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"RACK OFF" - Labor’s record does matter

13th June 2024

Labor wants to order Queenslanders what to think at the election but Queenslanders know what matters

Deluded, arrogant, disgraceful.   

After a decade in power, the Premier and Treasurer are deluded if they think they can arrogantly tell Queenslanders to ignore Labor’s disgraceful record.

Labor told Queenslanders what to think.

I think Queenslanders will tell Labor to "rack off".

Because Queenslanders know Labor’s record matters.

The Queensland Youth Crime Crisis matters to the hundreds of thousands of Queenslanders who have been held hostage to crime.

The Queensland Health Crisis matters to the families left behind after their loved ones have died on the ambulance ramp.

The Queensland Housing Crisis matters to those who are sleeping in tents or in cars, because they can’t get social housing.

The Queensland Cost of Living Crisis matters to Queenslanders who can’t pay their bills because of skyrocketing costs under Labor.

Queenslanders are paying a high price for Labor’s failures and under Labor the crises continue to get worse.

Labor can’t be trusted on the big issues facing Queenslanders and that does matter.

The battlelines for this election are the issues that matter to Queenslanders.

While Labor is telling Queenslanders what to think, the LNP is focused on listening to what Queenslanders think and deliver on their priorities.