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State News - June 2024

Labor lied to Queenslanders about Callide failures

14th June 2024

New bombshell court documents have revealed the Labor Government made a secret arrangement in 2021 to ensure the report into why the Callide power plant exploded would remain buried forever.   

This is the smoking gun for the mother of all cover-ups. 

Labor never planned to release the Brady Report, in fact they had an arrangement to ensure the truth would remain buried but chose to lie to Queenslanders anyway.

It has been three years.

Since then Labor has missed seven deadlines to get the power plant back online.

Labor repeatedly told Queenslanders they would release the Brady Report but now it’s been exposed Labor knew full-well that would never happen.

Labor has blatantly lied to Queenslanders for three years.

Why didn’t Labor tell Queenslanders about the secret arrangement?

Steven Miles and his dodgy Energy Minister must front the media today and explain why they repeatedly lied to Queenslanders and why they chose not to tell Queenslanders about their secret arrangement to never release the Brady Report to Queenslanders.

If Labor claim they want it released, why are they currently in court fighting to suppress the release of this critical report?

Labor’s failure to properly maintain the Callide power plant has already been called out as a major issue.  

Labor’s failures at Callide caused major black outs and has driven up power prices for Queenslanders in the middle of the Queensland Cost of Living Crisis.

Queensland power prices are soaring while falling in other states due to Labor’s failures at Callide.

The Premier and his dodgy Energy Minister have nowhere to hide today, they have been caught red-handed misleading Queenslanders and they should be held accountable for that.

Securing Queensland’s housing foundations

14th June 2024

LNP delivers bold 20-year housing plan to build the homes for Queensland’s Future

The LNP has today announced a bold housing plan with six key policy areas to secure Queensland’s housing foundations over the coming two decades, with an ambitious plan to boost home ownership, unleash the community housing sector, turbocharge new housing and drive rental affordability.

The LNP’s Securing our Housing Foundations plan consists of six key policy areas:

  • Big Boost into Home Ownership
    a.    Abolish stamp duty for all new homes, for first home buyers.
    b.    Raise the Stamp Duty concession threshold in full for existing homes, up to $700,000 and partially up to $800,000, for first home buyers.
  • Boost to Buy with a new shared equity home ownership program designed to close the deposit gap for buyers without access to the bank of mum and dad.
  • Unlock the Homes for Queensland’s Future with a plan for one million extra homes by 2044, new Regional Plans for every corner of Queensland and fast-tracked approvals.
  • Open the Door to housing by removing restrictions preventing first home buyer grant recipients from renting-out rooms and opening-up rental supply.
  • Homes with Purpose, with 10,000 new social and community homes on church and charity-owned land, unleashing the community housing sector and clear targets to ramp-up social housing.
  • Breaking Down the Barriers to Building, by fast-tracking development approvals and building new homes quicker, safeguarding the materials and tradies needed to build the homes for Queensland’s future.

The LNP’s housing plan not only maps out a clear path to the housing we need for Queensland’s future, it also unlocks the door to achieving it.

Queensland is in the grip of a Housing Crisis after a decade of Labor’s failure to plan for our growing State, but today’s plan charts a path out of crisis, to secure our housing foundations.

LNP Leader David Crisafulli said his ambitious plan would see Queensland become the capital of home ownership, giving young Queenslanders who wanted to own a home, the chance to.

“The LNP will secure our housing foundations with a big boost to home ownership and by unlocking the homes for Queensland’s future,” Mr Crisafulli said.

“For young Queenslanders who are on the housing hamster-wheel and just can’t get ahead to buy their first home, we will offer a big boost into new homes by abolishing stamp duty for all new homes.

“For your first home, if you build or buy a new home, you will not pay a single dollar of stamp duty in Queensland.

“We will also offer a big boost into existing homes by raising the threshold for full stamp duty concessions up to $700,000, with partial concessions up to $800,000.

“The LNP will also close the deposit gap for those young Queenslanders without access to the bank of mum and dad with a shared equity program for 1,000 homes.

“For years Queensland has been lagging at the bottom of the home ownership ladder, but by securing our housing foundations, we will lift Queensland to the top of this ladder within a decade.

“We will also unlock the homes needed for our growing State, by delivering one million homes by 2044, and a clear plan for where they can sustainably go.

“The LNP’s housing plan will chart a course to building these homes, with new regional plans to cover every corner of this State and by fast-tracking approvals to see these homes built with the infrastructure to protect our lifestyle.

