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State News - September 2024

LNP announces $400M Caloundra congestion busting plan

19th September 2024

The LNP has today announced a $400 million congestion busting traffic plan to end the Caloundra carpark and get the choked Caloundra Road moving again.

The major announcement is part of the LNP’s Safer Road, Better Transport program, and will futureproof the Caloundra traffic network to accommodate future growth.

The LNP’s Caloundra Congestion Busting Plan includes:

  • Completing the Nicklin Way to Third Avenue connection to take traffic off the Nicklin Way-Caloundra Road roundabout, providing alternative access into Caloundra CBD.
  • Delivering a new link between Aura Boulevard to Pelican Waters Boulevard to ease pressure on Caloundra road.
  • Constructing a new Kawana Way Link Road/Bells Creek Arterial Road overpass over Caloundra Road to keep traffic moving.
  • Signalising the Bellvista Boulevard-Caloundra Road intersection and upgrading with slip lanes to and from Caloundra Road to boost capacity and move vehicles more quickly.  
  • Fast-tracking construction by directing TMR to commence planning for a congestion solution for the Nicklin Way/Caloundra Road roundabout.

The plan will target the biggest pinch-points along the Caloundra Road corridor, divert traffic from congestion hotspots, boost capacity at key intersections and create additional connections to the Caloundra CBD.

Under Labor, the Caloundra traffic network has become a carpark with major delays, frequent accidents and intersections heaving under growing traffic congestion.  

More than 32,000 vehicles travel the Caloundra Road corridor every day, making it one of the busiest arterial roads outside of Brisbane, with at least 30% growth in traffic in the past two decades.

LNP Leader David Crisafulli said the Caloundra Congestion Busting Traffic Plan was part of the LNP’s Safer Roads, Better Transport program, designed to get our busy roads flowing again.

“The LNP will end the Caloundra carpark and get traffic moving again with our congestion busting transport plan,” Mr Crisafulli said.

“Our plan will not only deliver relief to the gridlock, it will futureproof Caloundra for the coming decades.

“Caloundra Road is an artery in the heart of the southern sunshine coast, connecting Aura, Caloundra and Kawana but under Labor it has become clogged and caught in congestion.

“The LNP’s plan will get Caloundra Road moving again.”

Deputy LNP Leader Jarrod Bleijie said the LNP’s $400 million upgrade to Caloundra Road would deliver benefits right across the southern sunshine coast.

"The LNP’s Caloundra Congestion Busting Plan will take up to 20 per cent of traffic off Caloundra Road with the new link into the CBD, and even more by diverting traffic through the new link road from Aura to Pelican Waters Boulevard,” Mr Bleijie said.

“These are practical plans that will make a real difference not only to Caloundra CBD, but also Pelican Waters, Aura, Little Mountain, Currimundi and Birtinya. 

“The LNP has been listening to the feedback of the community, local government and business owners and has developed this congestion busting plan to futureproof the southern Sunshine Coast.

“But this critical plan is at risk if Labor and Jason Hunt are re-elected.  Only a vote for the LNP will get Caloundra Road moving again and end the Caloundra carpark.”

LNP Candidate for Caloundra Kendall Morton said the LNP’s $400 million commitment was the Right Plan for Caloundra’s Future.

“The LNP’s plan is a gamechanger for Caloundra and for the Sunshine Coast,” Ms Morton said.

“Congestion is the bugbear of every driver who travels Caloundra Road and it has been getting worse every month but after a decade Labor still hasn’t delivered any solutions.

“What’s worse Labor plans to end the Sunshine Coast Rail in Caloundra, making our gridlock even worse.

“Only the LNP will end the Caloundra carpark with a congestion-busting traffic plan and delivering Sunshine Coast Heavy Passenger Rail all the way to Maroochydore.

“Caloundra needs a fresh start and this is part of the Right Plan for our community’s future.”

LNP’s plan to boost national park management 

17th September 2024

More Rangers, Better Neighbours 

  • LNP to deliver 150 extra rangers in the next four years for the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service and Indigenous Land and Sea Rangers.
  • Commitment includes establishing a Specialist Fire Management Ranger Team with 30 dedicated rangers focused on bushfires in national parks.  

The LNP has today announced a major step forward for Queensland’s national parks with one of the biggest boosts to rangers and environmental management in Queensland’s history.  

The More Rangers, Better Neighbours policy includes an additional 150 park rangers to focus on invasive species management and better preserve Queensland’s natural environment. 

