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NO BARK OR BITE: Labor muzzles integrity watchdog

30th May 2024

Queenslanders won’t see critical Crime and Corruption reports under Labor’s plan

​When governments give up on integrity, they give up on governing for Queenslanders.

Today, Queenslanders have seen Labor’s plan to muzzle the integrity watchdog, by refusing to restore the full powers of the Crime and Corruption Commission.

The LNP wants to give the integrity watchdog its bite back, Labor wants to muzzle it.

Under Labor’s plan, scathing full and unredacted reports into integrity issues such as the “mangocube” cover-up, the Jackie Trad saga, and local government corruption, would never see the light of day.

The only reports the CCC could deliver would be heavily sanitised to remove all criticism of politicians and all recommendations based on their conduct.

Under Labor, politicians, public servants and leaders of the State will not be kept accountable and transparent.

Queenslanders won’t cop that.

The response to Labor’s integrity crisis were designed to let the sun shine in, but instead, Labor is closing the curtains again to put Queenslanders in the dark.

Under Labor, Fitzgerald would never have been able to apply his learned critical eye.  We would never have seen the Fitzgerald Report.

Queenslanders deserve the truth before the election.  They deserve to know what’s happening in the corridors of power.

Labor wants to continue governing in the shadows and have no intention of letting the sun shine in.

Only the LNP will restore integrity to government in Queensland.

The legislation is currently before the Parliament, Labor just needs to back it.

If Labor doesn’t back the LNP’s CCC laws, Queenslanders will know they can’t trust Labor and they’ll say and do anything to cling to power.