“Under Labor, the great Australian dream of owning your home has become a nightmare and aspiration is nothing more than a pipedream.

“Only the LNP will deliver a big boost into home ownership and break down the barriers to building.”

Mr Crisafulli said the LNP would also deliver short-term relief to renters in the Queensland Housing Crisis, with initiatives designed to ease pressure on renters.

“The LNP will immediately boost rental supply by harnessing untapped rentals, lifting prohibitive restrictions on first home buyer grant recipients which prevent them from renting rooms in their homes,” Mr Crisafulli said.

“Young buyers shouldn’t be penalised for home ownership and renters shouldn’t be shut out of the market, which is why the LNP will open the door.

“Queensland has the lowest vacancy rates in the nation, but the LNP’s plan will immediately add to rental supply, while we unlock the homes for Queensland’s future and deliver long-term rental relief.”

Mr Crisafulli said the LNP would also unleash the community housing sector to deliver homes for Queenslanders languishing on Labor’s social housing waitlist, while shifting the focus of social housing to new builds.

“The LNP will deliver Homes with Purpose, unlocking unused charity and church-owned land for social and community housing for our most vulnerable Queenslanders,” he said.

“Homes with Purpose will deliver up to 500 homes within the first two-years, expanding to a potential 10,000 homes by 2044, by lifting restrictions on land that would never have been developed due to its ownership.

“The LNP will also bring accountability and transparency back to social housing delivery, with clear KPIs, and direct every dollar of the $2 billion Housing Investment Fund into building new homes.

“Only by harnessing the power of our community housing sector and delivering social housing on-time and on-budget, will we be able to finally end Labor’s downward spiral of false hope and broken housing promises.

“Only the LNP has the Right Priorities for Queensland’s Future, including securing our housing foundations.”

Pioneer Burdekin pumped-hydro hoax will not proceed under the LNP

14th June 2024

LNP will investigate opportunities for smaller, more manageable pumped-hydro projects

LNP Leader David Crisafulli has today announced an LNP Government would not proceed with the Pioneer Burdekin Pumped-Hydro Project.

If elected in October, the LNP will end the Hydro Hoax, by dumping the Pioneer Burdekin pumped-hydro project, instead investigating opportunities for smaller pumped-hydro projects.

Mr Crisafulli made the announcement today during his Budget Reply Speech, outlining the LNP’s commitment to cost of living relief during the energy transition.

“The LNP is committed to affordable, reliable and sustainable energy for Queenslanders, but with massive cost blowouts on the Pioneer Burdekin pumped-hydro project, it will unavoidably drive-up the price of power in Queensland,” Mr Crisafulli said.

“This project is not a credible plan, it is a multi-billion-dollar fantasy that energy experts and environmentalists believe won’t happen. 

“Pioneer-Burdekin pumped-hydro has no direct funding, no approvals and no social licence from the local community. 

“It is reported to already cost around $20 billion yet the government can’t even be honest with this – and with these blowouts already it will increase the cost of power for Queenslanders.

“Pioneer Burdekin pumped-hydro is not feasible, it will never be built and the Government knows it. 

“This is why there is a $1b equity investment in the company but no actual capital investment in the project.

“For these reasons an LNP Government would not proceed with the Pioneer Burdekin Pumped Hydro Project.

“In its place we will embark on a long-term plan which will provide alternative storage options.

“We will investigate opportunities for smaller, more manageable pumped-hydro projects and we will bring in new laws to ensure all projects are treated equally.

“Whether it is a farming project, a residential project or a renewable project, the same standards must apply.

“Queenslanders want solutions that last longer than an election period.

“Only the LNP will deliver a solution which will make energy affordable, reliable and sustainable.”

LNP backs-in small business to share in Queensland’s opportunity

13th June 2024
  • On-Time, Every-Time Payment Guarantee with 5-business day terms for small and family businesses and immediate payments for invoices under $10,000
  • Simplified procurement processes with standardised contracts, smaller tender amounts, and streamlined tender processes to make government tenders accessible to businesses of all sizes - rather than just big business.
  • New Small and Family Business Innovation Pathway, to directly engage Queensland small and family businesses for short-term initiatives up to $1 million, to solve specific problems or improve government service delivery, trying new and in innovative ideas.

An LNP government will back Queensland small businesses, offering them a seat at the table to share in Government contracts.