The policy is part of the LNP’s Right Plan for Queensland’s Future and will help parks across Queensland from small areas in urban centres, like Burleigh Head National Park, through our largest, like Munga-Thirri near Birdsville. 

Shadow Minister for Environment Sam O’Connor said the LNP’s ranger boost would ensure national parks were safer to use and better managed.  

“The LNP will boost national park management with more rangers and better invasive species management so they can be enjoyed by all Queenslanders,” Mr O’Connor said. 

“Under Labor, national parks have become the worst neighbour you can have. 

“To improve the management of our current estate we need more rangers on the ground working to tackle invasive weeds and feral animals, ensuring facilities and access are properly maintained and undertaking conservation activities.” 

Mr O’Connor said the LNP would also deliver a new specialist fire strike force with 30 dedicated fire rangers to coordinate QPWS fire management. 

“The LNP’s commitment will safeguard properties and our parks by ensuring fire breaks are sufficiently maintained and working collaboratively with neighbouring landholders and the rural fire service,” he said.  

“Rangers will be strategically positioned across the state to quickly respond to remote areas, reducing the size, spread and impact of bushfires.  

“Given the geography of Queensland, we need rangers placed around the state who can be activated rapidly to respond in emergencies. 

“Not only will this protect our precious natural estate, it will also protect neighbouring properties. 

“Only the LNP has the Right Plan for Queensland’s Future and will boost national parks care with additional pest and weed management, and fuel load reduction.” 

Chris Thomas, CEO of National Parks Association of Queensland said Queensland’s national park investment had lagged behind other states and jurisdictions, impacting its capacity and capability to manage parks effectively.  

“NPAQ welcomes this critical investment in rangers by the LNP, it is essential we invest in park management to protect them for generations to come and to provide world class nature destinations,” Mr Thomas said. 

“Increasing investment is critically important for enabling QPWS to maintain the natural and cultural values that parks were established to protect, as well as for providing and maintaining an expanding and diverse range of suitable, safe and sustainable visitor experiences. 

“NPAQ has played a pivotal role in the creation of many national parks in Queensland and has a specific mission to ensure the protection, expansion, effective management and presentation of national parks and other protected areas across Queensland.” 

Victim numbers surge since Labor came to power

17th September 2024

The number of Queenslanders becoming victims of physical crime has surged by 193% since the Palaszczuk-Miles Government came to power in 2015, according to shocking new analysis of Queensland Police Service statistics.

The bombshell findings revealed the number of crime victims for assault, sexual offences and robbery have increased from 28,369 to 83,276 between the financial year 2015-16 to 2023-24, across the state.

Shockingly, these figures don’t even include offences such as break-ins and stolen cars, as the State Labor Government does not release victim numbers for property offences, despite the fact these traumatic offences have long lasting effects on their victims.

Shadow Minister for Police and Community Safety Dan Purdie said the statistics were confronting and prove Labor has failed communities for a decade.

“Queensland is the crime capital of the country because of Labor’s watered-down laws,” Mr Purdie said.

“There are more victims of crime in Queensland than New South Wales and Victoria.

“The LNP is committed to ensuring there would be fewer victims of crime in Queensland under a future Crisafulli LNP Government and we have a plan to do it.

​“The Making Queensland Safer Laws are the strong laws Queenslanders have been demanding and only the LNP will deliver.

“Labor’s weaker laws created the Queensland Youth Crime Crisis and only the LNP will restore safety where you live.

“The LNP’s plan will restore safety where you live with Adult Crime, Adult Time, as well as gold standard early intervention and proper rehabilitation.

“Only the LNP has the Right Plan for Queensland’s Future and that includes making our community safer.”

Shadow Minister for Youth Justice and Victim Support Laura Gerber said Labor had failed to fix the crime crisis it created.

“A decade ago they loudly and proudly watered-down the youth justice laws and it created a generation of untouchables,” Ms Gerber said.

“This is why we need Adult Crime, Adult Time, if you choose to do the crime – you will do the time.

“Labor is in chaos and crisis and nothing will change unless the government changes next month.

“Queensland communities are sick of living in fear.

“Time’s up for Labor.”

Labor's housing lies sink to new low

17th September 2024

The comments made today by the Labor Minister for Housing are categorically untrue and reek of desperation.

The LNP has long committed to putting every single cent of the Housing Investment Fund towards delivering new social housing supply.

The LNP has committed to delivering one million homes by 2044, including 53,500 social and affordable homes under our comprehensive Securing Our Housing Foundations Plan.

