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Queensland Housing Crisis continues to get worse under Labor

5th June 2024

Only the LNP will raise stamp duty for first home buyers to ease pressure

​Action must urgently be taken to address the growing Queensland Housing Crisis.

After more broken promises and housing failures than homes built, Labor cannot be trusted to ease the Housing Crisis they created.

It has never been more difficult to find, secure and keep a home in Queensland, than under this Labor Government.

  • ​New home completions are at a decade-low and Queensland stagnates at the bottom of the national home ownership ladder at just 63.5%.
  • Last year, there was a 26% drop in the number of first home buyers in Queensland.
  • After three years and $2 billion, Queenslanders still haven’t seen a single new home built by the Housing Investment Fund.
  • Labor’s so-called “QuickStarts” program still hasn’t commenced building any of the 500 homes announced a year ago.
  • Between 2015 and 2022, Queensland was the only State where community housing went backwards.
  • 43,000 Queenslanders languish on the social housing waitlist, without a roof over their head.

Only the LNP has the Right Priorities for Queensland’s Future, including securing our housing foundations.

The LNP will raise the stamp duty threshold for first home buyers to get more Queenslanders into their first home.

Labor rubbishes raising the stamp duty threshold as a “thought bubble” and are too busy defending their litany of housing failures to have any credible solutions to the housing crisis.

Labor is more concerned about securing their political future than housing security.

The LNP’s priorities include putting Queensland back on top of the housing ladder, by prioritising infrastructure partnerships with local government to unlock more land for housing, unleashing the community housing sector and setting KPIs and delivering social housing projects on-time and on-budget.

Only the LNP will spend every dollar of the Housing Investment Fund on building new homes, and only the LNP will raise the stamp duty threshold to get more first home buyers into homes.