The LNP’s Putting Queensland Small and Family Business First policy, will see more small businesses take advantage of government work through easier contracting, faster payment terms and a new innovation pathway program.

LNP Leader David Crisafulli made the policy announcement in his Budget Reply speech today, throwing his support behind the industry that employs nearly one million Queenslanders.

Mr Crisafulli said the LNP would back small business and remove the barriers preventing many small businesses from tendering for government work.

“Small and family businesses are the backbone of our economy and the LNP will even the playing field and give them every chance to compete for contracts,” Mr Crisafulli said.

“The complexity, insurance requirements and contracting processes have been real barriers to small businesses, but we will remove these barriers for small and family business if elected in October.

“Every Queensland small business should have the opportunity to share in our state’s opportunities – which is why the LNP will simplify the contract processes, deliver an ‘On-Time, Every-Time Payment Guarantee’ and open up new innovation pathways.

“Smaller tender sizes mean small business can tender directly for government contracts rather than operating as sub-contractors to big business.

“Simple tender processes and better resources will make it easier and less costly to compete for government work. 

“Cashflow is one of the biggest impediments to small business, so we’ll break down this barrier and even the playing field. 

“Under Labor small businesses have been overlooked and abandoned, but the LNP will offer them a seat at the table and a chance to share in Queensland’s opportunity.

“Value for taxpayer money will always be paramount, but the LNP will back Queensland small and family businesses to help deliver the goods and services for our State.

“Only the LNP has the Right Priorities for Queensland’s Future, including supporting our small and family businesses.”

It's a budget for the next 4 months, not the next 4 years 

13th June 2024

Labor is more concerned about their political future than Queensland’s future 

Today’s budget has exposed Labor does not have the Right Priorities for Queensland’s Future. 

It's a Budget for the next four months, not the next four years and beyond.  

In fact, it’s just more of the same from a decade-old Labor Government that’s delivered Queenslanders a health crisis, a crime crisis, a housing crisis and cost of living crisis.  

It has never been clearer that Steven Miles cares more about his political future, than Queensland’s Future. 

Queenslanders deserve a government focused on the right priorities for our State’s future, not one that is single-mindedly focused on re-election. 

We are paying a high price for Labor’s failures in health, housing, youth crime and cost of living. 

Never before has a Queensland government taxed more, borrowed more or spent more, with less to show for it, than under the Palaszczuk-Miles Government. 

Despite revenue rivers of gold, Labor has delivered record debt and record taxes. 

We also have record numbers of Queenslanders sleeping in tents, record numbers of crime victims, record ambulance ramping and record numbers of Queenslanders struggling to make ends meet. 

Only the LNP has the Right Priorities for Queensland’s Future, including saving you paying for Labor’s failures. 

"RACK OFF" - Labor’s record does matter

13th June 2024

Labor wants to order Queenslanders what to think at the election but Queenslanders know what matters

Deluded, arrogant, disgraceful.   

After a decade in power, the Premier and Treasurer are deluded if they think they can arrogantly tell Queenslanders to ignore Labor’s disgraceful record.

Labor told Queenslanders what to think.

I think Queenslanders will tell Labor to "rack off".

Because Queenslanders know Labor’s record matters.

The Queensland Youth Crime Crisis matters to the hundreds of thousands of Queenslanders who have been held hostage to crime.

The Queensland Health Crisis matters to the families left behind after their loved ones have died on the ambulance ramp.

The Queensland Housing Crisis matters to those who are sleeping in tents or in cars, because they can’t get social housing.

The Queensland Cost of Living Crisis matters to Queenslanders who can’t pay their bills because of skyrocketing costs under Labor.

Queenslanders are paying a high price for Labor’s failures and under Labor the crises continue to get worse.

Labor can’t be trusted on the big issues facing Queenslanders and that does matter.

The battlelines for this election are the issues that matter to Queenslanders.

While Labor is telling Queenslanders what to think, the LNP is focused on listening to what Queenslanders think and deliver on their priorities.  

Queensland Housing Crisis continues to get worse under Labor

5th June 2024

Only the LNP will raise stamp duty for first home buyers to ease pressure

​Action must urgently be taken to address the growing Queensland Housing Crisis.

After more broken promises and housing failures than homes built, Labor cannot be trusted to ease the Housing Crisis they created.

It has never been more difficult to find, secure and keep a home in Queensland, than under this Labor Government.