Since announcing the Housing Investment Fund over three years ago, the Palaszczuk-Miles Labor Government has not built a single new home with the Housing Investment Fund. 

3,600 new homes were meant to be completed by 2025. 

Today, not a single home has been completed – not one.

Labor has only delivered false hope, not homes.

Only the LNP has the Right Plan for Queensland’s Future will deliver the critical housing supply Queenslander needs to ease the Queensland Housing Crisis.

LNP announces ‘Youth Justice Schools’ in major crime diversion policy

16th September 2024
  • Two Youth Justice Schools are part of the LNP’s Early Intervention Plan.
  • Youth Justice Schools for teens on Youth Justice orders including community service orders, police cautions, diversions or bail.
  • Schools program to be based on crime diversion, keeping at risk teen offenders off the streets, and out of crime.
  • 12+ hours of daily supervision 5 days a week, to keep kids out of trouble and on the straight and narrow.
  • Schools to deliver project-based curriculum with specialist teachers and extracurricular activities to engage students in addition to core subjects.
  • OHANA for Youth selected to deliver the two Youth Justice Schools.

In a Queensland first, the LNP has announced two Youth Justice schools in a $40 million to push to divert young offenders from crime and restore safety where you live.

The specialist schools will exclusively work with high-risk teen offenders on Youth Justice orders, including community service orders, police cautions, diversions or bail, minimising the risk of reoffending while serving their orders.

The schools will deliver highly specialised behavioural reform with individual dedicated case management, one-on-one mentoring, family support and parental coaching, to provide wraparound support that leads to long-term change. 

Ohana for Youth, which already runs the successful Arcadia College and Ohana College, will deliver the first two Youth Justice Schools, one in South-East Queensland and one in North Queensland. If successful, the LNP will open up the program to additional operators for more schools across the State. 

Experts suggest if youth can be prevented from further offending while on youth justice orders, there is a greater opportunity to divert them from becoming serious repeat offenders.

Each year there are 4,587 community-based orders handed down and, under Labor, the number of serious repeat offenders has increased from 442 to 736 kids since 2015, with most serious repeat offenders committing an average of 34 offences.

LNP Leader David Crisafulli said the LNP’s Youth Justice Schools would help divert young lives away from crime and stop them becoming serious repeat offenders, which was putting Queenslanders at risk.

“The LNP’s Youth Justice Schools will mean fewer serious repeat offenders and fewer victims of crime across our State, by diverting young people away from crime and getting them back on track,” Mr Crisafulli said.

“With personalised support both for the teens and their family, we can shepherd these kids to a better future, away from crime, while also making our community safer.

“These children need discipline, support, education, and structure, which is exactly what the LNP will provide through the Youth Justice Schools.”

Shadow Minister For Youth Justice Laura Gerber said the Youth Justice Schools were part of the LNP’s plan to end Labor’s Youth Crime Crisis.

“We must end Labor’s Youth Crime Crisis by diverting youth offenders early and stopping the slide into crime that’s putting our communities at risk,” Ms Gerber said.

“Currently, Queensland has no dedicated Youth Justice education facilities, where kids can get the support they need, before they become hardened by repeat criminal activity.

“Without these Youth Justice Schools, teens have less chance of getting the education needed to hold down future jobs and be productive members of the community.

“Under the LNP that will change, we have a plan to divert young offenders to stop Labor’s Youth Crime Crisis and restore safety where you live.

“Only the LNP has the Right Plan for Queensland’s Future, including Making our Community Safer.”

LNP announces small business concierge service to reduce red tape

16th September 2024
  • LNP announces Small Business First policy to boost productivity and reduce red tape for small and family businesses.
  • Two new dedicated customer service teams to streamline support and create a “one stop shop” for small business accessing government services.
  • Queensland Small Business Commissioner to have new focus on red tape reduction and dispute management.
  • Regional innovation and start-up hubs funded with new grants program.
  • Two new grants programs to support small and family construction businesses and professional care providers access business management software.

The LNP has today announced the next step in its Small Business First policy, including a new small business concierge service to streamline government support and deliver a “one stop shop” to access government services.

The policy is part of the LNP’s Right Plan for Queensland’s Future and will support the small and family business sector which employs more than one million Queenslanders.

The LNP’s Small Business First policy will reduce costly red tape which is smothering small business and making it more difficult for small and family operations to survive in Labor’s Cost of Living Crisis.

