients, their families and hospital staff.

“Our world-class clinicians are working extremely hard in a system that is broken, because the State Labor Government has failed to properly plan and resource our hospitals.

“All Queenslanders deserve a world class health system no matter where they live.

“The LNP has put solutions on the table to help heal the Queensland Health Crisis, including better resources, better triaging, sharing data in real-time and putting doctors and nurses back in charge to improve patient care.

“Only the LNP has the right priorities for Queensland’s future and that includes easier access to health services.”

DUPED: Sunshine Coast Rail funds fail to deliver to Maroochydore

13th May 2024

Caloundra has been consigned to a car park after the Albanese Government cut the Sunshine Coast Heavy Passenger Rail through to Maroochydore.

Under Labor, the Sunshine Coast rail will not be delivered to Maroochydore before the 2032 Games, despite being a key promise to Queenslanders in the bid.

Maroochydore and Kawana will miss out and Caloundra will be consigned to a car park.

The LNP committed to the project years ago and remain the only ones who will deliver Sunshine Coast Heavy Passenger Rail to Maroochydore.

The LNP’s commitment will see the project delivered the full length to Maroochydore via Beerwah, Caloundra and Kawana.

The Sunshine Coast community has been waiting 30 years for heavy passenger rail to connect Beerwah to Caloundra to Kawana to Maroochydore.

Queenslanders know they can’t trust Labor to deliver the infrastructure we need.

Only the LNP has the Right Priorities for Queensland’s Future, including delivering Sunshine Coast rail all the way to Maroochydore.

Labor’s secret Callide Report must be made public

9th May 2024

Premier attempts to hide behind lawyers’ robes to stop the truth getting out

In the middle of a cost of living crisis, Queenslanders’ have paid more for power because of Labor’s failures at the Callide power plant.

For more than 1,000 days Labor has done everything possible to cover-up what’s happened at the Callide power plant.

For 1,000 days they’ve refused to fully outline what happened.

For 1,000 days they’ve failed to fully restore the power plant.

For 1,000 days Queenslanders have paid the price with higher power prices.

Now, the Premier is attempting to hide behind lawyers’ robes as a last-ditch effort to keep the truth from getting out.

Labor’s secret Callide Report must be made public.

Queenslanders deserve better than Labor’s chaos and crisis.

Queenslanders deserve a Government that prioritises cost of living, not a government that is driving-up electricity costs.

SITUATION CRITICAL - Labor’s housing failures fuel vacancy rate crisis

7th May 2024

Alarming new statistics have revealed the first quarter of 2024 was a nightmare for Queensland renters, in another sign the State Labor Government has run out of ideas to fix the housing crisis.

The Real Estate Institute of Queensland (REIQ) Residential Vacancy Report for the March quarter revealed Queensland’s vacancy rate was a devastating 0.9%.

Shadow Minister for Housing Tim Mander said it’s another sad chapter in the history of the Palaszczuk-Miles Government.

“From Goondiwindi to Maryborough, Charters Towers, Mackay and Mareeba, rental vacancy rates remain in freefall,” Mr Mander said.

“This is a direct result of a third-term government that hasn’t listened or planned.

“Labor’s dismal record in releasing land for housing means there has been less homes built, which means price increases

“They’ve scared investors away with their botched renters’ tax and there are now fewer homes for people to rent.

​“At a time when Queenslanders needs a government with the right priorities for Queensland’s future, Labor is in chaos and crisis, lurching from one failure to another.

“More than 43,000 Queenslanders are desperately waiting for social housing.

“Only the LNP has the Right Priorities for Queensland’s Future, including securing our housing foundations.

“The LNP has put solutions on the table including prioritising infrastructure partnerships with local government to unlock more land for housing, unleashing the community housing sector and setting KPIs and delivering social housing projects on-time and on-budget.”


7th May 2024

LNP Opposition commits $4.5 million funding

A major cash injection for Beef Week 2027 has been confirmed by LNP Leader David Crisafulli in Rockhampton today.

If elected in October, the LNP will commit $4.5 million in funding for Beef Week 2027 to help cover increasing costs with staging the iconic event.

The Opposition welcomes the State Labor Government matching our commitment today.

Mr Crisafulli said this event would again supercharge the Rockhampton and Central Queensland economies and deliver certainty for Beef Australia as planning commences for the next Beef Week in 2027.

“Beef Week is a highlight on the calendars of so many Queenslanders who head to Rockhampton for this action-packed event every three years,” Mr Crisafulli said.

“You bet we’re backing Beef Week.

“The LNP is passionate about agriculture in Queensland and Beef Week allows producers and businesses the opportunity to connect and learn more about cutting edge technology and innovation available to them.”

​Shadow Minister for Agriculture and grazier Tony Perrett said the commitment would now allow Beef Australia the certainty to deliver an even bigger and better event in 2027.

“I have attended every Beef Week since 1991 and over the years it has grown into one of the most significant events on the Queensland calendar,” Mr Perrett said.

“Beef Week means so much to the lives of so many rural and regional families.”

LNP Candidate for Rockhampton Donna Kirkland welcomed the commitment which would provide a huge economic injection for Central Queensland.

“Rockhampton benefits immensely out of Beef Week,” Mrs Kirkland said.

“Local accommodation providers, restaurants, hospitality providers and small businesses are humming when Beef Week fires up and the LNP’s commitment will ensure this fantastic event continues to shine in the future.”

