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Labor lied to Queenslanders about Callide failures

14th June 2024

New bombshell court documents have revealed the Labor Government made a secret arrangement in 2021 to ensure the report into why the Callide power plant exploded would remain buried forever.   

This is the smoking gun for the mother of all cover-ups. 

Labor never planned to release the Brady Report, in fact they had an arrangement to ensure the truth would remain buried but chose to lie to Queenslanders anyway.

It has been three years.

Since then Labor has missed seven deadlines to get the power plant back online.

Labor repeatedly told Queenslanders they would release the Brady Report but now it’s been exposed Labor knew full-well that would never happen.

Labor has blatantly lied to Queenslanders for three years.

Why didn’t Labor tell Queenslanders about the secret arrangement?

Steven Miles and his dodgy Energy Minister must front the media today and explain why they repeatedly lied to Queenslanders and why they chose not to tell Queenslanders about their secret arrangement to never release the Brady Report to Queenslanders.

If Labor claim they want it released, why are they currently in court fighting to suppress the release of this critical report?

Labor’s failure to properly maintain the Callide power plant has already been called out as a major issue.  

Labor’s failures at Callide caused major black outs and has driven up power prices for Queenslanders in the middle of the Queensland Cost of Living Crisis.

Queensland power prices are soaring while falling in other states due to Labor’s failures at Callide.

The Premier and his dodgy Energy Minister have nowhere to hide today, they have been caught red-handed misleading Queenslanders and they should be held accountable for that.