LNP Leader David Crisafulli said the LNP’s Small Business First policy was part of the Right Plan for Queensland’s Future.

“The LNP’s plan will streamline government support to reduce red tape and power-up small businesses,” Mr Crisafulli said.

“Small and family business is the engine room of our economy and the LNP will help fuel their success in Queensland.

“The LNP’s number one priority is identifying and removing unnecessary red tape that is tying-up small business and making it more difficult to operate in Queensland.

“Mum and dad operators’ biggest frustration is spending more time on paperwork instead of time getting customers in the door.

“By reducing the red tape burden we can free them to get back to business.

“The LNP’s Small Business Concierge Service will take the questions out of where to get answers from government, streamlining the process for everything from payroll to approvals and fast-tracking enquiries.

“Our plan also includes kick-starting more innovation hubs across the state to provide emerging start-ups with the support needed to take their businesses to the next level.”

The announcement follows the LNP’s On Time, Every Time Payment Guarantee for small businesses, with 5-business day terms and immediate payments for invoices under $10,000 as well as simplified contracts and smaller tenders, to support small business.

Shadow Minister for Small and Family Business Brent Mickelberg said Queensland small and family businesses were doing it tough under Labor.

“Businesses are shutting up shop at a rapid rate because costs keep skyrocketing under Labor,” Mr Mickelberg said.

“Small businesses employ nearly one in five Queenslanders and the LNP’s plan will ensure they have the right tools to thrive, after being ignored by Labor for nearly a decade.

“The LNP’s policy is about getting government out of the way of small business and allowing them to do what they do best.

“Only the LNP has the Right Plan for Queensland’s Future, including backing small business.”

Statement regarding the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide

11th September 2024

Statement by James Lister, Shadow Assistant Minister for Veterans

​As a former officer in the ADF I welcome the release of the Royal Commission’s final report on its inquiry into defence and veteran suicides.

​This report makes for sobering reading.

Those who serve our country as soldiers, sailors and aviators have the deep respect and gratitude of the community.

The community expects that all governments and their agencies will work together to learn from and implement the recommendations of this report.

Suicide is preventable and a reduction in the number of ADF and veteran suicides is possible, but only with a transformation in how governments, agencies and institutions interact.

State governments are responsible for many of the services and regulations applying to our serving ADF members and veterans.

The LNP stands ready for government and ready to get cracking on the recommendations of the report.

I am looking forward to discussing the report with the veterans community and the ex-service organisations and charities who support and represent them.

LNP commits to major inquiry into child protection system failures

11th September 2024

Ashley Paul Griffith case catalyst for major inquiry

  • ​LNP commits to investigate child protection system failures
  • Ashley Paul Griffith case catalyst for major independent inquiry
  • Queensland Commissioner to exercise extraordinary powers to investigate failings
  • Recommendations and reforms to strengthen problem plagued system
  • Report to be made public upon completion

The LNP has announced a Crisafulli Government would launch a full independent inquiry into the horrific system failures that allowed one of the most dangerous and heinous self-confessed paedophiles in Australian history to repeatedly offend in Queensland.

A Crisafulli LNP Government would direct the Queensland Family and Child Commissioner to investigate the child protection failings that should have kept Queensland children safe in this case.

Self-confessed paedophile Ashley Paul Griffith has pleaded guilty to more than 300 offences against children, the majority at childcare centres in Queensland, over an extended period of time.

The Commissioner would be directed to uncover system failings and deliver recommendations to Government.  

The LNP has committed to making the report public upon completion.

Shadow Attorney-General Tim Nicholls said victims, parents, the childcare industry and Queenslanders deserved to know a future LNP Government would do everything it could to keep Queensland children safe.   

“This shocking case raises serious questions about the efficacy of a system that should have kept Queensland children safe,” Mr Nicholls said.  

“A monster was able to carry out his heinous crimes within the current system and we must do everything in our power to fix the failures of that system.  

“This major inquiry will examine what went wrong, how it could have be prevented, and importantly it must rebuild faith in the child protection system.

“Queensland parents who drop their children off at day care, childcare or school want to know everything that can be done is being done to protect their children.  

“Importantly, the inquiry will deliver recommendations for the necessary reform we must deliver to keep Queensland children safe.”

In 2017, the Queensland Family and Child Commission’s damning report into the Blue Card system made 81 recommendations to bolster Queensland’s Blue Card system.

Shockingly, Labor still has not implemented many of the recommendations.