  • ​New home completions are at a decade-low and Queensland stagnates at the bottom of the national home ownership ladder at just 63.5%.
  • Last year, there was a 26% drop in the number of first home buyers in Queensland.
  • After three years and $2 billion, Queenslanders still haven’t seen a single new home built by the Housing Investment Fund.
  • Labor’s so-called “QuickStarts” program still hasn’t commenced building any of the 500 homes announced a year ago.
  • Between 2015 and 2022, Queensland was the only State where community housing went backwards.
  • 43,000 Queenslanders languish on the social housing waitlist, without a roof over their head.

Only the LNP has the Right Priorities for Queensland’s Future, including securing our housing foundations.

The LNP will raise the stamp duty threshold for first home buyers to get more Queenslanders into their first home.

Labor rubbishes raising the stamp duty threshold as a “thought bubble” and are too busy defending their litany of housing failures to have any credible solutions to the housing crisis.

Labor is more concerned about securing their political future than housing security.

The LNP’s priorities include putting Queensland back on top of the housing ladder, by prioritising infrastructure partnerships with local government to unlock more land for housing, unleashing the community housing sector and setting KPIs and delivering social housing projects on-time and on-budget.

Only the LNP will spend every dollar of the Housing Investment Fund on building new homes, and only the LNP will raise the stamp duty threshold to get more first home buyers into homes.


3rd June 2024


Extraordinary new statistics have exposed Labor’s failure to support at-risk children and protect students and teachers in our schools.

Yesterday Labor announced their Putting Queensland Kids First plan – but the facts speak for themselves, Labor has put Queensland kids last for the past decade.

Clearly Labor was aware, new SDA Data (Student Disciplinary Absences; Suspensions, Exclusions etc) from the Department of Education was due to be released revealing the true extent of Queensland’s education crisis and the Palaszczuk-Miles Government’s failure to solve it.

These failures have allowed at risk kids to fall through the cracks and further fuelled Queensland’s Youth Crime Crisis.

​Labor’s rushed announcement was a deliberate attempt to provide a smokescreen for this extraordinary data and try and hide Labor’s abysmal record from Queenslanders.

​This is Labor’s record when it comes to at-risk kids in Queensland schools: 

Palaszczuk-Miles Labor Government (2015-2023)

  • Total SDA’s are up 17.1% (11,980 additional instances)
  • Short Suspensions are up 18.5% (11,933 additional instances)
  • Long Suspensions are up 16.3%
  • Exclusions are up 19.6%

Year on Year (2022-2023)

  • Total SDA’s are up 5% (3,892 additional instances)
  • Short Suspensions are up 5.2% (3,787 additional instances)
  • Exclusions are up 9.3%
  • Indigenous Student SDAs - Up 11.2%
  • Prep Student SDAs - Up 7.9%

Additional Data and Statistics for the 2023 School Year

  • 24,450 Suspensions and Exclusions for Property Damage, Physical Aggression, and Property Misuse Causing Risk to Others - Including 561 instances of students in Prep alone
  • 2,353 Suspensions and Exclusions for Bullying
  • 18 Suspensions and Exclusions for Bomb Threat/False Alarm - Including 3 Primary school students
  • 2,650 Suspensions and Exclusions for Substance Misconduct Involving Illegal Substances - Including 123 instances of primary students from Years 2-6
  • 1,279 Suspensions and Exclusions for Use/possession of Weapons & Combustibles Including: 156 instances of students from Prep-Year 4 and 198 instances of students from Years 5-6 

Shadow Education Minister Dr Christian Rowan said this is just another example of how Labor will do and say anything to cling onto power.

“The Palaszczuk-Miles Government has failed to properly support at-risk kids in Queensland schools over the last decade.

“Yesterday’s rushed attempt to make an announcement before these statistics were released has exposed more chaos and crisis under Labor. It shows they care more about how things look instead how things actually are. 

​“Labor isn’t putting Queensland kids first, their record proves they’ve put them last for years and are now just doing and saying anything because an election is approaching. 

“Frontline principals and teachers have been reporting this explosion of violence and bad behaviour for years and yet the Labor Government has not listened.

“The lesson Queenslanders have learned is you cannot trust the Labor Government to properly look after at-risk children and ensure a safe environment in Queensland schools.”

“Labor has failed our kids and hard-working teachers for far too long.

“Only the LNP has the Right Priorities for Queensland’s Future, including saving you paying for Labor’s failures.”