LNP Candidate for Keppel Nigel Hutton said the 2021 event pumped $88 million into the Greater Rockhampton Region.

“I am confident 2024 will be much higher once those figures come in,” Mr Hutton said.

LNP Candidate for Mirani Glen Kelly said the LNP would continue to be a big supporter of Beef Week and if the government changed in October, the $4.5 million cash injection would be a significant boost for Beef Week 2027.

Miles secretly spends millions on “Hydro Hoax” but still refuses to reveal cost

7th May 2024

At a time when Queenslanders are struggling to pay their power bills, the Palaszczuk-Miles Government has secretly spent more than $111 million on a project with no business case.

Labor is keeping Queenslanders in the dark on how much the project will cost and how much more we’ll pay every time we switch the lights on.

It's already been reported the Pioneer Burdekin “Hydro Hoax” could cost upwards of $18 billion, driving up Queenslanders’ power bills even further.

The “Hydro Hoax” would see Queenslanders foot the bill for generations to come.

Labor has been secretly spending millions of dollars on a project with no business case or Environmental Impact Statement.

Queenslanders deserve better than the chaos and crisis of the Palaszczuk-Miles Government.

Only the LNP has the Right Priorities for Queensland’s Future, including delivering affordable, reliable and sustainable energy.

Teacher action a damning vote of no confidence in Labor

2nd May 2024

Unprecedented industrial action by the Queensland Teacher’s Union is a damning vote of no confidence in the Palaszczuk-Miles Labor Government.

It’s little wonder teachers have resorted to industrial action after nearly a decade of Labor failures in our education system.

Labor’s education report card includes a failure to develop a workforce plan for the teachers Queensland needs, chronic under-resourcing and rising violence in schools.

Education is now so out of control under Labor, teachers are leaving in droves and schools are battling critical teacher shortages.

Our hardworking teachers deserve to be valued and deserve to be listened to.

Labor’s failure to deliver the teachers they promised Queenslanders at the 2020 election and failure to listen, means our teachers have had to resort to industrial action just to be heard.

Queensland students and teachers are paying a high price for Labor’s chaos and crisis.

Only the LNP has the Right Priorities for Queensland’s Future, including boosting student-to-teacher ratios in schools and cracking-down on violence.


2nd May 2024

Steven Miles and Labor have voted to keep the cost of chartering two private luxury jets secret from Queenslanders. 

In an extraordinary move in Parliament overnight, the Palaszczuk-Miles Government blocked the LNP's bid to reveal how much Queensland taxpayers have been charged. 

Last week the Premier and his Police Minister chartered two private jets to fly to the same locations at the same times to make political announcements across the State. 

They made their dual-jet journeys in the middle of a cost of living crisis. 

Last night's decision to hide the cost of the Premier's double luxury planes is further evidence Labor is out of touch and isn’t listening to the pressures Queenslanders are facing. 

It’s more proof Steven Miles can’t be trusted and isn’t up to it.

It’s another example of Labor’s chaos and crisis and wrong priorities.

While Steven Miles and his Ministers are living the high life, Queenslanders are struggling to pay their bills that are soaring under his Government's watch. 

Only the LNP has the Right Priorities for Queensland’s Future, including saving you paying for Labor’s failures.

EXPOSED: Labor has not removed detention as a last resort

1st May 2024

Claytons change fails to remove Detention as a Last Resort from Youth Justice Act

The LNP has been fighting to remove detention as a last resort from the Youth Justice Act.  

After hearing Premier Miles this morning, we believed we’d secured a major win for Queenslanders.

Sadly, that is not the case.  

​Today Labor has been exposed for just rewording, not removing, the principle of detention as a last resort from the Youth Justice Act.

Labor’s official Statement of Compatibility confirms the effect of the Bill is not changed by a clumsy attempt to reword detention as a last resort:

“The proposed amendments to s52A(1) of the Youth Justice Act 1992 (YJ Act), and to principle 18 in schedule 1 of the YJ Act, are clarifying provisions and are not intended to change the law.”

It can’t be much clearer than that - “not intended to change the law”.

​The Premier has misled Queenslanders. The Premier has misled victims.

​Labor has been exposed as saying and doing anything to get elected.

This is a hollow and desperate act, from a Premier attempting a political fix not a genuine fix for the broken Youth Justice Act.

This is all about how the Premier is perceived, six-months out from an election.

Queenslanders want to be safe in their communities, but today, nothing has changed under Labor’s reworded “clarification”.

Under Labor’s detention as a last resort, youth offenders will still only be detained after every other option has been exhausted and magistrates are not free to impose a sentence to match the crime.

The only things clarified today are that Steven Miles isn’t up to the job, he doesn’t take crime seriously and he is willing to deceive victims for his own political gain.

To claim you’re doing something, only to be exposed by the detail as actually not doing it, is a window into Labor’s chaos and crisis.

This is a shocking insult to victims of crime, including those who marched on Parliament yesterday demanding genuine change. 

Just weeks ago, Steven Miles said removing detention as a last resort would be “dangerous”, and today his position remains unchanged.

Steven Miles would rather con victims and Queenslanders than get serious on crime.

The only way to change Labor’s detention as a last resort is to change the Government. 

Only the LNP will making our community safer, with the Making Queensland Safer Laws.