Concerningly, Labor has also failed to roll out a reportable conduct scheme as recommended by the 2017 Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

This critical safety measure was recommended to protect children.

As directed by the Attorney-General, the LNP’s initial investigation would be conducted using exceptional circumstance provisions in the Family and Child Commission Act 2014.  

“Labor must explain why building a robust child protection system has not been a priority for this Government," Mr Nicholls said.

“It is inexcusable that after seven years the Labor Party has still failed to deliver over a third of the critical recommendations to this system that is meant to protect Queensland children.

“Shannon Fentiman and Yvette D’Ath have very serious questions to answer as to why these recommendations have not been followed through and why the safety of Queensland children has not been a priority for the Labor Government.

“In stark contrast, the LNP has a plan to keep Queensland children safe and we will leave no stone unturned to do that.

“The LNP believes that Luke Twyford as the current Chair of the Child Death Review Board and principal Commissioner of the QFCC is the ideal person to carry out this critical investigation. 

“Mr Twyford’s expertise, skill and ability is widely acknowledged.

“The LNP has confirmed it is committed to providing any legislative change or mechanism, including a Royal Commission, if the investigation reveals a requirement for it.”

The investigation would commence following the sentencing of Griffith.

LNP announces Dr Kirsty Wright to oversee DNA Lab reform

10th September 2024
  • LNP to task respected forensic scientist who uncovered Queensland’s DNA Debacle with overseeing reform of DNA Lab
  • Terms of Reference includes three areas: reform progress assessment, historic case review and validation of new scientific methods used by DNA Lab.

The LNP has announced it will task Dr Kirsty Wright to head a new assessment into the delivery of reform of Queensland’s embattled DNA Forensics Laboratory, if elected next month.

Dr Kirsty Wright’s expertise ultimately led to two Commissions of Inquiry uncovering more than a decade of DNA testing failures which allowed rapists and murders to walk free.

The Queensland DNA Lab Debacle is one of the greatest administrative failures of a justice system in the world, with 40,000 cases over a 15-year span brought into disrepute.

Since the first Inquiry, less than 2% of cases have been retested, and more than 55% of retested samples have yielded DNA.  At this rate it will be more than century for victims to receive justice.   

LNP Leader David Crisafulli said today’s announcement was another pillar of the Making Our Community Safer Plan and was critical to restoring an effective forensics justice system to protect Queenslanders.  

“The LNP promised to put victims of crime at the heart of justice which is why we will bring in the ‘best of the best’ to oversee the reform of the DNA Forensics Lab with Dr Kirsty Wright,” Mr Crisafulli said.

“After more than two years and less than 2% of cases retested, it’s clear Labor can’t be trusted to deliver the justice and reform that’s needed.

“The LNP has charted a clear course to deliver justice for thousands of crime victims who have been let down in Labor’s DNA Debacle.

“Our plan will guide the reform of the Lab and oversee a review of historic cases, to deliver justice faster.

“Dr Wright’s expertise and determination exposed the failings of the DNA Lab, now they can help deliver the reform desperately needed.

“Labor’s failure to include Dr Wright in the reform process has locked-out the best expert, while rapists and murders walk free.

“Justice must be served and the LNP has a plan to restore safety to our community.”

​Dr Wright's findings and recommendations would be reported to Government and the Forensic Science Queensland Advisory Council. 

Shadow Attorney-General Tim Nicholls said the LNP’s announcement would guide reform of the Lab and a review of historic cases, to deliver justice for victims faster.

“Time’s up for Labor, Queensland needs a fresh start and the LNP has the Right Plan to deliver the reform needed for the DNA Lab,” Mr Nicholls said.

“Labor can’t be trusted on the DNA Lab, it’s been six-months since the second Inquiry and victims are still waiting to be contacted about their cases, while retesting is barely progressing.

“Without the proper oversight, we risk justice never being served for some of the most serious cases in Queensland’s history.

“Shockingly, whistleblowers are now telling the LNP the Lab is not independently verifying equipment, and has instead been self-certifying, in spite of the Inquiry’s findings.

“Given the alarming revelations which shook our justice system to its core, the best experts must oversee the reform and ensure it is done right.

“We cannot allow victims to receive any further setbacks and we must ensure the rapists and murders who are walking free are identified through accurate DNA testing.

“Only the LNP has the Right Plan for Queensland’s Future.”

