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Labor continues to dodge questions on falling police numbers

30th May 2024

Today the Police Minister must explain how far police numbers have fallen on his watch.

Under Mark Ryan’s leadership, police are leaving faster than they can be replaced.

When it comes to police numbers, Mark Ryan cannot be trusted.

The Palaszczuk-Miles Labor Government continues to dodge questions about police numbers.

​The latest publicly released figures show police on the beat fell by 322 in 18 months, despite Labor promising 1450 additional police at the last election.

​The thin blue line is becoming thinner, because weaker laws are resulting in police leaving quicker than Labor is replacing them, because Labor doesn't value them and hasn't given them the laws they need.

Mark Ryan was one of Labor’s architects of the Queensland Youth Crime Crisis.

He watered-down youth crime laws in 2016.

His weak laws tied the hands of police behind their backs in their fight against youth crime.

Now police are leaving in record numbers.

The LNP will support our police and the Making Queensland Safer Laws will give them the strong laws they need to do their jobs.

Only the LNP has the Right Priorities for Queensland's Future, including increasing the number of police on the beat through retention and attraction.