LNP announces Public Child Sex Offender Register

9th September 2024


  • New child sex offender laws to be known as “Daniel’s Law”.
  • The LNP will establish a new three-tiered Register, to protect Queensland children from sex offenders.
  • Announcement follows the LNP’s $373 million Safer Children, Safer Communities policy.

The LNP has today announced a Public Child Sex Offender Register will be introduced under a Crisafulli LNP Government, to ensure the safety of our State’s children.

The laws have been driven by child safety advocates Bruce and Denise Morcombe and will be known as “Daniel’s Law” with a three-tiered system:

  • ​Tier One includes a publicly available website with photographs and personal details of reportable offenders, who have failed to comply with their reporting obligations or provided false or misleading information to police.
  • Tier Two includes an application-based system to identify high-risk offenders living in a local area.  Queenslanders will be able to apply for a photograph of an offender, so they know what they look like and can be more vigilant of risks.
  • Tier Three includes a Community Protection Disclosure Scheme. Parents or guardians will be able inquire about a specific person who has regular unsupervised contact with their child, so they know if their child is being exposed to dangerous offenders.

Importantly, new offences will be created to prevent the misuse of any information from the register.

Any actions against someone on the register should only ever be handled by police, for the safety of everyone.

The Register follows the LNP’s major $383 million Safer Children, Safer Communities policy which will reform the broken Child Safety system and protect our State’s most vulnerable children.

Labor has failed to keep kids safe in Queensland – that’s why an LNP Government will take real action against perpetrators.

LNP Leader David Crisafulli said Daniel’s Law would protect children and put the rights of children, victims and parents ahead of the rights of dangerous predators.

“My LNP team and I are focused on reducing the number of crime victims in Queensland and if this register protects just one child from becoming a victim, it is a decision we must make,” Mr Crisafulli said. 

“The LNP’s Public Child Sex Offender Register will protect our state’s children and create a stronger system to restore safety where you live.

“Government must create the legal and administrative framework in which reform can occur and the safety of children can be promoted.

“Our objective is to keep our community safe – particularly for our children who often don’t have the ability to protect themselves.

“It’s part of our plan to put the rights of victims ahead of the rights of perpetrators and restore safety where you live.

“I’d also like to acknowledge the advocacy of the Morcombe family who through unimaginable tragedy have fought to keep children safe. 

“These law changes will be attributed to an innocent young boy from the Sunshine Coast and forever known as Daniel’s Law.”

The three-tiered system has been supported and implemented in other Australian States.

Shadow Minister for Child Protection, Amanda Camm said Labor’s actions proved Child Safety reform was not a priority after failing to act to keep kids safe for the past decade. 

“We need to do all we can to keep our children safe and Daniel’s Law is a great step towards a safer community,” Ms Camm said.

“Only the LNP has the Right Plan for Queensland’s Future, which includes providing parents the critical resources needed to keep their children safe.”

Shadow Minister for Police and Community Safety Dan Purdie said the Register was a necessary step towards better community safety, which Labor has neglected for a decade. 

“Every parent has the right to know if their children are at risk from a high-risk child sex offender,” Mr Purdie said.

“Queensland is the crime capital of the country because of Labor’s watered-down laws.

“The LNP has a plan to restore safety where you live, which includes protecting our most vulnerable Queenslanders and preventing crime.

“We know there are thousands of registered sex offenders across Queensland and only a small number of police are assigned to monitor them because our police are under-resourced.

“We will give police the laws and resources they need to do their job, including the Making Queensland Safer Laws.”

Labor neglects Queensland teachers’ cries for help

9th September 2024

New data analysis spells F-A-I-L for Labor

The Palaszczuk-Miles Government has failed teachers across our State.

Shocking new data analysis by the LNP Opposition has revealed WorkCover claims submitted by Queensland teachers have exploded under Labor. 

Shockingly, teacher WorkCover claims have soared by an eye-watering 135% under the Palaszczuk-Miles Labor Government. 

Queensland teachers have never been less safe in our schools with the cost of these claims skyrocketing by $46.88 million over the past decade. 

The latest data shows as of March this year, the total cost of WorkCover Claims reached almost $72 million with the state on track to record one of our worst years on record.

These alarming figures expose the growing Education Crisis that is harming hardworking Queenslanders.

Shadow Education Minister Dr Christian Rowan said if teachers can’t even feel safe at work, is it any wonder they’re frustrated and leaving in droves?

“Our State’s education system is in chaos and crisis under Labor,” Dr Rowan said.

“All teachers, students, parents and school staff should feel safe in schools, and feel safe in their workplace.

“There must be a zero-tolerance approach to violence in our schools.

“Labor has simply stopped listening to frontline teachers and staff who are being subjected to significant physical and psychological safety concerns, including from increasing rates of online abuse.

“Students, parents, teachers and school staff deserve so much better.

“We will continue to raise the alarm on Queensland’s education crisis until change occurs, but the only way for that to happen is if Queenslanders show Labor the door in 2024.

“Only the LNP has the Right Plan for Queensland’s future, including boosting student-to-teacher ratios in schools and cracking-down on inexcusable violence.”

LNP commits to Mossman Mill future

4th September 2024

The LNP has today announced a major plan and critical funding package to ensure the ongoing future of the Mossman Mill that underpins this proud sugar community.   

A Crisafulli LNP Government would make a historic $12.5 million investment to deliver immediate support for next year’s crop while planning for the long-term success of Mossman’s sugar industry.

Labor has made it clear they plan to abandon Mossman’s cane industry in the hope of finding another untested option.

The LNP’s plan includes a commitment to work with growers, the industry and the community to ensure a long-term future for the Mill and town.

The LNP’s plan will protect local jobs. 

Under the plan, a Crisafulli LNP Government would redirect money allocated by Labor for the shutdown of the cane industry to assist the viability of the Mill to improve productivity, transport efficiency or retrofit the Mill for future uses. 

A guarantee will also be put in place to ensure next year’s crop can be transported to and harvested at Gordonvale, and failing a new investor coming forth this year, will provide certainty for growers to plan and invest in next year’s crop.

A $500,000 funding package will also be allocated to Canegrowers Queensland to lead new industry development, expansion and increase grower profitability and productivity, bolstering the long-term viability of the local industry. 

LNP Leader David Crisafulli said he would not allow over 100 years of cane growing history in Mossman to be erased by Labor without a fight.

“My team will not give up on the Mossman Mill that underpins this proud community,” Mr Crisafulli said.

“Our team’s historic investment will give growers the certainty they need to fertilise and to plan next year’s harvest. 

“It also gives potential buyers of the Mossman Mill confidence that they will have product to crush come the 2026 season and beyond.

 “Labor may want to give up on an industry that has employed thousands of locals over many generations that still has so much to give the local economy in the coming decades, but I won’t.

“It is paramount this proud sugar town can continue its farming tradition into the future.

“The LNP’s commitment today is a flag in the ground demonstrating we care about Mossman and we want to secure its future as a cane growing hub for North Queensland.

 “We will also partner with Canegrowers Queensland to develop an industry led FNQ Cane Expansion Plan.

“This plan will integrate industry knowledge around farming systems and grower engagement to re-build productivity in Far North Queensland and safeguard the industry for years to come. 

 “This plan will drive research and development, on farm best practice adoption and grower leadership, to improve crop performance and develop a regional strategy for productivity growth in Far North Queensland.”

The LNP’s $12.5 million commitment includes the remainder of the almost $6 million of funding Labor wants to use for its ‘transition plan’ to wind down the Mill and find a yet to be proven new industry for the town. 

Mr Crisafulli said the choice for the Mossman community at the upcoming election was stark.

“The choice in the upcoming election is clear.  It’s a choice between a Labor Party which thinks the Mossman cane industry is dead, or an LNP which thinks the industry’s best days are ahead of it.”

LNP Candidate for Cook David Kempton said the LNP’s commitment provided a lifeline to the Mossman Community at a time growers were uncertain about what their futures would hold.

“I have heard from so many local growers worried that under Labor their kids will not have the same opportunities they had working on the family cane farm,” Mr Kempton said.

“The LNP’s commitment today is a clear vote of confidence in the Mossman Community, we believe in sugar communities like Mossman, and we want to see its economy sustained for years to come.”

LNP announces major Safer Children, Safer Communities policy

2nd September 2024
  • New 24hr dual carer supervision model for Residential Care.
  • Reform Residential Care system to break the cycle of youth crime with a focus on discipline and education.
  • 20% boost to Child Safety officer numbers to aid early intervention.
  • New $50 million SecureCare facility for young people with mental health needs who are a danger to themselves or others.
  • New $27 million professional foster care pilot program for kids with complex needs.
  • $1500 boost to yearly allowance for each child in out-of-home care, for education and extracurricular activities.
  • New independent complaints escalation process for complex cases to support families and carers.

The LNP has today announced a major $383 million Safer Children, Safer Communities policy, with a plan to reform the broken Residential Care system and protect our State’s most vulnerable children.

Labor has failed to keep our most vulnerable kids safe and without guidance, discipline and support, an increasing number of children have fallen into Queensland’s Youth Crime Crisis.

Currently, 11,810 children are living away from home under the care of Child Safety with 1,955 children in Residential Care, including 358 under 10 years of age.

​As part of Child Safety Week, the LNP has announced the significant Safer Children, Safer Communities plan to repair the broken system and stop Residential Care being a halfway house for kids cycling through detention.

By restoring and significantly strengthening support and parental care, the plan ensures children who first come into contact with the Child Safety system receive the critical support and intervention they need to turn their lives around, before they head down a path of youth crime.

The LNP’s Safer Children, Safer Communities plan will boost child safety officers by 20% to end skyrocketing caseloads and ensure safety tip-offs about kids at risk are investigated on-time to keep them safe.

Currently under Labor, many Residential Care facilities only have one worker at any time, with little oversight and inability to provide focused care for children. 

A Crisafulli LNP Government would deliver a new dual carer model with two carers working at Residential Care facilities 24hrs a day, providing safety, restoring behavioural consequences for children and ensuring they are attending school.

To put an end to Residential Care being a funnel into a life of crime, all Residential Care facilities would be working with the new dual carer model by end of 2030.

The LNP will deliver a Queensland-first SecureCare facility by 2028 to provide safe care to children who are a danger to themselves and others, and a new $27 million professional foster care pilot for children whose complex needs can’t be met in Residential Care.

An additional $1500 will be provided for every child in out-of-home care for sports, music, tutoring or other educational and extracurricular activities to keep them connected with communities and build the skills for life.

A new independent complaints review process will be established to escalate serious concerns about complex cases and restore critical support for families and carers.

LNP Leader David Crisafulli said for too long out-of-home care had failed to provide vulnerable Queensland children with the parental care and support they needed, which was driving up youth crime.

“The LNP’s Safer Children, Safer Communities plan will protect our state’s most vulnerable children and repair the broken system that’s putting communities at risk,” Mr Crisafulli said.

“The LNP will reform Child Safety with an emphasis on personal responsibility, attending school and extracurricular activities, access to employment and training opportunities for older children, and a focus on transitioning to foster care so residential care isn’t an end destination.

“With 58% of children under youth justice supervision having contact with Child Safety in the previous five years, it’s clear the broken system is acting as a youth crime pipeline.

“Child Safety staff are increasingly stretched beyond capacity, unable to deliver the focus and attention needed to keep children in their care safe.

“What’s worse, supervision and discipline haven’t been a priority, many kids aren’t attending school regularly and there’s no consequences for this behaviour.

“The LNP will restore safety by returning discipline, consequences and supervision to the heart of government care and end the pipeline into crime to give every child the chance for a bright future.”

Shadow Minister for Child Protection, Amanda Camm said Labor had shown Child Safety reform was not a priority for the decade old Government after failing to act on the Residential Care Review they only commissioned after intense pressure from the LNP.

“The LNP is committed to providing the tools for a brighter future for all young people, no matter their background,” Ms Camm said.

“Shockingly, Labor admitted during Budget Estimates they don’t know when kids in their care go missing or how regularly they’re attending school.

“Child Safety should be an opportunity to provide kids the care and opportunities they need, engaging them with the education and skills to live productive lives in our communities, which is what the LNP will do.

“Only the LNP has the Right Plan for Queensland’s Future, which includes fixing the broken Child Safety system to prevent vulnerable kids heading down a path of crime.”

PeakCare’s Chief Executive Tom Allsop said the LNP’s commitment to reform the child protection system directly showed the LNP had listened and was acting on what frontline workers, children, and families say is needed to create a better system.

“PeakCare has long called for these commitments and the opportunities they will bring for reforming Queensland’s child protection system, today’s announcement is an important step,” Mr Allsop said.

“Time and time again frontline workers across Queensland have said having effective SecureCare services with appropriate safeguards will save lives.

“Investing in the frontline workers who turn up every day for children and families in need is how we are going to make a real difference now and in the future.

“It is how we are going to help keep more children safe and put more Queensland families back on a pathway to prosperity.

“At a time in Queensland when there are almost 2,000 children in residential care, of which a third are under 12 years, and alarming reductions in the capacity of foster carers right across the state, PeakCare calls on all parties to match these historic commitments and publicly announce what they intend to do to reform Queensland’s current child protection system.”